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Best smelling/sounding ride


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Outside KI I always love Magnum's lift. It always make me think someone is having a fit throwing all their dishes to their kitchen floor and the lift makes the crashing noises as they break. And another sound I like is Montezooma's Revenge at Knott's. Dunno about smells around KI, I have a hard time getting past smelling sweat and cigarette smoke everywhere.

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I like this topic. A unique question for sure.

Best Sounding Ride - staying within KI I love the sound of The Beasts second lift hill. Outside of KI is Its a Small World at Disneyland

Best Smelling Ride - within KI I love the smell of The Beasts tunnels on a cool night, especially during Haunt. Or the double helix tunnel on a hot summer day (Sauna). Outside of KI as mentioned earlier the smells on Soarin are great...

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At KI. Best sound: Diamondback from the bottom of the first hill

Best Smell: lift chain grease on The Beast from the front car.

Worst Smell: the dumpster from behindthe Zyphyr. It's the round and round plus the smell makes it a once a year rider. Subway bread smell is a close second. Yuck.

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One of my favorite sounds has to be the brake run of Flight Deck. The sound of things locking to stop the swinging trains is a neat sound that I remember being comforted by on my first rides as younger one. (I have absolutely no technical knowledge so "things locking" is the best I've got).

Smell... while I'm not sure there is actually a smell, I feel like I'm breathing different air when I walk through the gates. Maybe the fountains have a smell or the food vendor right there, but I think it's more a mental thing where I smell excitement and fun.

I'm fully aware I'm weird.

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After getting last ride of the night on Flight Deck on Thursday, I have to say that's the best sounding ride (FD at night). It's really quiet back there at night, so the only sounds you hear are those of the coaster, its riders, and lots and lots of crickets.

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  On 8/3/2013 at 4:01 PM, Oldiesmann said:

After getting last ride of the night on Flight Deck on Thursday, I have to say that's the best sounding ride (FD at night). It's really quiet back there at night, so the only sounds you hear are those of the coaster, its riders, and lots and lots of crickets.

I rode it Thursday night around 9:45 and it was absolutely dead back there. That'll probably change next year though!

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Drop Tower is a really awesome ride regarding sounds. Invertigo's pretty far up there, too.

  On 8/2/2013 at 12:20 AM, TTD-120-420 said:

My favorite sounding ride was the unique sound Wildcat made at Cedar Point. Those anti rollbacks sounded like xylophones.

I'm not sure what xylophones you've seen or heard, but I guarantee they sound nothing like an anti-rollback.
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Smell: no clue... lol maybe Viking Fury or Carousel b/c it's right there by Funnel Cakes LOL

Sound: I love the CLICK! sound of Invertigo, the whoosh of Diamondback, and the eerie music and screaming in the tunnels of The Beast :D

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That sound Invertigo makes as it drops the train after holding for a few seconds. FD's brakes before going into the station. Harry Potter music on WindSeeker :rolleyes: I can still remember the music from SDATHC before it was Boo Blasters, and Shaggy talking about the "bright-light-flashlight," and the little hiss as his character lowered behind the wall. FoF's launch is a great sound. Beasts' lift.

There aren't many good smells I can associate with at KI, but they are associated with good memories. The hot asphalt upon walking in the gates or a trash bin that's been sitting out for too long. The smell of the woods while riding Beast at night is one I'll never forget, as well as the scent of LaRosa wafting through the air while exiting Beast. It's funny how much the brain associates smell with memory and I never noticed how many details I can pick out just from smells and sounds

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I think we all know the best sound is Firehawk's loud chain in your ear.

HA! Kidding...

Anyway, Invertigo's click is a nice sound, but when you're the next one in line, the roar of Invertigo coming through the station scares me every time...

FOF's launch scares me, too.

The best sound to me is Flight Deck's final break at night...

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The smell of 'Soarin' is absolutely awesome!

I love the noise The Beast makes as it's exiting the 2nd tunnel....and approaching the 2nd lift hill....I swear it sounds like a ROAR! - But, if we count music...as a 'Sound' Rip Ride Rock It and Rock'N Roller Coaster are awesome rides with music playing in your ears

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