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Everything posted by Snowman

  1. I guess I've just been lucky, or pack real light.
  2. ^ Those should work fine, I might go get a pair of those myself. Spread your stuff out in different pockets though for more security.
  3. The only reason that assumption was (supposedly) made is because DA! takes up residence of the forest that ToT resides in, and it's the most popular Haunt attraction they have. Instead of getting off on the tangent of if the assumption has supposedly or not been made regarding KI making a maze out of DA, my point was regarding the upcharge of the attraction during the day and if anyone would be willing to pay extra to go through a haunt maze. Kind of like paying extra to sit in the front row and taste midget sweat
  4. ^ Dude, that is soo funny! Still laughing. You didn't come down on pro/con side of fanny pack fence though. If your sh*#'s safe, who really cares how you look, unless your trying to pick up a coaster significant other.
  5. Wow, 10 days left! As many have said, thanks for all the photos. I've seen every one, and now just 9 to go. We're down to single digit days, it's been a looooong winter! Those sure were some nice trees on the map.......too soon?
  6. Everyone seems to assume that KI will make DA a haunt trail. Keep in mind they're charging 5 bucks a head to walk through it all day, so If they do make a maze out of it, I bet you'll be shelling out extra money to go through it during Haunt. How much would you pay?
  7. Never thought I'd be defending RaptorGuy for any reason. Dressing for safety and keeping your belongings out of the nets is just plain smart, however you do it. Also, sharing tips and tricks are very helpful to everyone. I can't begin to tell you how much I've learned on this site. Thrill junkies go to KI for excitement, not to impress you with their fashion (or lack of fashion) sense.
  8. They must have had a brutal windstorm over the weekend. Check out WindSeeker Webcam #2: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/fun/webcams/index.cfm Maybe someone will fix it this week.
  9. Try wearing a "Hannity Lies" tshirt on freedom concert day!
  10. Hitler video was fantastic!! Mexican Eric Bischoff, you sir are an editing wizard. FCP I presume? Your finest moment by far was synching up hitler saying "Stalin" and you referencing the antique cars "stalling"! That was brilliant.
  11. Wouldn't every trip on every train have a slightly different speed? The weight of every trainload would be different. The temperature of the track would be different. I can see claiming a consistant speed on rides that are completely controlled by motors, but any ride using gravity and inertia as it's motor has got to have variable speeds. Thoughts?
  12. I used to support wearing sandals with no straps around the heel and open toes on roller coasters. Now, I have changed my mind and I'm against wearing them on coasters........ I guess I've "Flip Flopped"!!!! (18 days is obviously too long)
  13. True GYK, but when I bought my pass at Haunt last year, they posted online and management said to my face that Beast and DB would be open for ERT in 2011. It is a big deal to honor what was offered. If you can only go on the weekends, I assure you DB and Beast are not 5 to 15 minute waits, and if the main reason you purchased passes was for Beast and DB ERT on weekends and it was offered, it should be honored. I have called the park and they won't issue refunds either. While I still intend to go (unlike Raptorguy) I don't agree with their policy. Thanks PhantomTheater for starting this thread so I can beat this horse some more.
  14. What was the "Magic of the Movies Live"? That's a fully loaded Panavision Gold Camera on a Panavision Gear head. It looks like it's sitting on a Fisher 10 dolly boom arm. That's some heavy duty film gear, was all of that used in this show?
  15. You'd think those employees would have been able to help hold the balloon better if they didn't have to wear those Banana Splits costumes! Geez, KI really made the workers earn their money back then huh?
  16. I see, so, is it safe to assume you have facts to back up your claim that much of the information provided in this thread is in fact false? I'd also like to know what information is so ridiculous. Also, I'm 45 and love Kings Island, so does that make me a "Fan Man"?
  17. Thank you goodyellowcorn182 and TombRaiderFTW for the education. Frankly, I don't care if either of you are engineers or not, you both provide entertaining and informative posts. I appreciate you taking the time to further my KI knowledge. I'm going to hold good thoughts for the Crypt's upgrades.
  18. These may be too obvious and already answered questions, but thanks in advance for the education: What is the difference between a "regular" topspin and a"giant" topspin? Also, what is done to the machinery that makes them safe for outdoor operation, and why wasn't it done to Crypt given that there was once water and fire elements?
  19. Why even go to the park anymore? And why hit enter completely randomly, not even at the end of sentences? Just type a paragraph... Sorry, that's bothered me. A roller coaster isn't always the answer. Some on here may think you're Mr. Kinzel in disguise, as just about the only thing that makes you happy is taller, faster, bigger roller coasters. Love it or hate it, we have a one-of-a-kind flat ride. May not be the best in terms of thrill, but it's the only indoor one in the world, it's the only Giant one in the world, and even with its current cycle it has potential given the ride atmosphere, lighting, disorientation, etc. It's clear that you're unhappy with... Well... Pretty much everything except Diamondback and Raptor. So be it. Maybe you have a valid point about The Crypt. But recognize that when you complain about everything, no one takes it seriously. "Choose your battles," they say. If you yell at your kids every day for dropping Cheerios on the floor, they won't take you seriously when you yell at them for walking out into the street alone. When you complain about every aspect of Kings Island, no one will listen when you have a valid point... Also, you say that the ride ran like a charm in 2008, and that Kings Dominion's is "pretty decent, too." 2008 Kings Island Crypt = 2005 - present Kings Dominion Crypt. It's the same cycle with precisely the same flips. Just an odd comment I thought I'd make... Very well put. This guy reminds me of an old joke: How many mother in laws does it take to change a light bulb?..... None, they'd rather sit in the dark and Bit*h!
  20. Great point. You raise an interesting question regarding liability. If the ride or restraint didn't malfunction, and it's the parents decision to let the child ride, where does the operator's, park's, manufacturer's liability end?
  21. Truly a sad event. I have no children, so I'm looking for the opinion of a parent. Isn't 3 years old too young to be on any kind of a mechanical ride, much less a roller coaster without an adult right by them? All these rides just seem too extreme for anyone that young. What's an age that kids are old enough, regardless of their size to grasp how important it is to stay in the ride?
  22. Thank you GYK for the education. I hate I missed out on the exciting rides. You and other long timers here never cease to amaze me with ya'lls knowledge of our park's history.
  23. Could someone please educate me on something, I don't understand why when CF took over KI, the Crypt got "de-thrilled". I understand they lost the Tomb Raider licensing, but why did they decide to take the exciting parts out of the ride cycle. I never rode it before they change so I've only heard about more flips and better movement. Did Paramount own the ride cycles as well?
  24. I can't imagine this is a finished map. I would guess they're going to add landscaping at least around the borders. After all CP's 2010 map showed the beach, marina, water and even boats: http://www.cedarpoint.com/public/park/map/index.cfm
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