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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Ahem. Exactly what do you base this senseless comment on? 13 solid years of being on planet Earth of course! Who could argue such a reputable track record as that?
  2. Yeah, I'll admit that I have no clue as to the ins and outs of insurance companies and medical costs. But it just seems that for a corporation like SF, they had an opportunity to handle this delicate case in a much better manner than they have. It is, and has been quite obvious that this girl did nothing to cause this accident. At which point, the SF attorney should have already been negotiating a price that is to be paid for her medical costs and not let the family stress out about the costs. Instead of appearing to have sympathy for the victim, they come off as a used car salesman selling a little old lady a lemon.
  3. Think Again. The park and the insurance company are of course attempting to limit whatever the amount of any award would be. What are they supposed to say? Here take ever dime and we'll just go out of business? Obviously giving away every dime would be plain stupid. As of right now, this has nothing to do with awards, just take care of the families current medical bills. And since there was at least one benefit to help the family out, it is quite obvious what SF intentions are. Why would there have to be any negotiations when it comes down to her medical care? If she recieved treatment, the provider deserves to be paid. Now combine that with the cable inspection fiasco, the writing is on the wall. I really would not feel this way if SF would just have agreed to have anyone inspect the cable. What are they trying to hide?
  4. It's just not CF or SF that is not doing well, it is the entire industry worldwide. People are just spending more money in different areas, there is not much left for parks anymore. And the money that they do have is being spent differently than 20 years ago because there are more things to do now. It is hard to justify spending big money on gas, lodging, food for an outside park that has been around for 30+ years when they can spend that same money on an indoor waterpark that is virtually still new.
  5. Ambulance chaser or not, I would not think that you would hire an attorney like this unless the other side is fighting the accusations, SF and their insurer in this case.
  6. ^ Absolutely! It was worth the $$ just for the AC. The animals were just a bonus.
  7. Is this kid RumorSmasher is sheep's clothing?
  8. "Experience the pain year round!" "Hotter than an SoB!" "Pain going down, Pain on the way out!" Boy, the advertising for the sauce can be endless...
  9. What does that have to do with GA or the 49ers NEW stadium? Boy for someone who like to be the TOPIC police, you seem to get off it REAL quick!
  10. You said nothing about RACING. You said TRAINS. If you are goiong to QUOTE yourself, QUOTE yourself correctly. ... just like my signature.
  11. So you actually think that a family is counting the trains operating, and would be discouraged if there was only one train operating? Yeah, think about it.
  12. I guess it is too bad that Texas does not feel that same way about guns. http://www.io.com/~velte/FAQ.htm
  13. ^ Actually PA is the same way. Alcohol can only be purchased at a state run liquor store or beer distributor. Grocery and convienant stores do not sell any alcohol. And bars/ restaurants can only be open on Sundays if food sales are 30% of the total revenue. It can be a rather pain in the A$$. But what I'm getting at is they are making it sound like it is something brand new. Alcohol sales have been present at every professional sporting event in Texas for how long now? Why is it shocking for SF to sell alcohol as well?
  14. Geez.. I wonder if they sell beer at The Ballpark at Arlington.
  15. That has to be one of the all time classic lines....
  16. How can you possibly be defending and arguing about a rumor?
  17. And if you don't do your homework, or your chores, mom and dad will make sure you don't leave your room either. Seriously, sit back and think about it... If removing and reconstructing BD was that easy, CF would not be selling it. And on top of that, if it was easy, another park would have jumped at the chance to buy it. But still, no takers. I think there are many things behind the scenes that none of us will ever know. Perhaps due to BD being as old as it is, parts are difficult to come by.
  18. LiKe ReAlLy CooL MaN! ThAt RoCKS THE BIG1111111!!!!!! LiKe LeT's BuIlD a CoaSter To ThE Moon. AfTeR ALL, I'm UsInG ny ImaGinAtion! (stepping back into reality) No, this topic has nothing to do with you hosting a party at KI. Just read the title. It is rather self explanitory.
  19. ^ Wow. People really need to look at the big picture. How many alcohol related incidents have happened at Busch Gardens (or pick any Busch Entertainment property)? And did these people that want to protest the decision actually come up with some data supporting their fact that alcohol related incidents in parks is on the rise, or for that matter is significant enough to warrent a ban on alcohol sales? And if people really want to kick back and have a frosty brew, they can (and I'm sure have been for a long time) just go back to their car or hotel (that's what I do!). Talk about a mountain out of a molehill.
  20. Hypothetically speaking... Say you rent a home with a backyard. Then the landlord decides to have a stag-n-drag in the same backyard that you have a signed lease for. And on top of that, you can't use your driveway on that day due to not having enough off street parking, so his guests are now going to use it. Now have the same party 10 times a year for the 49ers. Plus any other events that would occur during the year such as college games, soccar games, concerts etc. How big is that dog now?
  21. So zoos have no place in society? You do realize that if zoos did not keep animals, that many would be extinct? And not extinct because they are in zoos, but because they were not studied on how to keep them alive in the wild. This is a tragic story. And thanks to marlfox_21 for the insight.
  22. Those pics of the construction crew are a riot! They remind me of PA Dept. of Transportation.
  23. ^ While it would make sense from a financial standpoint, those rides really are not worth getting moved to another CF park, with the exception of Big Dipper. Other than the Dipper, none have a big enough draw to warrent a move.
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