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The Giga Speculation Thread


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  On 8/17/2018 at 3:15 PM, Rifleman said:

I think the love for SOB come not from the ride itself, but from the idea of the idea. SOB was a ride that tried to do  something very ambitious ( a looping wooden hypercoaster for Gods sake!). It was something unique and special, even if in reality it was a terrible ride. There has never been another coaster to match the pure ambition of SOB.

Rides like Diamondback and Banshee are great rides, and are among the best (if not the best) in their respective families. Any enthusiast who lists the best inverts or best hypers will include these rides in their top 10. As good as these rides are, there is no ambition in them, and there is nothing to make them really stand out as a landmark attraction.

In KI's history, there have been several hugely ambition projects. Some of them have worked out, other not so much. The Racer was honestly a risk when it was built, but its legacy is the second golden are of roller coasters. The original bat was a risk that failed, but its legacy is seen on every coaster that does not sit on the top of the track. The Beast, when it was built, was by far the most ambitious roller coaster ever built, and its success has had an unmeasurable impact on the coaster industry as a whole.

SOB was not a good ride, but it was a true spiritual successor to The Beast. It tried something that was beyond the scope of what had been viewed as possible before. When people ask for SOB to return, they are not asking for a return of the rough, painful, and arguably boring ride that the SOB actually was, they are asking for KI to once again attempt to do something that pushes the limits and cannot be found anywhere else. Right now, the only experience that you can have at KI that cannot be replicated elsewhere is The Beast. Sure, Banshee is the longest invert, and Diamondback is the only one with a splashdown, and Mystic is an all around great ride, but these alone do not set KI apart from any other park. The "Bring back SOB" crowd is longing to make KI something special again, and not simply "just another park"


For the love of God yes, that's what I need to see, someone who gets the idea, I rode it, I beat the **** out of my kidneys and endured that so I could say I expierenced something that ambitious, sure it was all helixes, but man were those some hellatious helixs, I agreed compleltley though, people don't want "SOB" back, they want that overhanging domanince in the park, I remeber all the years you'd go to the park and even driving in from the highway it dominated the skyline, it popped up out of the sky over everything else and make you go, "what in the hell is that thing, I wanna ride it" getting next to it in Action Zone made you feel like an ant, the loop was the craziest idea every, so yeah, when I say I want SOB back, I say I want a powerful ride, that makes you feel like nothing compared to it, that does some of the most ambitious, rarely, or never before seen things, I want something in spirit that gives me that feeling that the ride has power over me, and there's nothing I can do about it. 

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  On 8/17/2018 at 12:42 PM, Magenta Lizard said:

Don't confuse the fanboys who look at all evidence to the contrary and still believe whatever they want to happen is going to happen, then get upset at the park for "leading them on", with actual enthusiasts. The former may be louder and more obnoxious but they are a very small fraction of Coaster and theme park enthusiasts.

In this case, the seasoned enthusiasts tried to explain to the fanboys that their "proof" of SoB returning was just an artist at Cedar Point having a little fun putting Easter egg references to other parks in his theming posters, some wood that was added by a ride op, and several logos that are scattered around Kings Island, all of which have been there at least a year and some for several years. That SoB is a dark mark on Kings Island history. That since the entire structure has been removed (and was never as structurally sound as it would need to be) that they weren't going to make an RMC SoB  (if they do eventually build a ground-up RMC, why would they continue to reference a failed ride?!) While the enthusiasts were trying to convince them to calm down and actually think about it, they did the equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears shouting "I'm not listening!"

And now, that it should be clear that sensibly this was never going to happen, they're yelling at the park for raising their expectations, and still holding out hope that next year they'll get what they want. 

It gets really tiring after a few years of seeing this cycle, and giving too much attention to the ridiculousness makes actual coaster enthusiasts look like idiots by association. 

The vast majority of coaster and theme park enthusiasts understand that it is ultimately a business, and Kings Island ideally is going to make the decisions they believe make sense from a business standpoint. The rumors last year made it very clear that a large population (not just a few so-called-enthusiasts) missed the antique cars, and bringing them back would be a popular decision with many park attendees (and not for nothing, it is a relatively inexpensive addition).

I personally believe that it is also a continuation of laying the groundwork of infrastructure in Coney Mall that is leading up to a new Giga that will be around the old Dinos Alive area. I think it would make business sense for the park, and it also happens to mesh with my personal aesthetic belief that is where a Giga "belongs" if the park adds one. But, if I'm wrong, I'm certainly not going to blame the park for "getting my expectations up" with all of these Coney Mall improvements. I'm happy to see the improvements for their own sake.       


You are correct in it being relatively inexpensive, the actual ride system, in which is the cars is only in the range of $15-20,000, (depending on how many cars they buy) and the land clearing, concrete restructuring/ new pouring (if they end up using some of Dino's path) would only be another $30-70,000, overall really not bad, of they can keep it under 100,000 overall for the ride that's a major gain, esspecialy in the attendance gain they'll get! 

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In the nicest way possible (truly), the cost for this ride will be WAY more than $100,000. Once construction, landscaping, materials, and equipment are factored in, you are looking at easily over a million. While reusing part of the dino path is certainly a possibility, they aren't going to just plop down a rail in the middle of it and call it a day. It will all be repaved. 

Yes, this definitely a 'small' addition in terms of cost but not $100,000 small. 

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  On 8/19/2018 at 3:20 AM, thekidd33 said:

In the nicest way possible (truly), the cost for this ride will be WAY more than $100,000. Once construction, landscaping, materials, and equipment are factored in, you are looking at easily over a million. While reusing part of the dino path is certainly a possibility, they aren't going to just plop down a rail in the middle of it and call it a day. It will all be repaved. 

