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Everything posted by Hank

  1. Patience is needed for all of these rides. Time will show them to be better than ever and, in FD's case, more visible once the area back there starts to get developed a bit. Patience, patience, patience!
  2. Maybe we should make it like the park....Must be 54" tall to post - no recent surgery, no pregnant women, no heart conditions, guests of extreme size.....etc.
  3. Hank

    KI 7/6/12

    WOW! You make me jealous! That was an amazing day.
  4. If you've ever watched a video of another RCCA coaster, you'll see that it jackhammers too. I know that KI built the thing, but it started out with RCCA - and their other coasters are similar looking.
  5. This is a crock of poop! Maybe a decent company will hire him - with better wages too!
  6. I went to church on Sunday. There were lots of suits there. I said SOB and they kicked me out! I guess even they don't want to hear it
  7. They already did - and almost every thread ends up being about SOB (in case you haven't noticed)
  8. And? What if I didnt know I have an exsisting condition? What if I have normal everything but just 1 weak wall in the artery in my brain. BEtween the jack hammering and constant throwing back and forth, if I hit my head wrong I could pop the artery.... Plus where does it say "Every rider should ride defensively to be safe on this ride. Please do not look to your left or right. Hold tightly to the bar and lean? Well, you could pop a weak blood vessel riding up the Eiffel Tower. And yes, every rider should be aware of posted fun and safety signs. And, quite possibly, riders should ride defensively - but look at those who don't keep their hands inside the car, or those who smoke on the ride, or those who take video or snapshots while riding. If I were injured on any ride because the person in front of me let go of their camera and it smacked me in the face, I guess I could bring a lawsuit against the park - it would be their fault that a ride op did not see the person using the camera. BUT - in the case of SOB, the ride broke, causing injury - and with people knowing this they could very well exploit the park for faked injuries. I'm not saying that's what happened or that's what could happen, but...... Every ride can shake you up a bit - with my bad back, the Paddle Wheel Boats at CP had seats that allowed the vibration of the motor to rumble and after the 10 minute ride, I couldn't stand up nor walk for almost an hour. Did I sue? Hell no. But the emergency crews needed to be called out to help me. So, I buy Chevys and you buy Fords because you think the Ford rides better - and I'm stuck with your decision. I am dissatisfied with the Ford's ride experience so you won't find a new Taurus sitting in my driveway, even if it's SBNO. The general manager says no to the ride, so that's it. Become the general manager, ride the ride, make your own decision and we'll have to live with that too.
  9. I said it a while back.....Have the SOB train come out of the station, get to the lift hill but only have it go up a lift hill high enough to return to the station. You'd have a new kiddie coaster - SOB the third! (and don't forget to smile for the picture)
  10. That's the nicest thing anybody's said about me in a while!
  11. When the ride shut down the park quit paying the guy that was inside the box (who jumped around to make it shake and growled a lot) so he took his box and went home. No, not really, but it would make a good new rumor!
  12. Hitting the final brake run on Diamondback. Yeeha!
  13. You have such a nice way of saying that all threads lead to SOB. Such wonderful, intricate verbiage!
  14. Happy happy joy joy! - to all!
  15. I'm thinking maybe a design where you're standing, but your feet aren't touching the ground. The restraint holds you up & in. It would save on the knees and give chiropractors some extra work (or they may use it as a new king of table!)
  16. Jesus would have to perform another miracle for this to happen on July 4, 2012.
  17. I've been on King Cobra & Mantis. I've got a big butt. Yes, the coasters were a bit painful, but I enjoyed the ride experience. Now, you don't know if the coaster train designers can't come up with a new standing restraint - or maybe they have already. This would provide another different ride experience and give the coaster designers a new avenue to pursue. Hank, just givin' food for thought.
  18. Red Gold Ketchup to the rescue!
  19. Let's throw this into the mix (as I sit and contemplate the fuzz in my bellybutton).... How about moving that dipper thing, near Cleveland, to KI? It would be a nice, even addition for everybody.
  20. Wonder if they had a "hamburg" at the park - I understand they're pretty good this year! I would also imagine the visitors were let down by Octoberfest. If only they would have seen it years ago!
  21. I make no apologies for having a very strong opinion on these matters: any bad behavior, any bad language, any violations (smoking in the wrong places, not adhering to the dress code, line jumping) - all are causes for dismissal from the park. I pay a lot of money for what is to supposed to be a fun day and I don't need any of that stuff happening to ruin it. Make rules and stick to them. Follow directions and you'll never go wrong.
  22. Some people (like me) can't take the spinning. No one has said anything about the swings being like Ocean Motion or Viking Fury!
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