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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I think there's some key elements that are required to make an area an official section Rides Eateries/food vendors Restrooms Ample seating/resting area So far X-Base only has one ride, a small concession stand, and a few benches. I think more would have to be done in order to truly make the section its own. I think we'll see some more additions in the near future.
  2. @AmusementWatch we've discussed this to great lengths on multiple threads and I think its bad PR to name a new ride after one that has injured riders and was infamous for maintenance issues. Lets have an original concept that doesn't piggyback off of another ride.
  3. Well the park is certainly living up to its name "California." Drop Tower is being repainted/ rethemed to resemble a giant Sequoia- a tree native to California. http://coaster-nation.com/californias-great-america-re-theming-iconic-ride/
  4. It was for seasonal employees who lived in the dorms. Their parents/ family would send them stuff and they could also pick up stuff they ordered online.
  5. Cedar Point dorms had a mail room, and a building for food, a rec room, and a common area.
  6. I agree. They have a lot of work to do in order to get back on CF's good side. Their most recent work with Intamin didn't go so well to the point where they had to remove/ redo certain rides.
  7. We're all talking about deer. Don's created a diversion. Pulling a Terpy
  8. I want to talk about height for a little bit. Yukon Striker and Valravn share the same height but Yukon Striker has a longer drop. Would a KI giga match/be within feet of Fury in terms of height or would there be a significant gap?
  9. Agreed, Ohio weather is too brutal and unpredictable for KI to withstand operation in either January, February, or March. There's not enough ROI for that to happen.
  10. That might, and I say might, be for Hershey Park's 2020 coaster. I could be wrong
  11. Cedar Point, which this concept is based off of, has an awesome dorm system that I think a lot of people take for granted. I made a lot of friends while staying at my CP apartment, right next to the dorms, and it felt like I was away for college.
  12. Not bad. I like the layout with exception to the color scheme. #noyellowcoaster
  13. The one thing I think should be improved with during Haunt is the long lines for the houses. I think the park should bridge the gap between rides and scares. Back when Paramount was in charge, rides like the Antique Cars, KI&MVRR, and the Phantom Theater were all converted to Halloween attractions- I'd like to see a return of that in some form or another. In addition, I'd love to see more rides potentially "altered" for the Haunt season- possibly changing the audio on Mystic Timbers and Adventure Express would be a good start, as well as bringing back the train, route 666, and possibly Boo Plasters as haunt attractions. The one thing I think should be improved with during Haunt is the long lines for the houses.
  14. I've been preaching this for a while but BLSC should get a retheme. Remove the cop cars, billboards, shipping containers, helicopter, etc, and in its place add some quality theming that fits in with the park. I still think they should take inspiration from Knotts and try Pony Express styled trains if possible.
  15. Hopefully the landscaping will be phenomenal. I still think it'll look like this
  16. Apparently Mystic Timbers' station is in Picnic Grove as well
  17. Resembles the Steelers and Pirates- two hated teams in Southern Ohio
  18. I agree with @Bansheeback. Maybe the plan was to remove Firehawk all along and replace it with a B&M giga, or maybe what @fryoj said where the proposed giga wouldn't even touch the Firehawk footprint. Either way, like I said before, I think Firehawk has been on the chopping block for a while and they were just looking for a good time to remove the ride. I think working with Vekoma is a nightmare for Cedar Fair because of the reliability issues and the ability to get spare parts.
  19. I'd prefer a small woodie in Planet Snoopy that's essentially halfway between Woodstock Express and Racer at around 50 ft. I think that barnyard takes up a lot of PS real estate that can be utilized for something greater.
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