Yes, this definitely a 'small' addition in terms of cost but not $100,000 small. 


They will probably spend $100,000 on plans and permits. 

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  On 8/18/2018 at 2:38 PM, Bwb.32 said:

You are correct in it being relatively inexpensive, the actual ride system, in which is the cars is only in the range of $15-20,000, (depending on how many cars they buy) and the land clearing, concrete restructuring/ new pouring (if they end up using some of Dino's path) would only be another $30-70,000, overall really not bad, of they can keep it under 100,000 overall for the ride that's a major gain, esspecialy in the attendance gain they'll get! 


Not a chance, the cars are more then $10k each and the park is likely to get 10-12.  I figured I would check used pricing and found a set of 12 sold which were listed for around $90k USD.  

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I'm back with another giga concept. I held off on these while the whole RMC rumors who going crazy. But, since we got documents on b&m coming, I decided to get back on the giga concepts! My first concept uses Son of The Beast station (not very likely because of reasons explained on this thread in the past) and it goes along with the whole Outpost 5 stuff and the whole lore stuff going around. The location for the course goes along with what was mentioned on Coaster Net's video on the documents with b&m. I give you Steel Beast. The name fits imo because 1) the theming could have Son of Beast tied into it and 2) a b&m is steel and a giga coaster is a beast of a ride so Steel Beast imo sounds "Cedar Fairy"


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  On 8/20/2018 at 9:19 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:

Glad to see more concepts coming again @Hawaiian Coasters 325. Calling @Maverick44!!

For the record, please remember that Kings Island had nothing to do with the SOB teasers/posters. We at KICentral do not support that there is any hint of a SOB return to the park. 


I never actually believed Son of Beast would come back due to SOBs track record. 

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  On 8/27/2018 at 9:59 PM, Shawn Meyer said:

Why would they remove Firehawk?


I did not they they are going to remove Firehawk and I don't want them to, but there has been some speculation by some people that Firehawk will be leaving next year. I sure hope not, but I decided to make a giga that goes in place of Firehawk.

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This here would be a nice story line for Steel Beast where in the storyline, it could involve Son of Beast. "Years ago, The Beast had a son that would rule Action Zone and would be very aggressive to people coming into his woods or entering his Outpost known as Outpost 5. One day, he was so aggressive, that he had to be put to death. After burial of the son, an evil ghost lady named Banshee haunted the land where the son would rule not knowing that the Son never fully died and actually survived the incident, but just passed out. While buried, he became aware of the evil ghost and started to form a plan for revenge and transform into something evil to dominate Action Zone again. He then started mining trying to get out to give the evil ghost and the father a piece of his mind and surprise them in his new form. He's returned in the form of a very big metal machine so big and furious that dominates anything that compares. The tallest of his kind. The fastest speeds of his kind. The longest amount of his material in his area. Sideways turns, steep drops, huge climb, flying hills. He's back with revenge as a Steel Beast! Action Zone, Kings Island, 2020."

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Interesting sidenote, on the document I posted a couple of pages earlier it shows the company Baynum Painting Inc which is a roller coaster painting company that is located in Newport. They repainted TTD, Rougarou, and did touch up work on a ton if other coasters. 



Before you freak out and immediately think Racer repaint, they do a lot of touching up after roller coasters are built so Baynum Painting Inc is most likely going to be involved in the B&M project.

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  On 8/30/2018 at 3:43 AM, SonofBaconator said:

Interesting sidenote, on the document I posted a couple of pages earlier it shows the company Baynum Painting Inc which is a roller coaster painting company that is located in Newport. They repainted TTD, Rougarou, and did touch up work on a ton if other coasters. 



Before you freak out and immediately think Racer repaint, they do a lot of touching up after roller coasters are built so Baynum Painting Inc is most likely going to be involved in the B&M project.


I doubt B&M themselves would be mentioned if it was just a repaint. Maybe we could see a repaint of a current coaster along with the 2020 B&M project. For example: Cedar Point repainted both Raptor and Dragster the year Valravn opened. Documents like this are usually sent to the city where the park is located if a big project is about to start. Some people have mentioned on other forums (like Reddit) that they think it is just for maintenance on Diamondback and/or Banshee, but I also don't think they would send documents to the city of Mason just to do maintenance on a currently operating ride. I think it's for a project involving B&M and a bunch of other companies that it's going to involve construction.

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^ Hopefully they're repainting both Racer and Firehawk. Racer is peeling and Firehawk you can see the green paint from it's days at Geauga Lake. Are there really rumors that Firehawk is on the chopping block? I thought Firehawk filled the queues? I mean if Firehawk is to be removed for the proposed giga then I like where this thread is going as far as replacing it with a B&M giga.

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  On 8/31/2018 at 5:08 PM, JudeHoward said:

I wonder if they're gonna top Fury or if we're just gonna get like a Leviathan level Giga. Which don't get me wrong Leviathan is great, but it's not Fury.


If they do goes this route, they will most likely top it. Helps with marketing and bringing people in. Probably will be a better ride experience. 

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  On 8/15/2018 at 10:31 PM, SonofBaconator said:

Also with the addition of Yukon Strike to Canada's Wonderland we know that Cedar Fair isn't afraid to break its own records



  On 9/1/2018 at 12:31 AM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

With the addition of Yukon Striker to Canada's Wonderland, it shows that Cedar Fair is not afraid to break their own records even if it's at their flagship park Cedar Point.


I litetally said this a page or two ago

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