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Backlot Stunt Coaster Special Effects Removed

Italian Job 2005

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  • 1 month later...
  On 9/15/2014 at 12:43 AM, HarvestmanMan said:

A quick question - where were the water effects on Adventure Express? Must've been before my time...

Like many of the rides in the era, mostly fog effects. Constantly being surrounded in misty water apparently doesn't bode well for certain fabrication styles...

Adventure Express: Fog in valleys and tunnels, idol standing over final lift hill poured mist / water onto train as it passed.

Top Gun: Mist along the track in the station to imitate jet carrier conditions.

Tomb Raider: Mist, fog, fountain spray

Backlot Stunt Coaster: Splash down pool, fog

Diamondback: Splash down pool

Banshee: Fog

They just never learn... Literally. At least B&M track seems to stand up constant dousing in a way that the rest apparently didn't think to prepare for.

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Preventative maintenance in this case probably would've been repainting the track every few months. It would've been smarter to have just ensured that the track was designed to be practically submerged in water to begin with. Supposedly Paramount Parks opted NOT to weatherproof Tomb Raider: The Ride since it was going to be indoors anyway. Nevermind that they created a sub-tropical environment of fog, mist, running water, artificial dried cool air, and artificial hot air inside the building.

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  • 8 years later...
  On 2/22/2023 at 6:32 PM, SonofBaconator said:

I have a really dumb question to please humor me….

Could the park sell ad space in BLSC’s billboards to generate the park more revenue? Would the park go for something like that? Would a company even want to buy ad space on a billboard/roller coaster prop?


Paramount and Six Flags has done something similar, so sure it can be done, but it tends to cheapen up the place.

Anybody remember Top Gun brought to you by Gillette?



Heck, even Kings Island has.  Anyone remember Fast Lane brought to you by McCluskey Chevrolet?



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  On 2/22/2023 at 6:41 PM, disco2000 said:

Anybody remember Top Gun brought to you by Gillette?


They even had a lift hill announcement: “Gillette Mach 3 hopes you enjoy your ride.”

Also, when they redid that billboard at some point (it originally showed a Corsair 2 on a carrier deck I believe), they added the image you shared, @disco2000. It features land based F-15 Eagles from the USAF which are not carrier capable nor used by the Navy. 

In regards to Backlot’s billboards—I think the idea of doing sponsors is super creative, but I think it’d be better if you let the person behind the “ads” on Kings Mills Antique Autos re-do them. Could be nice Easter eggs.

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  On 2/22/2023 at 11:36 PM, SonofBaconator said:

No worries!


Vaguely but I’m sure we’d love to hear more!


Unfortunately, there is not much more to the story. It was the sponsor and they would say, "Welcome to the Kings Island Eiffel Tower brought to you by Kodak." As you were going up. They also had Kodak photo spots throughout the park. I think that was the mid-90's, so it was under Paramount. Fun fact - I was doing fireworks at Kings Dominion a few years ago off their 50' platform and they still have the Kodak signs there!

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  On 2/22/2023 at 11:32 PM, BoddaH1994 said:

I kind of like the thread bumps so long as they’re relevant!

I agree with most of you - the billboards thing is a little too Six Flagsian for me. 

Also, remember when Kodak sponsored the Eiffel Tower or are you guys too young for that? Never mind. 


I remember when the Eiffel Tower was sponsored by Sherwin Williams and when the Turnpike was sponsored by Marathon. 

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  On 6/21/2014 at 2:32 PM, The Interpreter said:

If typical, what will Banshee look like five years from now?


That five years in the future is now almost 4 years in the past.

Banshee has aged relatively well I think,  It probably will be the next coaster paint.  The mist at the sign is gone, I think and the lighting package is a shadow of its' former self.  (but the lighting is not a big deal to me because it was very dizzying to me)

I could be wrong about this as I don't spend much time in Action Zone--in the last 3 years I have spent more time watching pumpkin carving and ice carving than I have riding anything there.

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  On 2/22/2023 at 11:09 PM, SonofBaconator said:

I wouldn’t mind the idea of paid advertising on the billboards if it was done right. For example: a Coca-Cola billboard that already ties into their partnership with the park. Other ideas could be a billboard promoting Cedar Fair Entertainment Company, Skyline Chili, etc.


That reminds me of those Santa/Coke billboards they have during Winterfest (located in the area that will soon become Adventure Port). And, yes, I do think that would be pretty creative; I also like the idea of the team (person?) behind the billboards for Antique Autos doing some for Backlot.

On another note, after watching a video of Tron Lightcyle/Run at Disney, it would be really cool if Backlot got motorcycle seats (yes, I know I wanted spinning seats at one time, but these would be cool too - and probably more realistic!). 

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I’d like to see them paint the trains a different set of colors. I know why they initially did it because they couldn’t use the mini cooper theming anymore but that doesn’t mean each car can’t be painted a different color: orange, teal, black, green, pink, yellow, etc. It doesn’t seem like it would take a lot of effort to repaint them to be honest. Heck if they want to do Easter Eggs, paint each train to honor the 3 major sports teams in Cincinnati: a FC Cincinnati themed train with each respective car being blue, orange, and white, a Bengals train with black, orange, and white, and a reds train with red, white, and black or grey. Or do something different, as long as the trains get repainted.


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And either restore some dignity to the site by doing landscaping and getting rid of the freight containers and junked cars and faded out billboards.  Or relocate the the coaster to Action Zone or another CF park (if the ride could be relocated).

Of course this takes money and it's the struggle of getting something new and shiney or tweaking something that works well and consistently.  They are tweaking AE, so maybe at some point, we can get the Junkyard Coaster looking more regal.  So go spend that money at KI!  Buy those funnel cakes, posters, tshirts.  Because that is what fuels return investment.

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  On 2/23/2023 at 4:58 AM, SonofBaconator said:

Coca-Cola Freestyle Coaster: each car is painted to resemble a Coke product. The parking garage gets painted to resemble a Coca-Cola facility, billboards have Coke advertisements on it, the tunnel hits you with different smells of Cola, Sprite, Fanta, etc depending on your ride. You want product placement? You got it!


I can see it now... The Coke Coaster.

Featuring the regular Coke train, Diet Coke train, and the Caffeine Free Diet Coke train.

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Honestly, I don't believe it will be removed and relocated until it meets EOL.  So maybe just surround it with trees and vegetation so we cannot really see it unless you're in front of it or in line.  idk

I don't remember why Paramount decided to place it there.  They just wanted a coaster to match their movie and had this big piece of land without having to expand the park.  Or some other grand Paramount scheme never completed.  It is a fun ride and I enjoy it, it's just somewhat misplaced.  I am still mad that Carolwinds got out glider ride though.

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  On 2/23/2023 at 8:01 PM, rlentless said:

Honestly, I don't believe it will be removed and relocated until it meets EOL.  So maybe just surround it with trees and vegetation so we cannot really see it unless you're in front of it or in line.  idk

I don't remember why Paramount decided to place it there.  They just wanted a coaster to match their movie and had this big piece of land without having to expand the park.  Or some other grand Paramount scheme never completed.  It is a fun ride and I enjoy it, it's just somewhat misplaced.  I am still mad that Carolwinds got out glider ride though.


They wanted it to be prominently in the "middle" of the park. Turned out to be a GREAT decision. 

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