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Everything posted by calakapepe

  1. Gotta strengthen that immune system..
  2. Uhm.. if it's a refill there should be an ice scoop used. (IMHO) Heck, some might go as far as saying that the splash from refill is unsanitary.. I'm not apart of the latter group.
  3. Sounds promising! Hope I won't be working any of these two days!
  4. I don't know that I could rank them in favoritism as they've already earned their way into being my favorite because of their weightlessness. -Banshee (Back of train,, right most seat) -Vortex (Back of train) -Diamondback (back of train) -Maverick
  5. There's been sporadic filming of more than just Cirque recently.. Should be interesting to see what happens
  6. Ah. That explains my confusion with the question. My bad.
  7. There are probably other rooms up there but the main room up there is the International Restaurant (or perhaps International Street Restaurant). The stairs are to the left as you walk through the gates, going into the park, through the closed glass doors.. I believe it is only used for special events, however. I don't know what "towers" you're talking about, but upstairs at the gate... ^^ that's what it is
  8. You know what that just made me think of? SR&R's location would be a nice spot for our Flying Eagles. That 3-Point Challenge location would also be a nice spot for a Flying Eagles ride, not ours, but another one.
  9. They don't owe us a timely explanation to everything though, so keep you head up and your fingers crossed!
  10. It's not the MOST common thing, no. http://rcdb.com/r.htm?na=&nm=na&pl=3180&ty=2&ot=2
  11. Seriously, AE, imo, should stay as long as it is able to be kept.. acronyms..
  12. I just don't keep an archive of every interview I watch.. and I understand the folly that the human mind can do with "remembering" things.
  13. Expand the park?? I doubt it. I don't remember who but didn't one park official in an interview once say something along the lines of not wanting the park to become too massive? So that walking doesn't become too big of a task? I'm ready for many more cool flats to come to KI. I don't use many of the ones we have, so it'd be cool if in the future we saw more thrilling flats.
  14. I recommend buying early when it's cheaper so that if you don't like it, you hadn't used up too much of your money
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't. But I doubt I'll ever know as Sling Shot rides do not interest me in the slightest... unless I'm watching, they're cool to watch.
  16. For real though haha, I hope there's a belt on there also haha
  17. I have. That's ridiculous. *smh That was very true yesterday. Although it looks packed, especially Action Zone, and it is, the lines weren't that terrible at all. At 9:15 I got in line for Banshee, rode it at 9:20. (the ride crew was timing themselves to mark 90 sec or so each time though ) In the early afternoon, Drop Tower was a 10 min wait, Adventure Express, maybe 3 minutes. Vortex was a walk-on at 9:35pm.
  18. Mean Streak was actually very fun last time I rode it! Wasn't painful for me! The ride is still fine!
  19. sigh... the first drop on Vortex in the back of the train... Why'd you have to remind me of that? However, Cedar Point's Corkscrew has a great airtime hill before the loop, though not as scary being only a few stories up.
  20. I second that. Voyage 2008 and Voyage 2010 are vastly different... but Voyage 2014 and Voyage 2008.. Aside from a yellow-pine color.. aren't as different in experience. Glad I'm not the only one who makes a distinction between rough and aggressive/ violent.
  21. You can if you've not been to any of the choices From an.. equal opportunity standpoint, only.
  22. I can only think of the topography being a reason to place it where it is.
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