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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. ^Except most schools have pushed their start back...
  2. And people wonder why Ohio is surging... https://www.fox19.com/2020/07/20/party-coney-island-shut-down-due-large-crowd-lack-social-distancing/
  3. How was social distancing during this time forced being inside...
  4. Wouldn't that be like telling the police to not ticket speeders? I mean the speed limit is posted and people start to drive knowing what the speed limit is...and yet people still disobey posted signage and other traffic laws... In an ideal world, yes this shouldn't have to happen, but we do not live in an ideal world...so society needs enforcement of policies and laws... If KI sets forth policies, they then need to enforce those policies. Ohio is proving that we cannot count on Ohioans to do the right thing: https://www.fox19.com/2020/07/20/study-shows-ohio-is-among-most-irresponsible-states-limiting-spread-covid-during-pandemic/
  5. He heard he didn't need a reservation to enter
  6. And no reservations could end up deterring people from going that have a long drive to park and risk it being at "capacity" when they arrive or people now concerned that the crowd levels will not be maintained as well as they were....wouldn't that suck for the park if attendance goes down now...
  7. ^Well they do have experience hiring "reality" show participants
  8. But then they are touching the seating and railings and stuff and will need sanitized between each show...the current location "most" will be standing on the provided social distancing dots...
  9. It is amazing how this only happens when kids get together socially, but will not happen once inside a confined classroom... https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/exposed-son-man-fights-covid-191258861.html
  10. Remember when people said the covid would disappear in the hot summer..... https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/why-didnt-summer-kill-the-coronavirus-experts-explain-what-white-house-officials-were-missing-173100360.html
  11. And yet we find articles indicating that the AAP says their initial statement was taken out of context and never was an endorsement of the call by President Trump for all schools to fully reopen — and the organization has now attempted to directly distance itself from the administration’s belligerent stance on reopening. Yes they agree schools should open, but has to be done safely and with precautions in place that very few schools have the funds or staff to provide. You can’t just double or triple the physical class room size overnight or double or triple the number of qualified teachers overnight. It takes funding. Funding that continually gets cut. A month ago or so DeWine said he had to cut school funding, yet kept funding for jails intact. How exactly do schools hire more teachers and rent out space with budget cuts? https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/07/13/trump-administration-cites-american-academy-pediatrics-make-its-case-school-reopening-heres-what-aap-really-said/ And Dr. Fauci has echoed those same thoughts and he said it was important that people adhere to guidelines on social distancing and masks to keep the level of infection in communities down, because that will make it easier to get children back into schools. Otherwise, he said schools will have to deal with the infection dynamics in their communities and create modified plans with altered school days and virtual learning. https://roanoke.com/news/local/fauci-it-is-very-important-to-get-the-children-back-to-school/article_ed79bf1e-a1d2-5d26-9661-56e431d0b39b.html I already see the narrative playing out: In March, April, May the narrative was this is an old person disease and the young don't get it. People were saying it is like the flu and will be gone by summer. In June and July the narrative is now more 20-39 age demographics are testing positive, and while the deaths may not be up there as the older generation, they are suffering from long term effects. Part of why this demo is showing numbers now is because they are being tested. In March, April, May, only the sick were getting tested. In July the narrative is they are saying there is little evidence children spread it. Yet, we see evidence from day cares in Texas, summer camps in Missouri, going back to school in Israel that kids are spreading it. How many kids are getting tested? Only if they have a hospital visit. Who here says "hey family let's jump in the family vehicle and run down to the pop-up test site and get tested?" I suspect none or a very few. How many on this site have been tested? The children age group simply hasn't been tested unless they were in the hospital. So the narrative now is let's send them all back to school. Governor DeWine has a new color coding map and counties that are red are mandatory masks when inside buildings....yet the Governor made school children exempt from this when inside a school. So a mask makes sense for the kiddo being dragged around Kroger for an hour every two weeks, but not when sitting in essentially a poorly ventilated confined space classroom 30+hours a week. Makes perfect sense? Give it a month or so to simmer and then mid-September, early October, we will start to see stories of entire school building staffs catching covid and having to shut down and spike and hotspots as families with children in the school get it. And then the narrative will be "we didn't think kids could spread it". We do not have those numbers yet to know for sure if children are carriers or spreaders. We will by October. And people will be scratching their heads. Except for this doctor that states “You have to understand that the virus doesn’t want to kill us. It does not want to be deadly,” Dr. Andria Rusk, an assistant professor specializing in infectious disease at Florida International University’s College of Public Health and Social Work, told McClatchy News. “It wants for the human host to survive and be asymptomatic for as long as possible because that perpetuates itself. The longer it’s able to keep us contagious, the better off the virus is.” What better human host than children... And people said this would be gone in the summer heat like the flu....yet it shows no signs of letting down..so what will this fall/winter be like? PS - this also shows that there is so much information out there - some dated, some inaccurate, some taken out of context, some still being written because nobody really has a handle on this virus, that one can find an article to support their position, whatever it is...maybe you think that smoking helps reduce covid - you can find an article on that... You can even create the narrative to support your position - go to Google and type in any 3 digit number and new cases and see what happens - type in 999 new cases or 123 new cases...and sometimes a 3 digit number and covid works too
  12. Not surprised as most of us knew CP would have a struggle with staffing given they couldn't get the internationals and the dorms are not being fully utilized. The shows will not make up for the amount of rides closed. It will be an interesting Q3 call to see if opening up made sense from a financial standpoint....
