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Creed Bratton

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Everything posted by Creed Bratton

  1. To piggy back off of TOPGUN1993, Adventure Express has rapid directional changes, you could even consider the forces to be aggressive and unexpected. I'd also say the back adjustment of the first lift hill could play into it haha.
  2. Like I said off the top of my head, I couldn't think of any. Gwazi is a special case, lol. Non-USA El Toro doesn't count because most wouldn't know about it if they didn't visit or search RCDB Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. *Disclaimer* I'm can't find where this actually posted and it popped up when I went to reply, so I'm thinking it was just a draft and didn't get posted. Millennium Flyer trains are much more comfy. The restraints are easier to deal with I think. Timberliner trains are interesting to say the least. The restraints are kind of awkward, you feel more forced into your seat with them IMO. They come at you from the side of the train. I think they are less comfy. It's a GCI signature thing...I can't think of any GCI's off the top of my head that don't have a curved drop.
  4. They are considering staying open throughout the year, whether it's weekends only or a few days throughout the week. The marketplace/entertainment area would be open probably 364 days a year.
  5. Depends on the ride....per the manual I have from 2009ish, there were 3 specific levels with one of those levels (1) split into a few additional categories for things like block testing, and controls for Vortex. I am unsure of WindSeeker as I never received that manual. See the advice I gave above....even though you applied for Admissions, everything would apply. Best of luck.
  6. I watched the meeting from the link above where this was approved. It sounds pretty awesome! The opposition that showed was outweighed IMO than the supporters. However, the opposition did have some good points. Some of the stuff (speakers facing the wrong way, speiling being insane, etc.) can be fixed almost immediately. The one thing that kind of cracked me up was there was mention of people on rides screaming and that was hurting their quality of life (paraphrased).....how in the world could they tell guests to stop screaming on their rides? Anyway, I'm happy for them!
  7. They are aggressive for sure. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Don't expect it to be right away. They generally retrain ride returners first, followed by rides returners and then new crew. Depending on how many are on your crew that need trained for that it could be a month or more before hand. You also have to pass all of your levels prior to being drive trained. I think it was 16. I never paid attention since I worked at the park when I was not a minor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Cedar Point isn't as tight on space as everyone seems to believe they are. KIBeast is saying a newer concept (like a wing coaster) would be awesome if it comes along vs a flyer. Not saying they need a wing coaster. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah bud, I did several times. It was awesome, but at the same time it was crazy that I was in control of a multi-million dollar machine. I absolutely loved it. It's pretty in depth and it can be scary at times as you think of how many people you are accountable for. If you do work there, once you are 18 you have the ability to be trained for controls. Once you do, it's pretty awesome. B&M coasters are pretty awesome and easy to control. You just have to know your stuff.
  11. Haha Coastermania. It's been changed. Mania is good but it's not amazing IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. What do you mean by deal with a mid-course? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Coasterstock for sure! Multiple days, more than likely cheaper than Coastermania, Mystic Timbers, Great ERT sessions, Guest Speakers, The Don Helbig, great perks/gifts AND I may have forgot, but Mystic Timbers! Need I say more?
  14. Theoretically it will be 1,275 riders per hour per https://mystictimbers.visitkingsisland.com/explore-the-woods/press-release
  15. Thank you for doing this! I love seeing aspects of Kings Island that I never got to experience myself.
  16. You aren't the only one who forgot about the tunnel because I definitely did!
  17. I think it's very possible it's in Soak City, towards the edge line of the waterpark The angle of the webcam faces down through WWC, which leads toward Soak City. I'm thinking it would lead between Rebdezvous Run and Tropical Twister. Which is toward the parking lot, which would be why you are seeing the 2nd crane sticking out as you can see cars traveling on KI Drive and 71 from this camera as well. Below is a park map where the red circle signifies approximately is where the camera is and the yellow arrow is the viewing angle. https://www.visitkingsisland.com/plan-a-visit/park-map Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I saw that the other day when looking to see if they've released what locations have the meal deals and all that jazz. I'm not sure if it's officially removed for 2017 or not.
  19. Business Casual. Khaki pants and a polo would be fine.
  20. That is likely in Soak City, working on the new restaurant.
  21. A resume wouldn't hurt. Be sure to bring your id/social security card as well. They may or may not use them, but it's always a good idea to take to an interview in case they hire you on the spot and need to copy those items for their records.
  22. Millennium Flyers from what I understand and have seen can, just depends on where the rider holds the weight. The restraints come down between your legs and they don't really staple you. It's hard to tell with clicks because from each Millennium Flyer train I've been on, the restraints automatically come down to you, they aren't like PTC restraints and they do usually have some give.
  23. If I were you, I'd get your passes ASAP. The price may go up as it gets closer to the season starting and the Gold Passes do go away sometime in May/June.
  24. Congratulations! I know a couple of folks on the crew and I'm quite excited for them.
  25. Millennium Flyer trains are much more comfy. The restraints are easier to deal with I think. Timberliner trains are interesting to say the least. The restraints are kind of awkward, you feel more forced into your seat with them IMO. They come at you from the side of the train. I think they are less comfy. PS.....may wanna update your signature
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