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Everything posted by PKIDelirium

  1. King Cobra footers from AE queue path:
  2. Here's a picture of the state the park is in as it stands now:
  3. On my iPhone I see a "Full Version" button on the bottom of every forum page.
  4. As I know personally, rides can also easily eat your phone even if you're not using it. I had my phone secured, or so I thought, in my pocket on Diamondback last year, and it was missing when I went to reach for it after the ride. I still have no idea how it got lost, or why I didn't notice when it did.
  5. The piece of Vortex sitting on my desk. Other than that, I have a bunch of old stuff from the 80s and 90s that I got off eBay.
  6. Shockwave and Skyrider were made from American steel rather than Japanese steel, I believe. Japanese steel is fine now, but at the time, it was sub-standard by comparison to US steel.
  7. Yeah, you could probably get away with relocating AZ's entrance to connect to that, essentially making it an extended part of the midway instead of just an exit.
  8. Yeah, I remember seeing that when it was listed. Never found out who bought it.
  9. That's the same press release that was published when he first took over.
  10. Some years of FearFest, certain indoor mazes actually did start at 3PM. Curse of the Crypt, Maze of Madness and Circus of Horrors if I'm remembering right.
  11. There was a shooting in the parking lot at Kings DOMINION a while back. http://www.coastergrotto.com/news.jsp?argId=58
  12. Skylab was where The Racer lockers and basketball game are. One of the Sky Ride stations was about in between Adventure Express's entrance and SlingShot. One of the towers was in the Bier Garden pond, the footer is still there next to the patio. I think there's a boat on top of it. The other Skyride station was the building which is now the gift shop in Planet Snoopy.
  13. Actually if I'm remembering right there were two trailers. One that faced at you as you walked out the exit for the onride photo, and then the merch trailer next to it that faced toward the midway.
  14. Yup, Chang track. They probably blasted and painted it there.
  15. I believe they used to only sell that at The Vortex ride photo counter.
  16. http://www.wildwaterfun.com/public/admission/season_passes/index.cfm Geauga's waterpark site says:
  17. http://www.networksolutions.com/whois-search/sonofbeast.com
  18. The ground at the front of International Street was already bricks (at least in the center), so I wonder if they're talking about the entrance plaza, not actually International Street?
  19. Nope, I used that gate to enter WaterWorks in 2003. It's also present on the 2002 park map.
  20. The place is on Steel Plant Road, it might be there for refurbishment. It's nowhere near enough track to be the entire ride, so maybe some of it got damaged during disassembly. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Wilder,+KY+41076&sll=39.059716,-84.492373&sspn=0.01203,0.021157&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Wilder,+Campbell,+Kentucky&ll=39.064665,-84.491794&spn=0.012029,0.021157&t=h&z=16 This appears to be the place.
  21. It rolls back and stops in the safety brakes on the launch run. I have the rare "IJST Rollback Credit" from when it happened to my train on closing day 06.
  22. Full FAQ here: http://www.sixflags.com/national/footernav...ckykingdom.aspx
  23. I'm guessing (though I don't know) that that image is probably "official" and goes with the Magic Mountain press release. I can't see the LA times going to such trouble to change an image, photoshop in people, add a blue sky, etc... If there were no official images and it was up to the LA Times to find one, they'd probably a) put in a photo of a ride clearly not related to the future Mr. Six ride, or use an image of the ride from when it operated at New Orleans. Yeah, I meant SFMM stole it and edited it. Look at the people on the train. It's the SAME photo as RCDB.
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