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Everything posted by disco2000
What no love for Flight of Fear? Good thing junkyard is your favorite coaster
Unfortunately not all removals are "planned" and off-season inspections, testing, or even routine inspections during the season,etc. finds an issue that accelerates when a ride is removed - sometimes years sooner than when a park thought the ride would be operational. That leaves a void in planning as said ride was expected to still be operational during said planning period, so the site sits vacant for longer than anyone would like...
^It could be some bad steel like what brought King Cobra to an early demise, mediocre welding at construction failing sooner than it should, and the KI operating season is typically longer than Wonderland so ours could have more cycles on it.
Well it is the rumors subforum, so spitball away LOL
Considering the new rides haven't even been delivered yet, there would be zero new load to the electrical grid...and I suspect they probably haven't even made the electrical connection yet because of that. Several years ago they brought a new electrical feed into that side of the park to fix the issues of electric in the past by allowing mutliple feeds so that minimal would go down if something electrical blew - that is how the dorms are serviced. Banshee is literally a stone toss from the new rides and it is running Wires are hanging from Delirium...that usually indicates a part being replaced. Bat had issues with track last year...that usually results in a little more thorough inspection during off-season. Drop Tower got hit by lightning last August and was waiting for a part.
And yet two of the three ran until the last day of last season (exlcuding WF season LOL), with Drop Tower not running due to a lightning strike and waiting for the part...
Roughness is only one component. But I still think Vortex got a bad rap because of the smoother coasters that came along after it...and everybody that rode Vortex when it opened were a lot older and most bigger when it closed, adding to the roughness factor LOL Roughness isn't why Vortex left... Forces on the track of a suspended coaster are usually higher than on a traditional coaster. So in the case of The Bat versus Adventure Express and Vortex, the issue is that the suspended coaster track is always in tension with the train cars pulling the track away from the supports, whereas Adventure Express and Vortex track is in compression pushing the track into the supports. Now of course the design accommodates those forces, but it is still an issue that needs to be considered. Constantly trying to pull something apart versus pushing it together usually results in an object failing first by trying to pull it apart than by squeezing it together. Probably a reason why we will see Banshee leave before Diamondback even though Banshee is newer...
Don't forget they also painted The Bat trains in the offseason....but Slingshot was painted in the offseason to never reopen again either....
You give The Bat 5 years LOL.
So far it hasn't been crinkle cut fries at KI Skyline...
Is flying a car over KI allowed to take pictures
You must have been on the north end of the parking lot. The south end had the Pink Ladies dolling up and singing some song about a girl named Sandra Dee
It's past 4, why are there still kids in the park
And same as last week, Drop Tower, Delirium, Bat, and Adventure Express will be closed today, along with WWC and Soak City LOL
But it is still a park rule being violated and under the argument "the park isn't really losing anything" wouldn't be valid for Haunt nights as you can't leave and come back lol. But the point is under this type of mentality that is why other park policies are violated like people vaping and smoking. Guests don't get to pick and chose which rule is ok to violate. So this park rule is ok to violate...at which park rule do you say it is not ok to violate? Everyone will have a differnet answer... It isn't up to the guest to pick and choose which rule or policy they think applies to them. I am sure that kid didn't plan on shooting the gun as he was just holding for a friend so it was ok for him to sneak it thru since he didnt have a car to return it to right.... Whether we agree with the policy or not is irrelevant. If someone doesn't like the policies in place then don't visit. Many families have made a lifetime of memories going to the car to eat sandwiches out of a cooler. TBH with everything going on in today's world parks will probably stop allowing wrapped gifts from entering since they can't be truly inspected. It isn't food they are concerned with. (BTW this isn't an attack on you but rather a commentary on these whole viral hack videos...)
That is cool they posted the KIC logo on the base
Just like the punks ruining it for good teens, people post this kind of stuff and then parks just ban it and ruin it for those actually having a birthday celebration... Remember when Disney used to give people a free shirt if they were wearing something vulgar and then people made videos about it on how to get free merch and now they make people buy the shirt lol... Why do people feel the need to post a hack that violates a park rule....if you figure out a hack keep it to yourself lol. There was a member here many years ago that figured out a hack and posted it here and one day his pass scanned invalid and security had a talking to him...
