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Mystic Timbers Construction Progress


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It absolutely flies through that 2nd hill.  

EDIT: If you want to see it go through the whole course, see the Diamondback cam.  Its tearing through the entire course.  I'm more giddy about this than Thunderhead.  

It's also entering the brake run rather quick to give you an idea of how is pacing through the course. 

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Seeing MT Test via the webcam for the first time, I have made these observations:

#1- This coaster looks pretty dang fast! As Silver2005 just said, it flies over the 2nd hill, and if you watch the Diamondback cam and can see the train it looks like it flies over the rest of the track to boot.

#2- They are sending out trains very, very fast. I don't know how fast dispatches will be once the ride opens for real to the public, but if they are anywhere near this, this could be the wooden version of Banshee in terms of capacity! And that'd be amazing.

#3- Mystic Timbers apparently has the "slow down lift near the top to build suspense and let other train into shed" feature some other rides have.

Seeing all this stuff, my excitement levels have at least doubled. This ride is very likely going to be amazing.

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After seeing your post, I just spent the last 20 minutes watching both webcams, but still don't see anything I could confidently call headlights. It seems more likely you're just seeing the reflection of the stationary lights on the front of the train. Hence, they 'go off' on the lift, since the stationary lights go away.

I shall see for myself in just 47 hours. 

Edit to add that this is one of those situations where I'd much rather be wrong than right.

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I can guarantee these weren't just reflections. They have their own light source. I took a video of it and you can see where the lights glow to touch the part of the handrails where there is no light "pollution" from the lift lights. The trains aren't reflective enough to carry that. 


Edit: I retract the statement. 

Edited by chugh43
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  On 4/12/2017 at 12:40 PM, teenageninja said:

I can assure you that most of the ride crew has already ridden the ride, if they had training this past weekend.


I'm going to be completely honest. I don't think a single associate has rode it yet. Not even the ride crew. So whats ever in the shed will be found tomorrow night for my first time! I don't think anyone other than management/full timers from the park and other parks (Looking at you Tony) have rode. 

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How things change over the course of a year.  Two days before Passholder Preview last year, we didn't know to "Watch for Falling Trees", many were concerned about the soccer balls hitting riders on Diamondback, we wondered why the park leveled an original Rivertown building and BeastGal and Gavin had not entered the scene (yet!).  A year later, we have what promises to be a great woodie at the park and who knows what else the future holds.  It's going to be a great season at KI!

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Ohhhhhhhh man.

That audio outside the shed gives me straight goosebumps. Oh my gosh.

There's a chance this might become my new favorite coaster. There's more to see and experience before that becomes official, but that kind of detail is setting my bar very high. I might die of anticipation between now and me riding it.

Side note: it sounds like there's audio on the lift hill, too? Can't make it out, though.

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