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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. As long as there is always a train waiting, pushing a 3rd train accomplishes nothing except a longer wait on the train itself. The purpose of the dual load station is for the load times.
  2. Oh the irony.... A member on an amusement park enthusiast forum that chose the name CedarPointer posting about generic names.....
  3. Much like Mantis (load times) @ CP, adding a 3rd train to FH does nothing to help wait times.
  4. Safety comes in various forms more than just a death statistic. Being trained in recognizing a potential distress issue (like the 10/10 rule mentioned) has to be near the top of the list. Also near the top of the list has to be having the proper equipment readily available if an issue comes up. I hope the Beach is not as bad as the poster/ x-employee made it out to seem. If one serious incident would happen, it could take down a very nice waterpark.
  5. Bat's demise had to do with MAJOR design issues which caused the abnormal downtime. The similarities in issues between the two rides are as close as apples and oranges. Now if you want to compare Bat & SoB......
  6. How does a SBNO ride cost the park so much money it justifies a decision before all avenues have been pursued to open it, or enough revenue has been generated to take it down?
  7. Significant being the key word, yes. Jackass!
  8. Yeah, while channel surfing, I have seen many sentimental people on Hoarders.
  9. I have good memories of my first car ('88 Mercury Topaz- which, thinking back, had numerous similarities to SoB). It doesn't mean I wanted to keep parts from it.
  10. Typically, the pricetag for a destruction/ demolition project has all the possible useable/ valuable material being sold by the demolition company. Unless requested, KI will not see any material saved for memorabilia. That said, why would anyone even want a piece of SoB? A failure that caused pain (literally & figuratively) & spent millions of dollars is not something I would want to be remembered.
  11. If SoB returns, it will certainly retain a "most massive" claim. The "most massive" price tag for a wood coaster on planet Earth.
  12. Generating money for a capital project > taking a loan out for something that does not matter if standing or demolished.
  13. No matter how it will be spun, keep the saying in mind: Those that know, don't talk. Those that talk, don't know.
  14. After the Dollywood lawsuit, and now the decision on Crypt, Huss's reputation certainly took a hit this off season.
  15. But much of it was fought behind an iron curtain. And when the Berlin Wall came down, there was celebration in the streets. The similarites are endless....
  16. Looking at it from the midway, it will obviously be a closed Casket ceremony.......
  17. SoB should be celebrated? Really?? (I will forgo the "10 year" status of SoB as SBNO for over half, give or take, the life of the ride is up for much debate)
  18. ^You don't believe the Sea World attorney will bring up a possible emergency situation? More info: http://seaworldparks...bilityGuide.pdf http://seaworldparks...ns/Rides/Kraken
  19. Don't be fooled; just because it has not been made public does not mean a decision has not been made.
  20. It was bad in the beginning, and was bad on the end. Yet, this proves not everything ends badly.
  21. ^ That brings up a good question. Does B & M offer a design/ restraint that those without hands can enjoy? Or did Sea World take the "cheap" (I'm sure the suing attorney will spin it this way) way out? Let's not forget that it probably is not necessarily a "holding the restraint" issue, but a "if you can grasp the restraint effectively and buckle yourself in, you can hold onto evacuation stairs effectively" issue.
  22. That is too broad of a statement. While Intamin has had numerous issues, I cannot remember an Intamin coaster that actually doesn't work like Timber Tower.
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