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Gordon Bombay

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Everything posted by Gordon Bombay

  1. ^He wasnt saying his life was any better than anyones or that he was better able to afford food prices than you so settle down.
  2. I tried to plan it so that I could leave early enough, ride then hit the highway and make it back over here in time to be at school but stayed up til 2 doing a project and didnt even bother setting my alarm, went to school at noon.
  3. Im glad not everyone on here is an idiot, nice post erosarrow! Im a fan of PKI and love going there, the park is one of the best in the country, theres little things they could do but it hasnt been terribly neglected. There are worse parks in the country, the problem is most of these people on here havent been to many other parks. People like to complain about every little thing on here, the type of people who come on here are not the general public theyre usually diehards who go more often than the gp and notice things bettter. The gp doesnt care about most of the little hindrances that some of the losers on here might notice. For the most part, PKI is a well maintained fun family park with something for everyone that has installed a new state of the art attraction almost every year. It has some negative things but everything in the world has a negative side to it, I can find just as many things wrong with Holiday World and Cedar Point. PKI gets better every year with always new and fun experiences coming about.
  4. ^That could be true that it is the aquatrax, many people have mentioned that but there are pictures of them picking up intamin track behind breakers that is the 3 point track like on MF where it seems the aquatrax uses 4 point like TTD or jut the flat track. Klockster, you son of a bi er beast, why dont you read? Probably those darn fannypacks.
  5. Like when you hit your older sister in the nose with a football... I agree with you wooferbear, although cheesy by our standards the Brady Bunch was a good show and I still love to watch it.
  6. ^You have every right to state your opinion, with the exception of a few SF has a bad reputation for crummy parks. SFOG has always looked amazing and SFGA in NJ is fantastic but have you been to SFKK lately or did you go to AStroworld ever when it was under Six Flags? Eww, they were BAD.
  7. ^ ^ Where did the idea of P&G buying the park come up anyway?
  8. if you dont like it then dont post here and try writing posts that make sense instead of getting "crunk" all the time.
  9. ^hahahah hes the onyl accountant and they let him in on all the big corparate secrets but dont criticize her failure to explain what type of accounting or accounting job he really has, shes from the internet and she'll get you, so keep your little comments to your self! Jzarley is right, it is a joy reading the things people say sometimes, everyone seems to have a RELIABLE source on whats going on.
  10. ^Thanks for the info Elmer, its very appreciated, it will be interesting to see what happens.
  11. That ride is Dodonapa, the same type of coaster thats at PKD but it is located ayt Fuji-Q-Highland, the same park building the 4th dimension coaster. I knew it as soon as I saw the clip with the ferris wheel behind it. LINK!
  12. ^I know how you feel, theres too many people on here who complain about things at the park when they dont know the full story as to why something wasnt working or why things didnt go there way. Generally, PKI is a good park and I agree with you it wouldnt kill people to be mroe possitive on here.
  13. ^Kind of like an Adult Swim for PKIcentral? All young kids out of the pool. The only problem with this is that theres no way to enforce it to tell whos lying or not, I dont have my real age listed and anyone who isnt personally known on here could just change their age to gain acess plus who says you cant reminice, the few people who actually share possitive memories open up questions for the younger kids to ask. If the younger kids coulndt read your ramblings about the past park theyd learn a lot less about it. I like hearing people like WooferBear's stories about the way the park used to be and I dont think a forum like this could be enforced nor work well.
  14. That was fun last night chef, i agree about TRTR, I as well was dissapointed about how the pre-show works, sorry I couldnt join you guys for dinner afterwards, I got thrown back on the highway and couldnt get a good place to turn around.
  15. Wow it seems everyone has a credible source, either some people jsut cant keep their mouth shut or a lot of you are just blowing out hot air, either way everyone has presented good points and some interesting evidence to suggest Cedar Fair could be looking to aquire some of the paramount parks, just a reminder to everyone that anythning you read on here or any other fan site is not gospel truth, and needs to be taken with a large grain of salt. Tonight Boddah, Zoso, italianchef, and I were discussing a theory that if Cedar Fair were to aquire PKI or possibly some other parks that maybe they would want to ditch the paramount themes yet keep the nickelodeon themes and use those throughout their other parks, I could see this being quite expensive though but would be an interesting strategy for Cedar Fair to play.
  16. its also showing right now on my computer.
  17. Thats cool, I may get to make the trip up there to try it, who built it?
  18. ^Id like to know where you got the number 250,000 and if your a supervisor representing the park on here Id watch what you say in some of your other posts. Like Sob Tom said, it was just a mistake, mistakes happen, I'm sure you've made a few and forced others to deal with the problems you've caused. It happens to everyone. What did the guy do to get security called on him for?
  19. wow, just wow did you actually make that yourself?
  20. ^Theyre the same trains, click on the image and then click on it again to view it in full size and look closely, then look ato ne of PKIC's pics of the trains, theyre the same trains.
  21. Cyclones are back this year too, so atleast theres some hokcy around here although its not at the gardens....
  22. Anyone know what this thing at the bottom of the picture is?
  23. Something I just noticed: If you look at King Maple's second anbd first picture (or any picture of the SOB trains for that matter) you notice that the first car has a slightly different paint scheme with yellow on the front, instead of it being all red as opposed to the other cars. Sob's last car also had this paint scheme except the yellow was on the back end of the car. Now, if you look at King Maple's second picture youll notice that the last car (presumable car number 5) has that yellow tail paint scheme, meaing that it is actrualyl car #6. Obviously the cars have been moved around to keep the paint scheme together, both train cars number 5 would have had to be taken off then had car 6 attached, does this mean that the change (for now atleast) is really taken effect? Just something interesting I noticed.
  24. Don Helbig is a fantastic man, he is always friendly when you meet him and jsut an all around good guy. I've met and spoke with him at hockey games and at KI.
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