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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. I've been on one floorless (Hydra at Dorney) and enjoyed it. However, I really like the idea of a floorless as it's a unique coaster type that looks cool (and also probably because the first one debuted in '99 and I love things from 90's/early 2000's!) Also, I went into Hydra expecting that the leg dangling would make it feel like your legs would be very close to the track (and thus feel very different), but with the exception of the train having no floor, it didn't feel any different (to me) than a standard B&M looping coaster. So, long story short, yes, I would love it if KI announced a floorless for say, 2019 or 2020!
  2. Yes, it is very crowded today. Bat was down to last set of stairs (before the station), DT was 4 turnstiles deep and Viking actually had switchbacks open. Beast was pretty full as well (lower queue was open, couldn't tell how many switchbacks though), but did not ride. Festhaus was very packed and had long Dollar Day lines (yes, 2 long lines) for LaRosas side around 3:30ish. Also, Rivertown Funnel was out the door when I passed. Yeah, I plan on seeing the last 90's show and peace-ing out. On a plus side, Dinos and Zephyr had no wait!
  3. I'm at the park now and I just now heard the change in music. However, it doesn't really bother me that much. But, that being said, I really did enjoy the instrumental music on I-Street when it was here.
  4. I really like how that theme really ties in with the old (90's Nickelodeon/Green Slime Zone) as well as the new (the new Scare Zone for Haunt, Wasteland). Also, since we are throwing ideas out there, how about a full-circuit, launched giga (as in, not a launch hill, but a standard launch like Flight of Fear/Top Thrill Dragster) coaster? I don't know that any of those have been done before and it would be really cool if Kings Island got the first one. EDIT: Also, have you seen this guy's concept for a 4D El Loco coaster? Oh. my. gosh; that would be nuts! Link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/4d-el-loco-coaster-concept-patrick-mcgarvey
  5. I really like that design; the brake/reverse section at the far end of the ride reminds me of the Heartline coasters (like this one) that were popular in the 80's and 90's.
  6. So, here are my thoughts about SIX's announcement video this morning. Six Flags Great Adventure's addition and Twisted Cyclone (SFOG) look really cool (especially that sick 2-inversion turnaround), but the others are indeed just a step up from last year (however, it was cool that Six Flags Mexico is getting a Free Fly). It's interesting that SFDK's addition as well as the Larson Loop(s) are considered still considered coasters by SIX even though I'd consider them to be flat rides. Even with the two highlights (imo), I think Cedar Fair (and specifically, Steel Vengeance) and Silver Dollar City take the cake this year as far as new ride announcements go. EDIT: I forgot to mention that I do like those Zamperla Giant Discoveries (I think that's what these are?) going into certain SIX parks. As others have said, it seems like SIX is heavily focusing on flats next year. I think SIX's record announcement years thus far were 2013 and 2014 (for 2014 and 2015 respectively) they announced RMC makeovers as well as some interesting new flats.
  7. Well, it's that time of year again, so I bring you the annual Six Flags 2018 video. Discuss. And yes, I know the video is on Coaster Studios' channel, but I couldn't find it anywhere else...
  8. Agreed. Also, a new smokehouse does make sense in the context of County Fair (to me, Coney Mall's theme- well, with the exception of X-Base and Backlot - is about a classic midway and more specifically, Coney Island, and imo, a smokehouse doesn't make much since in that context). We shall see...
  9. (Re: the above post) That would have been really nice if CP had gone through with that. Cedar Creek Mine Ride's trains are really uncomfortable and the addition of Gemini's trains would have helped improve the ride experience. The only reason I plan to ride it in the near future is for the Cedar Creek Mystic Mine Ride makeover. However, I wonder if the "shed" will be at the end of the ride or will use the tunnel at the beginning of the ride.
  10. Is the amphitheater that you are referring to (that you can see from Drop Tower) Timberwolf or is this another one? I'm asking as if there is another amphitheater from back then that it not visible/accessible to guests at ground level, I'd like to try to spot it on my way up.
