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Closure of Dinosaurs Alive and opening of lots of land.


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On The Racer last season, I was able to see some wooden track ties for what I figured was for future track maintenence. Since Dinosaurs Alive is near the back of Coney Mall, the best view is from the Blue Racer turnaround, right hand side of the car. You could even see the DA associates waving as you zoom past, so we'd probably be able to see something.

No pictures, though, for obvious reasons.

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  On 11/7/2017 at 7:48 PM, SonofBaconator said:

I'm curious if we'll be seeing the ol' Speculation Fence at the start of the 2018 season like we've seen in 2008, 2013, 2016, and 2017


I have been thinking about a speculation fence a LOT lately. My coaster enthusiasm was truly started at Kings Island and I will forever cherish the sacred land, no matter the coaster lineup. On August 8th, 2013 Banshee was announced, a record-breaking B&M invert that would establish KI's dominance in the Midwest. However, I had solidified the thought that Kings Island would be receiving a B&M Giga, similar to what Canada's Wonderland had received only a year prior. I was slightly disappointed but was ecstatic that my home park was getting some 24 million dollar TLC from Cedar Fair (Cough, Cough, Michigan's Adventure).Three years past only to be once again surprised with another good ol' fence. Again, my early enthusiasm Deja Vu struck hard and was once again believing that Kings Island was going to be receiving a Giga in 2017. These thoughts were quickly spoiled as a GCI was leaked to wreck havoc in Rivertown. Don't get me wrong both Banshee and Mystic Timbers are both Fantastic coasters, and fit Kings Islands lineup needs greatly. I don't want my statements to have come across as greedy or ungrateful, I'm so thankful to have a home park filled with like-minded individuals, as well as, great coasters and flats. However, Banshee and Mystie aren't a Fury.  A seemingly reoccurring thought hits me as I roam Banshee's Plaza, Kings Island has steadily grown in the last ten years and Cedar Fair has refurbished the coaster lineup exponentially. A B&M Giga with a dedicated and well-drawn out plaza would make the atmosphere of Kings Island feel like a clean, utopian wonderland.  Metaphorically speaking, Kings Island is sleeping giant, a B&M Giga would wake up the coaster world. Take the addition of Fury 325 to Carowinds and Intimidator 305 to Kings Dominion as prime examples. I have a feeling that the fourth gold ol' fence since 2014 will be the largest, tallest, fastest KI gem.


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Very well thought out Hmrapp. It will be interesting to see what the future has in store for KI. I have been attending since the late 70's and it's amazing to me how much it has changed. When my family first came, Racer was the premier attraction and the entire park was just magical from the moment we went through the front gate. I would agree with a lot of sentiment here that I would love to see a giga added to our skyline. Oh how much that skyline has changed since it first opened. Of all things I would like to see return, it would be the ivy tunnel. Ok, not just that. I would love to see more rides that the whole family can do and a return of some classic rides like Der Spinnin' Keggers, Bayern Curve, Rotor, and Antique Cars.

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I feel like we need more flats before a coaster. 

Outside of Planet Snoopy we've got Delirium, Drop Tower, WindSeeker, Boo Blasters, Congo Falls, Dodgem, Grand Carousel, KI & MV RR, Monster, Scrambler, Shake Rattle and Roll, Viking Fury, WWC and Zephyr.

Some listed above can be consistently found at County/State Fairs....I would love to see more unique flats added to our park before another roller coaster. Although, I wouldn't complain if we got a Giga at some point before more flats.

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If I may, Canada's Wonderland - for nearly 20 years now - has been a near perfect model of additions and capitol expenditures season to season.  It is easily one of the most well-balanced parks in the world.  They have continually upped the flat offerings, while still doing the 3-year mega coaster cycle.  As with most of the original KECO parks, the theme has long been compromised.  However as far as rides, it is the epidome of "something for everyone."


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  On 11/8/2017 at 4:57 PM, chugh43 said:

I feel like we need more flats before a coaster. 

