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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. I don't think they're as big a competition as some are making it out to be, at least not in a way where KK could really do that much drawing of attendance away from KI (as if KI weren't going to still be adding things) when nothing going on even hints to that kind of notion. Lots of areas have a high concentration of parks that co-exist fine and nothing about KI in relation to KK and HW shows that they're underestimating anything.
  2. Of course Thunder Run gets an off season re-tracking on a year I'm not going to amusement parks. Penciling it in for next season en route to Holiwood Nights.
  3. ^^Then all that proves KI isn't underestimating KK. The whole conversation is only really directed towards management (since no one here can affect what the park is going to add or dismantle) and they've shown no signs on not doing what is in the best interest of the park in relation to HW and KK.
  4. But nothing KI has been doing in the way and rate they've been adding things suggests they aren't still going to attract Kentuckians or any other people out of state for that matter. KI also doesn't have height restrictions, isn't landlocked, and has a far larger budget to work with annually than KK by a mile. CF isn't suddenly just going to keel over. KI isn't just going to stop adding things after Orion. Again, there are several areas with many parks in a fairly small cluster that have co-existed for a while and none of the smaller parks have 'overtaken' the bigger parks because they work within their niches, why is the KK/KI/HW cluster any different?
  5. What makes you think KI is underestimating KK, especially after just building a giga?
  6. Why is it framed as KK being some sort of threat instead of being a niche park? There are a bunch of parks a few hours from Philly that co-exist as niche parks vying for attendance, but you never hear them being compared as one overtaking the other (like Dorney somehow 'overtaking' HP or SFGAdv). KK, HW, and KI (within the context of the IN, KY, and OH area) are niche parks. They've co-existed for a while now (KK's troubles not withstanding).
  7. GhostRider was a full on CCI before GCI got to upgrade it.
  8. Those pads made them the most claustrophobic restraints ever.
  9. Almost has the same charm as MIA's. Almost.
  10. Can masks even stay on a person in an open air coaster car at 50+ mph?
  11. One of, if not, the primary reason I'll be avoiding parks until next season is due to not trusting people to wear masks and properly social distance plus the parks' lack of ability to get people to do so due to the whole bridge too far stance (which, granted, is its own nuanced discussion, but I'm in a TL:DR kinda mood right now).
  12. Will CF still be making 2020 passes good for 2021 even if they open this season?
  13. ^Most likely because the country is on fire.
  14. Well, for starters, it was my grandparents' favorite ride when they got too old to ride most of everything else (and, surprisingly enough, Scrambler). I also like its placement above almost any carousel at the parks I've been to (maybe sans Hershey pre-entrance change), simply nestled below the Eiffel Tower, and the area around it looks stunning with the scenery work. It certainly adds its own character to I-Street, especially back when the Tiques were still there. Its a jewel to look upon at night. And of course, that classic music. I always find it hard to imagine that it was once taking a trip down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in a survivable way.
  15. So far for me (omitting Orion), it's Diamondback followed by Mystic Timbers, Banshee and Firehawk. DB was the first B&M at the park which they really needed for capacity's sake and it was odd for a park that big not to have one, plus it showed CF's seriousness about their ideas of developing the park. MT was a real big hit with the families and still delivers great thrills, Banshee filled in the inverted coaster gap, and Firehawk is my least favorite of the bunch as well as a hand-me-down from a defunct park. I honestly think Dominator and Firehawk should have switched the parks they landed at.
  16. ^How about the view from the 2nd lift where Vortex used to be right in your face in front of the park?
  17. Trims do not a bad coaster make. B&M purposely tries to attain close to 0g's on the crests of hills, hence the use of trims. A bunch of coasters I favor have trims and don't make them bad in the slightest. That is, unless that coaster is a wild mouse. Trims kind of ruin the purpose, as I experienced on Dorney's. I also don't care for launch coasters that launch straight into trims.
  18. I don't think there's all the big a demand for German food in a theme park seeing outside of parks more specialized in European theming like BGW and EPCOT.
  19. Also, Screamscape is pretty much the Wiki of park rumors.
  20. Saw it in person yesterday, no color change to be found. Probably the color filter on the camera.
  21. I also noticed Beast's first lift is more visible from KI Drive now as well.
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