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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. This guy is the man, 100% agreeable. lets try to keep this topic clean.
  2. your stupid!!! They are looking to sell parks within the year so yeah you dumb one it is true AND go to coasterbuzz.com and find it out foryour self you Piece of Shizzle! And I am saying this to you, why do you think (And I'm not saying it is not a possablility) Cedar Fair would buy the park.
  3. I've seen the news, but still with the high success tat PKI is doing it would be the last to be sold.
  4. Untill I see some proof, I am still doubtful you saw something.
  5. Why do you need two topics about it. and if you look on the main page there are like 4 topics relating to it. Can we stop with all these rumors about this happening!
  6. for goodness sake, your talking like it was a headline. PKI is not up for sale and thats final!
  7. Nothing yet has happened to the campground aria. Most likely we will see some changes during this season.
  8. Yes they let you go to the top, unlike the pki one, this one holds ALOT more people at the top. also, the elevator to get to the top begins in the legs of the tower, where the pki one starts right below it.
  9. I never knew they had a webcam up when that was being constructed.
  10. I don't think it will happen but if they did sometime before or dering fearfest is when they would announce it.
  11. At the moment things are not for sure, if things keep up at the pace they are now it should not be a problem.
  12. How many here have been in the real one? anyone, anyone, guess I'm the only one.
  13. This just proves that PKI during the off-season makes major changes.
  14. Nice pics, and brad, I've see that flash. That has to be the biggest dork ever! I like the eyebrow action though.
  15. Very good job, keep it up. Just think of what it will look like with the expansion.
  16. I have to agree with PKD4life, it does look smaller.
  17. One more thing, This belongs in the community forums.
  18. I already notified ryan.
  19. Thats it, Can anyone just ban him now?
  20. Agreed, he's just spaming the boards!
  21. THATS THE FIRST TUNNEL, MY GOD. The fricken coaster has tunnels!
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