  13. I suspect it is either something totally unrelated like he took Fran and the grandkids to Cedar Point Yesterday and this morning, thus he couldn't hold his press conference yesterday OR He expects a County will go into purple today and wanted to delay the press conference to assure the new data is in and people have seen it for a couple of hours before mentioning his plans.
  14. What most people forget is early on, it was estimated with social distancing measures that the USA would see less than 100,000 deaths. The most widely regarded modeling early on was the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics Evaluation (IHME) model that early on estimated around 84,000 US deaths. Then in early April, the IHME figure dropped even further, estimating 60,000 deaths by August. And yet here we are today at around 138,000 deaths in the US. You are right, the models are grossly incorrect - they substantially under-estimated the number of deaths in the US...why is that? Why are most people not concerned that more are dying than anticipated? https://abcnews.go.com/Health/explaining-coronavirus-death-toll-predictions-improving/story?id=70073130 PS - this also shows that there is so much information out there, some dated, some inaccurate, some still being written because nobody really has a handle on this virus, that one can find an article to support their position, whatever it is...maybe you think that smoking helps reduce covid - you can find an article on that... You can even make up the narrative - go to Google and type in any 3 digit number and new cases and see what happens - type in 999 new cases or 123 new cases...and sometimes a 3 digit number and covid works too
  15. Like what drones and stuff There are plenty of forum members that avoid this thread if this site is an escape for them. It isn't like the people posting in this thread are like "Hmm should I post about corona or Orion"... As evidenced by all the reservation openings, many many people are not going to the park, so only so much one can say about the park when they haven't been in there this year... But this is an important aspect of amusement park operations, good or bad. If you don't wanna see it, block the thread... Sometimes it is better keeping all the arguments in one thread LOL.
  16. Sounds like he enjoyed Orion....and had it make a positive impact on his well-being! https://www.wcpo.com/news/crime/mason/how-i-lost-190-pounds-to-ride-kings-islands-orion
  17. Or why doesn’t anyone question why the USA makes up only 4.25% of the world’s population; yet we are 26% of the total known Coronavirus cases and 23% of the total world deaths due to Coronavirus…we are leading all countries by a long shot…Strive to be Number One in every category I guess...
  18. And after re-opening June 18th, Hong Kong DisneyLand is re-closing July 15th due to spread - didn't make it a month - https://www.clickorlando.com/news/2020/07/13/hong-kong-disneyland-to-close-again-after-coronavirus-outbreak/ It is generally acknowledged that Hong Kong has some of the better implementation of measures to combat this spread - mandatory contact tracing, their acceptance of mask wearing, etc....could a re-closure be coming soon to a park near you...stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel...
  19. Lack of employee power or electrical power?
  20. Shouldn't the beagle out front be letting people know this and Woodstock tweeting about it
  21. Apparently no more screaming on rides in Japan theme parks to keep out the corona....bet the KI neighbors would love to see this added to the policy https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53344447
  22. And then you see articles like this with an outbreak at summer camps. This place does have day camps and overnight camps and there isn't a readily available breakdown on from which camps, but if it can spread in this environment, why not in school? Certainly puts things like DC trips and other overnight school field trips into question. https://people.com/health/missouri-summer-camp-sees-dozens-infected-with-coronavirus-as-outbreak-raises-safety-concerns/ https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/08/us/missouri-arkansas-summer-camp-covid-19-trnd/index.html
  23. ^Plus, they have to save all their nickels to pay back the One Billion Dollar note they took out earlier this year that is due in 2025 or risk losing the parks.
  24. And for good or bad, our freedom mentality is why the US contact tracing will fail miserably. Most people will forget they made a stop at a 7-11 or something or will flat out lie if approached for a verbal recollection of where they have been in the last 14 days. Meanwhile, whether people want to acknowledge it or not, we are already being tracked by whatever mobile device you own and cellular carrier...and I doubt it is really anonymous : https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/04/tech/location-tracking-florida-coronavirus/index.html https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/tracking-covid-19-with-cell-phone-data-while-safeguarding-privacy/ https://variety.com/2020/digital/news/google-releases-huge-trove-of-data-tracking-user-movements-during-covid-19-crisis-1234570096/ https://support.google.com/android/answer/9888358?hl=en https://www.westernmassnews.com/news/government-agencies-now-tracking-phone-apps-to-fight-against-covid-19/article_d150cbe8-b1a4-11ea-8d97-c79ae97a1f99.html https://www.governing.com/security/Phone-Tracking-in-Michigan-Sparks-Privacy-COVID-19-Questions.html https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-human-os/telecom/wireless/facebook-google-data-publics-movement-covid19 https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/04/apple-makes-mobility-data-available-to-aid-covid-19-efforts/ https://abc6onyourside.com/news/coronavirus/cell-phone-data-used-to-track-covid-19-1
  25. I would assume in this instance the subpoena would be to obtain the data related to one's mobile device, which more than likely has a history of where someone has been...pings off cellular towers, etc. as that is the only true way to contact trace... Most people are not going to remember where they were at 2:45 last Thursday or whatnot. The ability to create after the fact a "diary" of where one has been when and where based on memory will certainly not be very reliable. Now whether a judge would grant it for contact tracing for random Joe would probably be tough. Now someone that is known to have it and flagrantly disregarded the protocol and went on vacation, flew in an airplane, and posted all their adventures while known to have it may be a justified subpoena.
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