Reminds me of the time I was in the McDonald's drive-through and the line was so long that by the time I got to place the order, the menu had changed from breakfast to lunch, so I was trying to figure out what to get now. The young lady behind me leaned on her horn and started mouthing something because I was taking too long to place my order. So when I got to the first window I paid for her order along with my own. The cashier must have told her what I'd done because as we moved up she leaned out her window and waved to me and mouthed "Thank you.", obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness with kindness. When I got to the second window I showed them both receipts and took her food too. Now she has to go back to the end of the queue and start all over again.
Maybe KI will see that FB page and decide that they want in on the money grab and will turn the International Street restaurant into a daycare during the week LOL. Charge $150 for an all season daycare pass and parents still come out way ahead over a traditional daycare.
Sadly these same families using KI as a daycare will have no qualms to paypal some random person $20 as it is still cheaper than daycare. And what will KI do to combat this loophole?
It is interesting in that most of the complaints that have made the news, as well as many complaints on social media, have that same theme of parents mad they now cannot drop their kids off at KI. And many of them readily admit the adults in the family do not have passes and now they want refunds. When Kentucky Kingdom implemented their chaperone policy 2021, they basically said they are not a daycare and if that was your intent, you had like two weeks to request a refund, which they provided. So how can KI assure families don't do this in the future - watch them implement a new requirement that any passholder under the age of 16 must have an adult at the same address issued a pass as well. Obviously that doesn't fix anything other than putting a family on notice that KI is not a daycare and having your under age 16 children passes without an adult having a pass will not be allowed. Anybody remember when KI had the family pass? Might be the only way for a minor to get a pass moving forward if this policy doesn't accomplish what CF hopes it accomplishes. Sadly I have kids that were not even 13 dropped off at the park for the day while the parents work or socialize or whatever they did...load the pass up with meal and drink plan and cheaper than a sitter...one set of siblings I would see at the park quite often and they were well behaved and went through food lines and got their food and the two would eat together, but never saw a parent...they looked maybe 10 and 8 and that was being generous. Maybe they were small for their age LOL.
+1 above! I have said it before and will say it again LOL: People can say all they want about Kentucky Kingdom, but when they put out a statement like this and gets media attention, it stops or the incident rate drops off tremendously...Will we ever see CF post a pic of a banned person and say don't be like him LOL... https://www.wave3.com/story/35658459/kentucky-kingdom-shares-photo-of-now-banned-coaster-rider-with-his-phone/ And they also need to improve their accountability. A ban is useless if they allow anyone to purchase a pass and use a fake name... https://www.wlwt.com/article/fake-name-on-gold-pass-leads-to-charges-being-dropped-in-kings-island-brawl/36623191# Now granted the KK incident above is from 2017 and you can find incidents there in 20 and 21, so of course there is always a bad apple that doesn't care - look how many laws are broken daily! Despite how stringent rules or laws or regulations are, there will always be that person that doesn't care. But It took 3 years for a serious enough incident to happen to make the news.... and most of us would file that under the results of the COVID shutdown and most of the population forgetting how to interact in public. But as long as there are ZERO consequences, whether it be line jumping, smoking, fighting, it will continue to get worse. Publicly announced consequences will be a deterrent to all but the worse offenders. Who knows how many more instances KK would have had without public shaming.... And yet we get a couple news stories a season about fights and fair amount of other issues like vaping in line and line jumping on social media at KI and the stories never conclude as to what the outcome was (ban, etc.). Until a large percentage of the park going population see that there are consequences, it will continue.
Increase in Prestige pass sales so chaperones can all congregate in one spot. There will be a direct link to security so the attendant can call you by name when their kid gets stopped. Full bar coming too
I'm holding out for the "I'm a chaperone" pin
Like many things, they aren't going to give official numbers like X number of security calls prior and Y calls after policy. They must feel they are effective to have had them be implemented over a several year period at other parks. It still won't stop everything, but it lets people know that the park is basically going to be in enforcement mode and watching things closer, so usually the up-to-no-good will then find another place to wreak havoc that won't be so heavy handed with security.