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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. Mystic Timbers had it's normal running lights as of last night.
  2. I don't have time to set up a formal poll. Feel free to do that yourself. People don't like waiting in line. If KI installed a coaster with a similar capacity, people would complain about how long the line takes.
  3. I had friends that didn't want to wait 15 minutes for Mystic Timbers, so I assume they are less willing to wait in line than others.
  4. Adding a coaster that gets less than 1000 pph on average isn't a good business decision for the park. They don't want people in line, they want people on the midways spending money. I'm not saying it would be a bad ride, or wouldn't work, but Cedar Fair knows that high capacity rides are a better investment than low capacity. Think of how much people complain on her about the capacity of Firehawk for example. The GP doesn't want to stand in line 2 hours for a ride either.
  5. I can confirm that most of the rides and coasters, at least prior to the addition of Diamondback, use some sort of PLC system mostly ladder logic type stuff.
  6. As mentioned in another thread. Get there early, or go on a weeknight. Friday and Saturday night, the traffic will back up across the I275 bridge into Kentucky.
  7. I'm not saying it's not possible, but it's very unlikely. Also, please ask your father if he wants to work 50+ hours a week as a Supervisor. Can he do 13 hour days regularly? Can he work 3 to close and then come in the next do to open or work an All Day shift? Oh yeah, keep in mind they don't pay overtime either.
  8. The problem that Kings Island has recruiting older people is a few things, this is a very general statement. 1) Most of the supervisors in the park are in their late teens to early 20s. A lot of older people don't like working for younger people. 2) Kings Island is a seasonal job, you are guaranteed to have a few months off every year. 3) Unless things have changed, since Kings Island is seasonal, their seasonal employees do not get benefits. Not to mention, the wages they pay aren't anywhere near living wages. It's just not a sustainable job for most.
  9. Just imagine how long that line felt when Son of Beast wasn't there. If you notice, there isn't much space for switchbacks. When the ride was built, the line stretched to the entrance and beyond, so it didn't feel like that long of a walk. I would imagine you could find a way to stick something back there, and there is always the theory that they will reuse the Son of Beast station for something in the future.
  10. Right, but did you respond to a question with a link in which you didn't confirm it answered the question?
  11. Most of the large deliveries are done while there are no guests in the park, so they can literally drive up to the front or back door and unload. I'm not arguing the fact they don't haul around stuff, but I have not seen them haul around hot food, which is a different circumstance.
  12. I don't see them transferring food from the Water Park. They don't have an access road anywhere near the new smokehouse location. Also, they don't ever want to run out of product, which they can control inside their location much easier than outside.
  13. If I recall correctly, which I probably do not, I think they actually demolished that section of the queue. I remember riding it this year and being surprised that it was gone.
  14. When I drove by the park this morning on my way to work they were testing some of the Christmas lights at the entrance and on International Street. They were pretty bright even though the sun was starting to come up around 7:30 am.
  15. Are you referring to the restroom at the corner of Oktoberfest and Coney Mall?
  16. He would love going to a park and visiting any character just the same, I would think. Kings Island doesn't seem to have seen any negative impact from going from Hanna-Barbara to Nickelodeon to Peanuts.
  17. I was actually just thinking this same thing. Especially with Kentucky Kingdom and Holiday World being somewhat close, maybe they are concerned about losing season pass sales from people close to those markets by only announcing a new restaurant.
  18. Not a chance they are going to pay more for another "popular" property for their children's area. Most children know Snoopy, at least to some extent.
  19. It would be a huge faux pas for them to convert Racer to a RMC.
  20. You aren't talking about me are you? I was already working at the park when it was announced. Clarified via private conversation. Even funner now that I remember.
  21. The problem is that you don't get a lot of people who aren't in school of some sort wanting to work at Kings Island, because it is a seasonal job. A lot of people require a steady income and can't afford to be working 2 or 3 days a week in April, August, and September. The park does what it can to fill their staffing needs. For example, my last full season in 2010, I would come in after I got out of class (around 10:30) and work, because they needed people to drive Vortex. I understand your frustration though.
  22. A smaller installment in 2018 leads me to believe something really big in 2019.
  23. This is very obvious :). If you could only go on weekends, it MIGHT be worth it.
  24. Thanks for clarifying. You could also attempt to contact the park if you need additional information, unlikely they have anything though.
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