  11. I just want to thank TombRaiderTy for posting that great historical picture; it's really interesting to see that the amphitheater (now used for the Petting Farm) had seats, and different colored sections at that! Also, where was the Aerial Aerobic Climbing Maze in relation to the attractions in the picture? That was one place I remember seeing and enjoying when the area was Green Slime Zone.
  12. The last few shows were great. My total show count for this year was 43. For me personally, I think Cirque wrapped up nicely and those last goodbyes following the 5 PM show gave some closure. And yes, I cried (during the 3 PM show, once the "Dum, dum" music came on the signal the precursor to the Dual Cyr ring act)! But I like that we fans had 3 shows to let it settle in, that Cirque was in fact leaving. I handed out tissues during the 7 PM show as the people behind me couldn't stop crying - and that's ok. In a way, it was like the 3 PM show was the last show and the other 2 were encores. As I said in my letter(s) I gave to the cast, I wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors.
  13. While Cirque had a fantastic run, I will now look forward towards Haunt and weekend operations.

  14. I just found it on the site, it's called "Dance of the Macabre" and sounds pretty cool. Link: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/play/haunt/attractions/cemetery-drive
  15. I'd like to bump this thread in light of recent announcements...
  16. Jump5 does the "Friends" cover (it plays on Planet Snoopy); did not know that was a Michael W. Smith song (I assumed it was an original).
  17. Yes, yes I can lol (though, naturally it would be randomized, so maybe there would be a clue that said event would happen, much like Also, even without evil Santa (not to be confused with the awesome Haunt character that roams Coney Mall at night...), it would be a really creepy atmosphere anyway with the warped disc. I feel like getting me to ride Mystic during Winterfest could turn into a challenge of some sort during the GWL Holiday Party...
  18. Yeah, no. This is actually what I was afraid of. I used to be terrified of Santa when I was a kid (but we're cool now! ) and I was wondering if something creepy would be in the shed come Winterfest.
  19. My friend sent me an e-mail this morning with an article about Mean Streak Henry, and that got me thinking... I wonder what his thoughts are on Steel Vengeance?
  20. Sorry to double post, but I found another video about Time Traveler that I thought was worth sharing:
  21. Upon watching the teaser trailer for the coaster (which can be found on SDC's site and above), I think the trailer itself is cool and reminds me of a Disney movie trailer, especially those from the 90's where they had a featurette about the movie (or in this case, about Silver Dollar City) before the trailer. I'll see if I can find said trailer so you can see what I mean... EDIT: Here it is, enjoy! EDIT2: Actually, nevermind, I realized the trailer is posted above, so go check out Silver2005's opening post!
  22. Time Traveler looks great! Anyone on here know if this is the only spinning coaster with an inversion? Somehow, I feel like it is. EDIT: Nevermind, I found this: https://rcdb.com/6453.htm#p=40626 (credit to RCDB). However, it is the only spinning coaster with a loop.
  23. Oh. my. gosh. This looks amazing! I freaked when I saw that it would be a hyper! Also, thank you Cedar Point (and Cedar Fair) for calling it a hybrid and not a wooden coaster. Finally, this thing is long! Cannot wait to board in 2018! EDIT: POV for your viewing pleasure:
  24. Ok good. Hope it's back up by Sunday; I love that ride. And as of late, that's usually my go-to post-Cirque ride.
  25. Semi-off-topic, but Bat was closed today (I was at the park from 2:20-ish to close (after 8 PM)) with an new "this attraction is not open today" sign. I was told by a fellow guest that Bat has been closed for a month; Is this true? I only ask because someone else said that may mean they are getting rid of it. Yes, I know I should probably take it with a grain of salt, but I still wanted to run it by you all to see what your opinions are. EDIT: I also saw that Attitudes was closed today.
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