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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Now looking back, I got my source from a YouTube comment in the video below so take that with a grain of salt. Though, it wouldn’t be too far fetched that they would’ve enclosed it to try and remedy the loudness- at least from those who were in the waterpark.
  2. I’d personally Flight of Fear it and have it run in the dark so the elements wouldn’t feel as repetitive-which I believe was SF’s intention with it at one point.
  3. I mean like a modern version that fixes the flaws of the original ride
  4. I’d hardly say KD is much further south than KI, probably the longitudinal equivalent of Lexington, Kentucky, who pretty much gets about the same weather we do up here. Having gone to Virginia in the cooler months, I say it’s not too different than what we encounter- some days can be pleasant, some days can be horrible.
  5. Now that Diamondback is off the board, I suggest Backlot Stunt Coaster or Woodstock Express. It would be cool if they painted Backlot’s track an actual color vs just having it be all dark. It would also be cool to see Woodstock Express get repainted back to Yellow from its Scooby Doo days, but unfortunately Yellow fades fast.
  6. This looks like a unique way to utilize some failing/abandoned malls: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CpSWfc7AKm3/?igshid=ZjE2NGZiNDQ=
  7. I still think a water ride would go nicely in that patch of grass next to Diamondback’s second hill. That would still allow the park to put something new where the building is and fill in some of that open land without having to tear into the woods.
  8. I’m not sure what that building can hold that would accomplish this that isn’t what used to already be in there. The DarKoaster building is 4 times the size of what we have. I argue unless they have another flat ride to put in that building, tear it down.
  9. Wasn’t there a guy who was teaching people a trick on how to manipulate the restraints on a Hershey Park coaster to let them basically stand then got upset when he got kicked out of Carowinds for doing something similar? (Don’t manipulate restraints)
  10. I think Woodstock Whirlybirds, the Character Carousel and the Grand Carousel should be added. I don’t see the harm considering they don’t move super fast and people like to film their kids.
  11. No, they just like what they like. Kinda condescending to say that people chose not to eat different things because they’re scared….maybe they like to food from chains because it’s familiar and maybe even comforting. I like to try new offerings, but I’m not going to think someone’s scared because they opted for cheese coneys over King Cobra sushi.
  12. At the very least they’re brands people know. Out of town guests who visit the park might see the places you mentioned and chose to go there because it’s something that they’re familiar with.
  13. Cedar Fair uses coasters from other parks as well. I remember seeing a European Mack on KI’s app once.
  14. Considering Zamperla has been working with CF recently, it would be cool to see if they could look into horse cars for BLSC. They gave Knott’s Pony Express which is similar to BLSC in some ways.
  15. Forgive my crude Snapchat edit. I think if they ripped out the squad cars, containers, billboards, rocks, etc and planted arborvitaes throughout the course of the ride, it would be somewhat reminiscent of what the land used to look like pre 2005 and give off a Hagrid’s vibe where riders are wizzing past trees. Of course there would have to be changes to the tunnel and such but I think this would be loads better.
  16. That was honestly my first reaction when I saw the concept art- it’s quite similar to Skylab except for how you’re seated which I argue improves the rider’s experience. Witches Wheel at CP was fun but being in a small compartment made me feel sorta uneasy. I think a lot of GP who remember Skylab will compare it to Sol Spin, especially with where the ride is placed.
  17. I put this in the ”Rumors” section because of past alterations to coasters. In 2014, the park rethemed Flight Deck to The Bat to tie in with Banshee and to bring back nostalgia for the original Bat. In 2019 The Beast trains were repainted to resemble their original color scheme; not a huge modification but still a visual change. In 2022 Racer was repainted back to its 1970s colors. In 2023 we see that Adventure Express is getting some work done thematically and Diamondback got a pretty significant paint job…. Now regarding coasters, Backlot has always seemed to be the elephant in the room. When it was the Italian Job Stunt Track, the ride was completely themed to the films’s chase scene. Now with the rights gone, the ride just takes up a generic stunt coaster theme. I know there are those who would like to see it go but I argue it’s too popular of an attraction with families to be taken out. That being said, do you think the park will overhaul Backlot Stunt Coaster into something different or at least make modifications to it?
  18. I wish Invertigo had vest styled restraints but I’m sure it’ll be taken down before they would ever get new trains for it. Having an invert with vest restraints right across from Invertigo sorta aged it more imo.
  19. What’s ironic is that the rides people have missed the most have started to come back: the Eagles (sort of), the Antique Cars, and now the Barrels and Sol Spin.
  20. The Cincinnati Zoo did this in the early 2010s and it looks like they’re going to do it again https://www.renewableenergyworld.com/solar/28-mw-solar-project-coming-to-cincinnati-zoo/#gref
  21. Especially when it’s all of Enrique’s and Mercado. I’m not sure posting pictures of the same half painted building really generates excitement over, say, aggravation.
  22. Double post: Concept Art is a double edged sword. If you do it, you may raise people’s expectations and not be able to deliver on what was drawn out. If you don’t do it, you can’t advertise your new product as effectively. I like the drawn concepts over the digital ones but I’m personally not a fan of the Adventure Port’s concept that features the pond because I don’t think they’ll be able to make the water that light blue but I’ve been wrong before. Concept art isn’t false advertising because it’s a concept on a product that’s not finalized but things can get exaggerated at times and maybe that’s our fault as the consumers.
  23. Wasn’t The Racer running backwards in that concept as well?
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