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Everything posted by IBEW_Sparky

  1. Ive done two CP winter offseason tours, Loved them both. The first one I went to, they had all of the coaster trains in the Breakers parking lot, it was like a car lot for coaster freaks!! That was honestly my favorite part. Well, that and watching Bryan Edwards have a discussion with the seagulls, who were squawking louder than he could talk, LOL.
  2. I agree on all points, and/but the difference is, the people of that area know this as well, and are honestly almost expecting it at the end of every season. That, and the fact it will likely be announced even though the writing is clearly on the slide walls with red ink, will be the difference in why people will not want to throw darts at a photo of Mr Ouimet, and did/still do at photos of Kinzel.
  3. I honestly was not aware of Mr Story going after KI and KK, thank You very much for that tidbit of knowledge. That, is why I returned to this site, despite my serious reservations, because of people like You and the continued knowledge I require in my Life about the topics I am passionate about. Im like Johnny 5, need more input! I just wish DK would have taken the high road when Mr Story came after CP, instead of getting into a "My credit line is bigger than your credit line" contest.
  4. Oh, what a stir that would create with a little creative use of Photoshop, and an anonymous email to a certain park rumor site
  5. Even though I still Love the knowledge, I ask myself why I continue to torture myself reading articles related to this topic and my forever favorite park. Sparky, who is intelligent enough to accept the realities of both sides setting GL up to fail, but is still very emotional about said park.
  6. I wont even entertain the thought of the big loopy things, but I DEFINITELY want to hit the two refurbs, and of course a trip to North/South Carolina and Virginia is a must before I leave this part of the country and head West. And yes, I saw what you did there Sparky, who knows Terp doesnt like Wings. at least of the Swiss variety.
  7. From what I saw, felt, and experienced the one (and only) time ive ever ridden it, all Mild Eagle has going for it, is its beautiful scenery over the Tennessee terrain. Gatekeeper is longer, each and every element has higher and longer sustained lateral and positive Gs, and in 1-1 left the footchopper effect through the keyhole elements is delightful. Though I Love Dollywood, my time can be MUCH better spent on Thunderhead.
  8. Instead of looking at it as old, Terp, look at it as FUNs "Nostalgia" kick from a few years ago is simply filtering down south.
  9. Malem, this is, in fact, the case. Cedar Point eliminated a large number of smaller clubs from the list, and Coaster Crew was/is one of them.
  10. I believe there is a headstone that is displayed during Haunt at KI...in rememberance of Bobby Schiering.... that states very well how this will go, especially considering the reality of this being an Election year: "#!@* no! It ain't happenin'!"
  11. Like coasterfanatic, I join the clubs for the events. I have my own social circle that Im happy with. As far as which clubs, I was a GOCC member from 2010 to 2012, and a Coaster Crew Member for 2013 and 2014. I will instead be joining ACE this year.
  12. I have a very serious question. In the event that an amusement park shutters its gates between operating seasons, are the individuals who purchased passes for the next operating season refunded/reimbursed for said now useless passes, in the event that a park is not part of a chain where the pass could be used at other parks?
  13. I certainly hope not, tubes are intended to float on water, not hold it. Much like the hopes and dreams of those wanting this Titanic venture to succeed.
  14. Even though this will never happen, I would like to ride Mean Streak with the drop trim de-energized, and the mid-course trim reduced. My honest thought is that, with those two things done, the train will have enough speed/momentum to not shuffle like it does and actually make the ride smoother and more comfortable. Yes, yes, I know about the trims being there to reduce maintenance costs etc etc. Ive heard that horse beaten to death so spare me the lecture or "expertise". I know this way of operation is not possible for that reason, but I truthfully find Mean Streak "tolerable" as-is and would Love to see if its even rideable sans-trims.
  15. That would be an EPIC win in my eyes! Id so Love that ride then, even if they do end up painting and naming it after LeCramp.
  16. I will be there, having a GREAT time with DJSkyFoxx, her partner, and hopefully one other person Ive been wanting to meet for some time now! It will be my 6th Pride Night in a row.
  17. How would you feel in The Beast had a "Rocky Mountain Makeover" About the same way I feel about square tail lights on the new Corvette! Now, it WOULD be cool for a park to build an RMC Beast clone, so we could experience it without *******izing a Classic!! Imagine an inline roll coming out of the curve right before the second lift hill!
  18. I dont see Lightning Run being lost when (oops, did I say that?) KK closes. My opinion is that it will be purchased by a larger park, or possibly even one in Alabama.
  19. If any park is going to make a game non-winnable (Im not saying any are or arent, but everyone knows my thoughts on money grabs, which is why you wont ever see me playing said games), PLEASE let it be any of the ones that give those infernal basketballs as prizes.
  20. The way some of you describe that coaster, you make it sound as if it makes SOB feel like a B&M. I rode it in January of this year for the first time, in the back car of the train, and I found only two less-than-desirable transitions... coming out of the turn before the loop, and then coming out of the loop itself. I dont know who has and has not ridden it with the Premier Taxi trains, but I wouldn't have hesitated one bit to ride it multiple times had I not gotten busy with other things. WMAJrKY, give it a shot and judge for yourself, I may be "painfully" wrong, or you may enjoy it.
  21. Super Loop? Really guys, you are resorting to putting State Fair/Carney rides in your major theme parks????? EDIT:Link to this silliness... http://coaster-net.com/forums/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F12905-six-flags-2015%2F#entry265767 http://www.larsonintl.com/pages/giant-loop/giant-loop.html
  22. I just read that Mr Drakos passed away in early August.. Thats a shame ... R.I.P. Mr. Magic.
  23. The purple train has rattled for 2 months, especially noticeable in rows 3, 6, and 8.
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