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Everything posted by dare-to-fly

  1. ...And then there is Stricker's Grove, which makes all its revenue from sell-outs with the exception of three days a year...all of which I attend. Flyer, who hasn't missed a public day at Stricker's Grove (that I know of) since 05.
  2. Hmmm....what are The Beast's and The Racer's records? Not that I'll break them anyway, and I have no intention of trying. I prefer just to get as many rides as I can, and enjoy the park while I'm there. My personal record is 30x in one day on The Beast and that's good enough for me. My Racer record is 11 I believe, and that was during KIC day last summer. Do I need to break said records to be happy...no. As long as I'm satisfied at any one time, I'm good. Flyer, who admits that the 30x ride day at The Beast was a blast, and is his favorite day at the park to date.
  3. I totally agree with you! But then, that's completely expected since the first half is trimmed to death around every turn. Mystery Mine took me several rides and two visits to "get it." I'll ride it now if there is no line, but I'm not a big enough fan to wait for it. The other coasters are more interesting to me, and I'm glad to see you enjoyed Tennessee Tornado, which is my favorite looping coaster ever and one of the most under-rated coasters I know of. Carowinds definitely has some issues with running multiple trains, and that was an annoyance on some rides when I visited last year. Hurler made up for any negativity I had about this. To me, it's a fantastic ride full of airtime (and thankfully no trims...yet), and I'm ready to go again. Thunder Road was down when I was there last year so I need to pick up that credit, and plan to at Coaster Stock. As for Carolina Cobra, I'm sure the trains are a great improvement to the ride; I can't wait to see for myself. I have to admit though - I thought it was fun at Geauga Lake. (Not that it was my favorite by any means - that would be Big Dipper - but it was fun for me.) I've ridden several Boomerang coasters, and while all basically the same, I like them. Thanks for the great TR, and I hope to have a TR of my own soon over my trip to Six Flags Over Georgia for Spring Fling...or rather...Rain and Lunch; The Event. Flyer, who also was disappointed due to rain.
  4. I believe he meant Maverick, which does. But thank goodness those statements are all true.
  5. Is it up in the air? I thought it was only halfway up the hill, and when have we ever known Kings Island to have trims and not use them. The occasional trimless ride can be found on FOC and Racer (two coasters that should not have trims in the first place imo), but usually those trims are always operating just like the others that are all over the park. FYI...I was able to get one ride with very little trimming on Goliath while I was down there, and I found the ride to be much more enjoyable as a result. Trim brake = ride killed. Trim free = ride a blast. Conclusion = trim free is always better 100% of the time.
  6. That qualifies as a trim brake, which if you check my signature, you'll see this is forbidden. I'm now blowing up the trim that you just put on time because I need to ride!
  7. What I'm hearing is...Don found a way to top last year with events. Not that I'm surprised, as he's very good at what he does.
  8. If it doesn't cost much, it would be cheap; whereas, if it costs a great deal, it is not. Now, I agree with the first part. A t-shirt is a t-shirt, which is why I won't pay more than $15 for a T-shirt. I hope to be quick enough to get one of these first rider T-shirts. I'll probably be the 10,001st rider. I can't help it if I have to say hi to an old friend next door first.
  9. Well that's certainly a matter of opinion, though it is appearing to be a majority. Hmmm...maybe without the...oh, why do I keep dwelling on the impossible?
  10. Or two?????? Did you clone yourself...ah, that explains why you're always on here! At any rate, I'm glad that Backyard BBQ is returning, as even though I only did it once, it was very yummy! Must repeat. Flyer, who will be at SCG on opening day.
  11. I'll be there opening day to ride The Beast. Diamondback is an added bonus. I'll wait for a while before I attempt Diamondback more than once per visit. I recently rode Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia, and if it's any indication, I'll hate the trim brake, but love the ride.
  12. I for one am willing to wait for them to work out all the details. I'm more a fan of this than having something announced, and then being disappointed when it's gone or changes. (See the first week in September on the calendar and season passholder preview day - though I have let it go, but just can't forget about it.)
  13. They worked as a substitute, but they don't have the delicious waffle fries that are delicious with deliciousness. Did I mention that they are delicious? I'll have to try Nick Grill. Especially since it's named after me...sort of. It contains my name anyway! Flyer, who was sometimes called Nickelodeon in elementary school...and who didn't care.
  14. Some of those seem to be unrelated to me. So - paranoia. However, judging by the fact that Flight Deck still has not been repainted and continues to rust...I'm worried too. I can't say that I believe it will be replaced by a B&M invert, as Diamondback is a major investment this year, and another new coaster being constructed starting next year seems very unlikely.
  15. I have found this out as well. I will say that being too nice isn't always good either. It's a fine line.
  16. I give up! Even with the facts and logic, I still get Terpied!
  17. Well...craaaaaaap. I really do know how to spell that word. This points out what I have said numerous times about not being perfect either.
  18. Okay...seeing your point now. But, is what I said above true or false?
  19. Here's the carousel. Thanks for pointing that out. It was installed last year in the location that used to hold the bumper boats. Maybe I'm easy to please, but I think a certain amount of randomness is good. The families that have a wide range of members can all ride something at the same time without having to cross the park. Example: Kings Island - those who want to ride the carousel at KI have to have their family members wait outside the gates, then the other family members might have to wait outside the lines for Drop Tower. At Holiday World, those that want to ride the carousel can do so while the enthusiasts among them ride Liberty Lauch. Here's a more practical example: Thanksgiving. The Gobler Getaway is certainly a family ride. The enthusiasts in a family can ride Voyage, while those that are not up for an untrimmed coaster...I mean a big coaster may ride Gobler Getaway. The same is true with Legend and Scrambler/Hallow Swings. I can go on. There are many examples that I can think of that make having many of the rides mixed together as and advantage, rather than "randomness" as it is being called. That really brings out the fact that this is a family park. For the record, yes the Holiday World admission strategy is a good one, but if it's worth it to people to pay the admission, what's wrong with that? Someone always has to find fault with those who are successful. And not every amusement park needs a coaster with an inversion.
  20. I guess it wouldn't work to install it on a deserted island. Then the crowds wouldn't come. I've made this comment before, but it's time again...this litigious society we're in is starting to siphen.
  21. Thanks, Terpy. I'm sure you know I was just funnin' ya!
  22. You would know...I mean...oh geez, you left that wide open. At any rate, perhaps Terpy might point out what year the picture was taken.
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