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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I’m still holding out hope that it’s something like a Big Bear Mountain. My fear is that it’s another B+ “cheap but cheerful” experience like we’ve seen every year since 2019ish (yes, that includes Orion).
  2. If you were hoping for something physically big for 2026…. well, I’ve got news for you. https://investors.sixflags.com/news/press-releases/press-release-details/2024/Six-Flags-to-Invest-More-Than-1-Billion-Over-the-Next-Two-Years-to-Enhance-Guest-Experience/default.aspx
  3. Demolition paperwork filed for several rides, including Green Lantern: …and finally, the park is no longer blatantly denying the Kingda Ka rumors:
  4. I understand that they use the IR for corporate events, and it’s a bit disappointing that the dates are limited so much, but as long as they stick to those dates then it’s fine. One year they had a dozen or so dates listed and my group all arranged to do it one evening, only to show and find out that the date had been removed. I’m guessing NYE details will be released later.
  5. You haven't lived until you have eaten a buffet in the IR during Winterfest.
  6. Me too; however, I think the minimum is somewhere in the 40s, which wouldn't work. Perhaps the time it was true, but it matters where it matters. With Six Flags having certain expectations, if they lose even 1% or 2% to people from Louisville who decide to just go to KK instead then that may wreck their entire season. As with Holiday World, it really only matters to certain markets. It won't be a meaningful amount of people who will go from Cincinnati to Louisville or Cincinnati to Santa Claus; however, people in Louisville, Evansville, Indy, etc may. These are slightly outside markets but are still a must-win. Much like how Universal measures success with if they can chip away one extra day from your week at Disney, if these parks can stick the landing for a small percentage these geographies, they can win big. These numbers add up and that's how Kings Island is affected.
  7. “It couldn’t possibly run during those temperatures!” ”It wouldn’t be ready for spring if they opened it for Winterfest.” Then KY Kingdom announced their event. KI ran out of excuses. As with all things, it comes down to how little they can spend without people ceasing to show up. Clearly they feel that risk. If you think KY kingdom doesn’t matter to Kings Island, it certainly does. Their success will force Kings Island to do slightly more than the bare minimum.
  8. I missed the anniversary, but the merger was announced just over a year ago today. How we feelin'?
  9. What it boils down to is that the company is clearly eager to move forward with this restructure. The director level will not be Chad, at least in the Midwest Region. Both he and/or Elizabeth may be one of the positions below that, but as Don said, they won't be exclusively for Kings Island. This may mean that they get placed in roles that are within the region or they may get "future endeavored." If I were to guess, I'd say that we'll have a pretty good look at what this where people will be by the start of Winterfest.
  10. THIS is why I love the internet! This made my day! In regards to whether or not the house had that tear down agreement, I always thought that sounded a bit absurd. I always assumed they since they actually used the house, and had it disguised, no one wanted to foot the bill for tearing it down and the “agreement” was just urban legend. The same day we recorded this episode, we spoke with a former park executive from that time period to verify the story. He said he “remembers something like that.” So that gives some indication that there may be some truth to it.
  11. Coasterstock will be back in 2025, per the park’s announcement. . .. Unless they decide not to, of course.
  12. Grace will be a regional PR, and have “helpers” who just facilitate on the park levels, but they will not have direct ownership of the parks’ efforts. They will also have a region Social Media person and have local “helpers” that will work on general projects across the region. If I were a betting man, I’d say that there will be a spot for both Chad and Elizabeth, but Chad at least, may be taking a bit of a haircut when it comes to the take home pay. Just speculation.
  13. I know you’re being facetious, but to give them kudos, the fountain seems to be drained later every year. Had they not added the weekend, they would have done all of Haunt with it, which is impressive based on previous years.
  14. Name leaked. Reddit is Soooo not invited to media day. https://www.reddit.com/r/rollercoasters/s/vUJIGa3h7A
  15. Coney Freestyle is where I’ve always seen them. I’m not big on sugary drinks, so I haven’t tried it. I’m a big fan of the coffee. I’ve had success at French Corner and Graeters. I was on the fence because I bought it more out of curiosity than anything, but now that it’s coffee season I think I’m happy enough buy it again next year. I think the Hot Chocolate thing will “fix itself” during Winterfest because of the prominence of that option during that event. I do agree, the poor communication, which has been indicative of the park the past several years, is frustrating. I remember when the park opened and they were telling people that it only worked at the place by the Dodgem and Planet Snoopy, and that the “Mix Up” places didn’t count. A day later, it was, “LOL jk you can use it there. We just didn’t have the cups yet.” I understand that the “first day stuff” is going to happen, but being so grossly unprepared gets harder and harder to excuse every year. …but as… wise man… man once said (repeatedly, about you - the most loyal park guests) “Your complains are as adorable as they are predictable.”
  16. Glad to see that journalistic integrity is also promoted on the west coast.
  17. I’m pretty sure the original RFP said that they are being sponsored by Coke so… yeah…
  18. My understanding is that there was some sort of software procedure glitch that caused the Valraven issue. Something like, the PLC thought it had one more train or one less train than it actually had.
  19. They are themed to the areas loosely with a shroud. It appears that the screens are exposed directly to the client. That will be problematic, especially since people will likely think they’re touch screen and poke them.
  20. It was a memory from 2018 with the announcement of the removal of Firehawk.
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