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Everything posted by coasterfanatic83

  1. Does anybody on here have a photo of this they are willing to share? I don't remember ever noticing it, but I am intrigued now!
  2. I was there one evening when there were tornadoes, or at least funnels, in the area. My buddy and I were forced to take shelter in the freezer of the International Street Larosa's. We did get free pizza our of it though.
  3. Walking by tombstones near construction fence: "Wow, they are setting up early for Haunt this year!"
  4. Straight Talk here. And no service if it is crowded. If it isn't crowded I usually do okay, but it does that to me at a lot of high-density places (ballgames, parks, etc)
  5. I made an impromptu trip today! I was more upset about not seeing the legend himself, YoungStud. Good day to be at the park though.
  6. I was there today as well! Lots of activity over near Banshee, and a beautiful day at the park.
  7. Seriously though, that would get you the job for sure!
  8. It looks like somebody used Microsoft Paint to make this video
  9. One thing I would do is put signs on I-75 North and South. I get to KI by getting off on exit 22, but there are no signs there that say "Hey! Kings Island is here!" When I drive to Cedar Point I see signs everywhere, and there is nothing on I-75 that says to go this way to get to Kings Island.
  10. Hold up. Did you just say to get rid of Panda Express? That's not ok!
  11. Don't start on a coaster. Start on Drop Tower, and tell him, "If you can get up here and free-fall, everything else will be cake." Go big or go home!
  12. Don said on WLW that we should see it going vertical this week.
  13. I would call up Cedar Fair and sell it to them immediately. That way, I know it would be in good hands, and I'm sure I could work a deal to maintain a small portion of ownership. I trust them
  14. Did you try holding onto the vest itself so that it would stay gently rested on your shoulders? I know that helped me at Gatekeeper's media day, but I am far from 6 foot 4 so it could be very different for you
  15. That has been thoroughly debated on this site. Reference here to read into it if you want to: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/23549-should-surf-dog-be-considered-a-coaster/?hl=%2Bshould+%2Bsurf+%2Bconsidered+%2Bcoaster
  16. Those have OTSRs and go upside-down. I don't see how they apply to this conversation at hand, since those are entirely different.
  17. I can't help but think of the theme music from the Call of Duty Black Ops: Zombies page, Darned. (the name isn't actually Darned, but it automatically edited it )
  18. Anytime an advancement is made here is a shock to me. I didn't think KK would even make it this far into rebuilding!
  19. Where in the video did you see it? Am I just blind? (which wouldn't surprise me) Also, it looks like someone was a little ambitious with Firehawk's height at the 0:56 mark
  20. Umm, might wanna take that down. Language issues like in that video aren't something that are taken lightly here. Just a heads up! Edit: Posts I were referring to are gone now, so I'm not calling anyone out or anything!
  21. I started the video not realizing it was 42 minutes long. I'll save it for a rainy day
  22. Vertical construction to start next week! And he called it Raptor on steroids
  23. I thought it looked like a pretzel. But I am also hungry right now...
  24. Well the way it reads to me is that... ya know, you could just kinda... skip the line I don't really remember, but didn't there used to be a separate line at BLSC for gold passholders? Or something like that?
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