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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'd imagine he walked around the park with a camera and took pictures, another employee benefit. The pics were sent to us by Steve Boehmker, who works PR for the park. You may remember him as the creator of the scavanger hunts for The Beastbuzz and Fall Freakout events. He kindly took the time out of his day to walk through the blistering cold to get these pics for all of you to enjoy.
  2. I'm actually willing to say that it's weather related.
  3. Yep, I love FoF's line, same with Tomb Raider. No, it was a recurring smell on hot days. I'm about 95% sure it was coming from the sewer near Deli's entrance.
  4. The bathrooms and the pathways aren't bad, it's just the trash cans in the queue lines that get a little full a little too often. Overall, they do a pretty good job.
  5. They can stop you from the ground, but they can't stop you from the sky!
  6. Heck, I work at Best Buy and people mess up my displays all the time. Why not let anyone touch anything? Sorry, but with every job, there's some down side to it that seems as preventable as possible, but when it all comes down to it, it's not about the employee who doesn't feel like sweeping, it's about what the customer wants. Now, do some people break the rules? Yes. But if you ask someone to put out a cigarette 5 times and they don't, why not throw them out? Don't get me wrong, I think that PKI houses some of the greatest employees in the world, but I ask the rest of you [non-employees] this: if they did do a blanket ban on smoking, I can pretty much guess that people would find ways to smoke or drink there anyway. Can most of you predict that we'd have a loose-loose situation with the employees saying that since most people break the rules anyway, they're tired of telling people not to smoke and drink anyway so they should allow it again? I mean seriously, I think PKI has world class employees, and have always felt like I have had world class service there, but all of that can change really quickly if you think that guests should conform to the employees instead of the employees serving the guests.
  7. I just noticed that I'm having the same problem on this computer at school. I'm not the greatest programmer in the world, but it looks like a simple fix. I'll let Dane know.
  8. I wouldn't swear to this, but I've heard that they were actually bought by Vekoma.
  9. If anyone wants to meet up, I'm going to be waiting at the entrance to the Shooting Star.
  10. I'm not an expert, but from what I understand, any fish that lives around here can survive in the pocket of water that is under the late. It's very unlikely that the entire pond would be frozen from the top to the ground. Actually, it could be anywhere in the rehab process by now! They should add one of those pointy things that they had on the front of trains that were intended to deflect cows. It would probably work for snow too.
  11. I can close stuff too, you know!
  12. The lovely and talented Steve Boehmker, of course! Thanks Steve!
  13. I prefer Rivertown. The area is usually a lot less crowded.
  14. I like the ideas of both a review section and a rating system. Unfortunately, if we had a review section, it would turn out to be a lot like the photo gallery in which people seem to like to make a lot of inside comments and stuff. If we did have a review section, it would have to be previewed by the staff.
  15. Ha.... they've got a 400+ ft tall coaster and it's almost done, while we're getting one that's probably not even 100ft and we're still walking around knee-deep in mud. Gotta love the Cincinnati weather.
  16. You're sister's pretty hot too.
  17. They only have designated smoking areas in CDBB. I do agree, however, that they should be throughout the park.
  18. Yeah, as John described it, "The service provider that we pay a sh-tload of money to went down." He's pretty upset that it happened, and does send has appologies to the PKIC community as a client for the downtime, although it wasn't his fault.
  19. I'm just joshin' ya. I think it's a great idea. If you guys have suggestions as to what forums you would like to see, basic order, etc let us know.
  20. They always make these decisions without me.
  21. That's great! I know of a school in Florida that offers a similar program. Where do you go?
  22. No one necessarily thinks that everytime Paramount comes out with a movie that the park is going to theme something to it, it's simply just put on the table.
  23. <<Mod Edit>> Deleted postings that were insulting to other members. Keep it clean and on topic, people.
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