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Everything posted by DJSkyFoxx

  1. I'm not exactly trying to split hairs with you here. I am just saying for the express purpose of using an IP again that has a negative backstory to it, the company did the thing. That is literally all I was getting at. Not the success of the ride itself but the simple fact of using an IP that has tales to tell in a not so positive light. That was all.
  2. I also get where you are coming from, but I feel the argument for the injuries it caused could be considered null and void considering TTD also caused a catastrophic injury that nearly killed a woman and yet they still green-lit a re-imagined TTD into TT2- albeit not being operational for 99% of the season. And one could argue that SoB was also ultimately closed for engineering issues because if engineering/build quality were not an issue, those injuries more than likely never would have occurred the way they did. Just sayin'. Both the OG Bat and SoB were for all intents and purposes, prototypes, neither were successful. Both full of lore and stories for days be it good or bad. So that is why I say nothing is ever 100% off the table with these places.
  3. I can't help but laugh when people say "why would they want to bring back a failed attraction?" or "it was awful and rough". Look. The facts are, yes, it was a failed attraction. Very much so. That's no family secret. But it is also an attraction that still garners a lot of buzz amongst the GP and enthusiasts. Never is a big word that gets thrown around a lot until there is a dollar to be made. I wouldn't put it past the park to use the IP again if they knew it would really make them some money. Just food for thought there. Also a side note, the original Bat could also be said to be a failed attraction. It might not have gotten near the bad press that SoB did, but they still brought back the IP. And also, I am one who rode SoB many times. I was younger then and could handle the abuse from the ride. Would I ride it now if it were in the form that it was in from my last memory? Probably not. I can say for a fact that my last ride on it before it shut down forever was a week or two prior to the permanent closure and was honestly the best ride experience I ever had on it. But it did not always run that well and I know that as it stood back then, it was not a good ride. BUT, guys and gals, if they did for whatever reason decide to bring it back to life, do you really think they would build a coaster that wouldn't be fun and enjoyable? The industry as a whole has grown up a lot since the late 90's/early 2000's. If they were to build a reboot it wouldn't be the ride we remembered. It would be an entirely new ride all together and one they would ensure would have far more success and reliability than the former. That's not to say that there still aren't hiccups with reboots (IE: TT2 ) but I would wager to say that if they took a gamble on reusing an infamous IP such as SoB they would want to go with something tried and true to regain footing. I will, repeat, again, I am in no way saying they will ever resurrect this guy. But these are different times we are living in and technology has advanced, lessons have been learned. IF an infamous IP were to make its way back into the ether, I would imagine it would be a Son The Beast himself would be proud of.
  4. I got in the FL line around 1730HRS
  5. Our ET was open yesterday. And mannnnnn it had a line! Also yes, it was a bummer seeing Banshee closed yesterday. It's oddly quiet when she's not running. I hope she gets some much needed TLC during the off-season.
  6. My concern at this point is when are we going to get a solid new looping coaster? We are severely lacking in that department after both Firehawk and Vortex were scrapped.
  7. Even with FL, you won't catch me at any park on a Saturday night during Haunt. Just the park being mega crowded itself does not sound like a good time to me.
  8. From X and copied into Reddit. Who wants to pick one up for me on my behalf? Sucks they will only be sold inside the park this Saturday.
  9. I always thought the logo post loop removal looked really sad too. It was definitely empty without the signature element. I appreciate that all of the SoB merch they've released over the years uses the original logo with the loop. It always looked so cool. I really wanna get one of the metal light up signs from Scott's page as that has always been one of my favorite logos. For the fun of it, lets just say they did do a reboot. I wonder what the new logo would look like? I would hope they would still use the eyes as those are iconic to the design. A mix of old and new would be really rad.
  10. Just sad. It would be nice to have some clarity on what actually happened to it though. Scrap or storage?
  11. Too bad you don't run this on Instagram or I'd definitely give it a follow. I gave up Failbook some time ago because it was painfully toxic for me and my limited social media presence is far better for my mental health. But if you ever do make an accompanying account for this on Insta please let me know!
  12. Just another amusing social experiment I suppose
  13. Just combine the two and make the tallest, fastest only wooden invert on the planet!
  14. I was about to say Banshee really is out here having the worst time this season. Definitely hope no more bad things happen before the season is out.
  15. I would really love to see this make a come-back. It was such a fun experience and another place to go on a hot day to find relief in AC. It was also a nice way to break up the traditional riding experience of flats and coasters. There are a lot of possibilities at play if they ever brought it back. Especially now in the digital age where they no longer have to worry about physical film (then again I believe I once saw a photo of Kentucky Kingdom's motion theater using floppy discs! ). I realize if they were to revitalize the AT they would need to do some serious upgrades from the projection system to the sound system to the actual simulator system itself. But I think it would be really cool. If they were to take advantage of any of the merger stuff ( if legally able to do so ) they could have something Peanuts related on one side and something DC related on the other. Imagine a 3-D Batman experience on one side where you're jumping, fighting and running through Gotham City and on the other side of the theater have a Flying Ace experience where you're ducking and diving and doing silly Snoopy antics. I could see both themes being a good time for everyone.
  16. Ya know, who really cares why they are putting the ride at CP and not SixFair's Great Island Adventure. I'm excited to see what the light package will look like at night!!!
  17. I am looking forward to seeing Soak City in person next season. I really hope that these renovations really improve the water park experience, especially now that it is the only large scale outdoor facility in the area. I always enjoy my Soak City visits now that I have made a point of going a couple of times a year since moving out this way. Like many of you, I have always thought that there was a need to add some improvements along the way. I realize with it being much more seasonal than the dry side it doesn't get near the attention, but now with CI gone, I feel this is a step in the right direction towards more investments. Would love to see more shade added and of course any new slide or fun experience to be added is a good thing. Helps disperse the crowds more since Soak City gets verrryyyy congested on peak summer days.
  18. I miss the days where we could just speculate and have fun discussions without every single tiny nuance being dissected down to the T. This is a hobby, not a trial. In the grand scheme of things, none of the reasons really matter why piece A went to place B except to the people invested and involved in the businesses themselves. The microscope has no place here and nothing should be taken so seriously that an argument needs to ensue at every turn. Facts will come from the appropriate sources. As for the rest of us, we are just enthusiasts having fun. Afterall, that is the main point of being on these kinds of forums, right?
  19. The gulls think its a fine investment! What a heck of a perch they added for them this season!
  20. I skipped opening Haunt weekend for a change in exchange of taking care of things around the house, errands and what not and some self care. I won't be making it to a KI Haunt until the middle of next month since I have so much to do the next two weekends, but I am glad to hear that opening weekend was fun and that it sounds like an improvement over last seasons' Haunt!
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