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Everything posted by BavarianBeatle

  1. Nice trip. Your children will appreciate the photos when they grow up, and wil share them with their own children.
  2. And yet, over time, your sister will change because she is married. Just as a ride area will change depending on its theming, more so than name. In the case of Nick Universe, I suspect the theming contributes a lot more to the ride experiences than most realize. Yep, it's funny how, over time, parks reflect life... But in the end, the love is still there in both situations.
  3. Interesting way to backtrack after saying, "Security has been horrible this year." It is hard to make a point about park management when you make a statement that doesn't have park management anywhere in it. I believe that security's number one goal should be the personal protection of the individual, rather than material items of each person. This is a major reason why we all walk through metal detection. Park rules like, smoking in designated areas, line jumping, etc, though important, should be considered secondary to the safety and protection of you and your children. Think of all the crap those folks go through on a daily basis. Many of them make a very low hourly wage but still put themselves in potiential harms way just so that you and your family can have a fun-filled day. For the amount of time you have spent replying to these posts, you could have made a quite a few statements at GR. GR is open till the last guest leaves for the night and it is right on your way out. No need to interrupt their day. Stop on your way out. Easy enough. Or maybe you are like certain folks who just look for something to complain about but never want to go about it in the right way. You get zero sympathy from me. When have I ever said I was looking for sympathy?!? I'm NOT!!! I'm on a website reflecting upon my observations at the park and stating my opinion about those observations.... Hence the existence of KIC. But you make a good point, and I stand corrected. I should have said that "enforcement of the park rules" rather than "security" has been horrible this year. That's what I meant to say originally, and I'm sorry if it was misinterpreted. I see your point and I thank you for pointing out how I misworded what I meant to say.
  4. I would compare the new ride names to my sister getting married.... Sure she has a new last name, but she's still my sister and the same person. Just like they're still the same rides....
  5. Broken tailbone..... I wish I could sue every time something at a park was a pain in the a%%!!!!
  6. First, it is NOT the individual guards that are the problem. I'm sure that the vast majority, if not all, of them do their jobs to the best of their ability and follow the standards that are set by management. (Otherwise they wouldn't be working there). Therein lies the problem, IMO. I'm sure that if park management made enforcement of park rules more of a priority, the guards would respond and the rulebreaking would soon be substantially reduced. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clearer in my earlier posts. I have been going to the park since 1972 (with a break of a few years in the 90s), and I have never seen more rule violations than I have this year. I do not carry a stopwatch or a pen and paper to document the exact number of times I observe these things or the exact amount of time I happen to be around security... But I have seen enough to notice that the rules are being broken more frequently than ever. Finally, I am not going to go and complain to GR about every time a security guard happens to pass someone smoking or violating the rules. It is management's job to monitor and supervise their employees, not mine. I'm there to have fun and spend time with and entertain my kids. I'm not going to drag them to the front of the park over these things and deprive them of their (I consider our park visits to be their time and not mine) valuable time at the park.
  7. I've found it's faster to turn off of Rt. 6 and go North on Rt. 53 to the Turnpike at (Exit 91 off of the Turnpike) around Freemont.
  8. Well, I will say this for the security at KI. The parking lot has been well-staffed by security this year, especially at closing time.
  9. This discussion reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9d1W_sXB3I (This is meant as a joke, not an insult to anyone on here. Please take it as such). And I must add that I don't know the name of the song either and I'm represented by the video as much as anyone......
  10. How much time do you really take out of your day to observe security? I wonder how many park rules would be broken if you were one of the handful of guards trying to make tens of thousands of people follow each rule? Some people don't follow rules no matter what security is there. When was the last time you heard a child was abducted from Kings Island, a rape, murder, major assault, robery, or any other major felony happened at the park? That is the things I am concerned about and if you take in consideration, you may change your statement. I will stand by my statement about security guards ignoring rule violations that occur in their presence. Specifically, alcohol, cigarette smoking and line jumping that occur while the guards are talking to the female ride operators. I have also walked behind secuity guards while people smoking cigarettes pass them with no action taken. As for the other things you have mentioned, the absence of these kinds of crimes at KI has as much to do with the fact that it is a crowded public place as much as it has to do with security. After all, if someone is inclined to commit a violent crime, they are naturally less likely to do so in a place where there will be hundreds of witnesses. And, a rhetorical question, why would a felon act in a place that they have to pay to get into when there are thousands of places where they can commit crime for free?
  11. If this is indeed a scam, you should report it to law enforcement. I know that to you it was only $40 or so, but if the perpetrators are doing this to hundreds of people, the authorities should be made aware of it.
  12. I've always wondered about that. My question has always been, "Why is the park paying to use the Nick names when they could be selling the advertising space on the rides and theming?" Thereby allowing the sponsors to market their preoduct and services to thousands of park visitors every season.... The sponsors could have people offering advertising materials, free samples, coupons, stickers, t-shirts etc. The park could make money doing that, IMO.....
  13. Nice Post!! Similarly, I always think of my wife when I take our children to the Air Show, or other special places..... I remember when she planned trips the summer before our first child was born and I told her that she was spending too much money. She always reminded methat it was our last chance to do it alone for awhile. God, now that she's gone, I'm glad she dragged me on all of those trips...... Thanks for the reminder of what's truly important!!
  14. I have thought of a whole script and storyboard for that 30 second spot, but I will refrain from posting it.........
  15. And Mr. Kinzel could do television commercials for "Ex Lax, The Official Chocolate Laxative of King's Island"
  16. You're right. Gas would run me about $150 for that trip, excluding what I used while I was there.
  17. As for the Eagles, get thee to Carowinds! Although, it will probably cast a lot more than 200 bucks to get down there and back on gas!!!! LOL Don't be too sure. If you plan properly, you would be surprized how you can save money. I took two kids to CP for three days this year for around $600, including gas, hotel (3 nights), food, drinks, souveniers, a trip to Sandusky Speedway, everything. (But not including the portion of the cost of the platinum passes that we used).
  18. Very nice. I was there with the kids that day, and I agree with all of your commentary about the show and the acts. A very nice day, even without a major act. The heritage flight was a nice way to end the show.
  19. I would do it, but only for my kids. They ask a lot about the defunct attractions and I would do it so that they could have those experiences.
  20. My response to the "my daughter has no vagina" claim to free games would have been,"neither does about half the population, but they still have to pay...." Glad I never worked there, I'm sure I would have had a problem if I had said that...LOL!
  21. Security has been horrible this year. It seems as if the rules simply don't exist. There have been FAR more times that I have seen security guards trying to flirt with the female ride operators than I have seen them enforcing the rules...
  22. No worries Monroe, I couldn't make it Saturday either. Boddah and I are going today. The boys and I will be there too.....
  23. Sounds like the worst case of false advertising since that movie "The Neverending Story"
  24. I think that a show on the train would be a much needed addition to the park. They used to do a thing where someone jumped on the train pretending to rob it. My parents claim that it scared me and made my cry in 1972 when I was 3 years old, but I have no memory of that. They also told my kids about that, and now they tease me and say that I'm afraid of the train. Just like they tease each other about the NIck U rides..............
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