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Everything posted by silver2005

  1. ^Nighthawk has different trains than Firehawk since it was the prototype. Also, SFA can't keep Batwing open. I imagine they won't last the next 5 years, and that's probably being generous.
  2. This removal also begs the question of how much time Nighthawk and Batwing have left.
  3. I tried that on Son of Beast (I rode it a ton in its original form between 2000 and 2006, with the Premier trains and loop) and it wasn't true in the slightest. Other than testing that theory a handful of times, the only 2 'comfortable' seats, and the only rows I chose to ride it, were 1-1 and 1-2. EDIT: BTW, even then, I could only tolerate riding it once, maybe twice, a visit, and that was in my teenage years and as healthy as ever.
  4. Unless that coaster is named Son of Beast. On 2 bench PTC's or if you have to pick a wheel seat, the front of the cars are smoother.
  5. Its kind a tough call between early and mid season. Early season is the end of the off season, I personally like spring over summer as its cooler, and the lines are shorter on those Fridays, but the main season has all the gears working and the new rides have their kinks worked out by then. As @malem and I found out on a P&G visit, having the shows there vs not there is a HUGE difference.
  6. ^Every CP coaster built after FL was introduced along with Gemini and Maverick has the merge at the station (GateKeeper, Valravn, Steel Vengeance).
  7. I used it this past season as well, mostly because it was my last CP visit for a while as I like to spread out my visits due to how often they add big rides and I wanted to really get to know Steel Vengeance before I go on my CP hiatus. I'd say it was worth it, though, it was only really useful on Maverick, SV, Valravn, and TTD on the day I went. When I do choose to go, I always go for 2 days, and I usually let myself splurge a bit.
  8. There's no way the 1991 Dinn coaster was going to be the tallest in the world given its rumored location.
  9. Then why remove Firehawk? If it was just because of maintenance, then it would have been done a while ago. See the way they waited to remove SOB until they were ready to install Banshee. Add on top of that the document, and it'd be way too coincidental for them to do all that for something not a coaster.
  10. We have documents from Warren County that names B&M specifically. Unless B&M has branched out to flat rides, it's gonna be a coaster. We just don't know what type yet.
  11. Now if only we could get new PTC's for it, new paint, and run the chaser lights all the way down. Still a much needed TLC job for sure. I will say it was running better this season. The blue side even had decent pops of air for once on the return run.
  12. They've been using it for Wolf Pack, why tear it down?
  13. Track wouldn't need to be made that quick. B&M's go up pretty fast, even gigas. DB and Banshee track didn't show up until after their respective announcements and those 2 aren't slouches on size.
  14. Enthusiasts' ire incoming in 5, 4, 3 2, 1... I didn't say it this time, Goble.
  15. Given how big the station is and if its converted to a queue house, you could really go all out in theming, something a la Flight of Fear even. Given 2020 might give us a giga, something of that level would go pretty well with something like that.
  16. ^I have a feeling most of these posters will be gearing up for a decoding thread come April. Now that its confirmed we're getting a B&M, its just about sitting back and waiting for the shenanigans.
  17. I had a pretty solid 2018 in terms of my enthusiast wants. Finally topped 100 credits with an awesome Pennsylvania and New Jersey trip, didn't go to Kings Island as much as I wanted, but made the most of those visits to make up for that, and also broke my Cedar Point rule about visiting every few years just to get to Steel Vengeance which I'm totally glad to not have waited for that one. Looking forward to a great SE trip and my first Holiwood Nights this summer.
  18. What about moving Congo Falls to Soak City?
  19. Would the same crowd here who supports a sky ride also go with a monorail around the park?
  20. To clarify- @Backlot Stunt Coaster#1 is a troll. Not only are you replying to a banned person, you are replying to someone who wrote that for the soul purpose to get you riled up to respond to him. Trolls get off on that stuff.
  21. RFYLCB- Anything shorter. Just because its named after a Peanuts film doesn't excuse its much too long name.
  22. Can at least part of the station be made into restrooms?
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