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Captain Nemo

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Everything posted by Captain Nemo

  1. While I was there many of the rides broke down.
  2. Done and done. (calls dog to mark his words )
  3. Never. I love Son of Beast!
  4. /\That post was confusing and at the same time desturbing/\
  5. Why are you acting so competitive? I mean look at you Sig... I don't mean to be rude but that is what you come off as.
  6. The vid just makes me want to be on it more! Did you guys hear the sirens?
  7. I have. Why did you double post this topic?
  8. Coming 2006 to PKI, A B&M 4 across seat coaster to increase the riders per hour.
  9. Make sure you vote for PKI in this years Coasters' Choice Awards. Vote here.
  10. I MISS PHANTOM THEATER *crawls into a corner and gets in the fetal position and rocks back and forth*
  11. Kong fu guy, just let it go. We have gotten way off topic and if this topic is to stay open to post both you and CombatStupendous89 need to bury the hatchet!
  12. Everyone Listen to me! I had a dream that SOB was going to be put UNDERGROUND in a tunnel, maybe thats going to be our 2006 coaster? On topic now- PKI has a style I beleve on what kind of coasters they get. To me a B&M really does not fit in to PKI. I don't see PKI getting a coaster like for example *Nitro* at SFGA.
  13. Amen to that *wait a minute, why did I say amen (inside joke)*
  14. I was just pressing post to create this same topic when I looked at the main page before i posted, you did. lol.
  15. Ahh, it's like being in line waiting to get on.
  16. The antechamber music used to be avelible here but the link does not seem to work anymore, sorry. Antechamber music
  17. Did you notice the aria of the ride where it simulates you going down the stares into the subway is right below that first drop!
  18. I agree, everyone is saying the same about the eagle's new home. How can it be a bad ride just because it has a new name and paint job? ok, look, eagles arent just getting a new paint scheme, they got a new motor, which is slower, so there wont be a way to snap them. sorry as far as the rain is concerned, they should run it in the rain, as long as its not like super stormy. I really didn't snap that much (actually never), it was the experience I loved.
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