Outside of Planet Snoopy we've got Delirium, Drop Tower, WindSeeker, Boo Blasters, Congo Falls, Dodgem, Grand Carousel, KI & MV RR, Monster, Scrambler, Shake Rattle and Roll, Viking Fury, WWC and Zephyr.

Some listed above can be consistently found at County/State Fairs....I would love to see more unique flats added to our park before another roller coaster. Although, I wouldn't complain if we got a Giga at some point before more flats.


Canada's Wonderland has arguably the best flat ride collection out of any Cedar Fair park

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And it is a collection which they continue to add to.  Next year they are adding the Lumberjack and Flying Canoes flat rides.  Interestingly, the logo for Splash Works, is very similar (obviously the type has been changed) to the logo used for Water Works at Kings Island prior to its conversion to Boomerang Bay in 2004.


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We need to add Jump2, Enterprise or Endeavor, and then like a Hawk or a Super Spin. We have plenty of kiddie/family flats. Really need to add more thrill flats.


I’d put them in the DA area and tie it in to X-base, so it’s an actual area, more than just a couple of coasters off in a corner.

  On 11/8/2017 at 7:04 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:
I think they should have went with flying DeLoreans. :lol:

I’m sure Universal will sell what’s left of them on a steep discount....

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  On 11/8/2017 at 7:35 PM, fyrfyter said:

I’d put them in the DA area and tie it in to X-base, so it’s an actual area, more than just a couple of coasters off in a corner.


So many ideas to make Xbase a full area of the park. One that has not been touched since the addition of FH after they purchased the park. That area should be the next area to receive some TLC!

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  On 11/8/2017 at 7:45 PM, IndyGuy4KI said:
So many ideas to make Xbase a full area of the park. One that has not been touched since the addition of FH after they purchased the park. That area should be the next area to receive some TLC!

Agree 100% even when it opened it was literally FoF and an upcharge helicopter landing pad. That’s it.
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I would be happy if Kings Island spent some time upping their flat rides collection. Canada's Wonderland spends their time adding flats and roller coasters, Kings Island spends their time with adding roller coasters and what?  Adding to Soak City?  It's been awhile since a flat ride package for adults + everyone being introduced. 

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XBase really would be much cooler if they put in a collection of flat rides over there. It would draw attention to that area, increasing foot traffic, thereby increasing traffic for FOF and Firehawk. Not to mention, the much needed bathrooms in that area of the park. You could also add some food offerings in there.

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It would be nice if they converted the Board 2 Death building either into restrooms or a quick serve restaurant. Heck they could convert the Firehawk photo booth into a quick serve restaurant (just route the Firehawk exit to the front of it), and convert the Board 2 Death building into restrooms. Add flats to the south side of Flight of Fear's launch track/unload station/North Side of Racer, keeping and/or rerouting some access roads. 

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  On 11/9/2017 at 4:55 PM, MDMC01 said:

I say keep Board to Death, but I've never thought of Firehawk photo being used for something! Maybe those could be our new restrooms?


The only reason I said to use the Board 2 Death building is that it's a building that utilized for guests only 1/4th of the operating season....converting it to restrooms would be the best usage of space....the Firehawk and FOF photo booths aren't big enough for restrooms. Look at the sizes of the other restroom buildings around the park.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 4:57 PM, SonofBaconator said:

X-Base seems almost abandoned and uninviting. The FOF and FH photo booths haven't been used in years and there is a ton of space to work with. Something like a flat, an established food stand, and some restrooms should be a given.

As well as this

chemical ride.png


God I hope not! Low capacity, and honestly not worth the wait. (Even though this one is a bit different from the rest)

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I strongly disagree with you @Coaster Addict. When I rode Joker at NJFTP, I rode 3 times when the ride had a significant line all within an hour. While the lack of seats may give lower capacity the ride crews also control how many folks end up riding by following their procedures as quick and safe as possible. 

I went in thinking I'd hate the ride....but it ended up being one of my favorites. I laughed like crazy because I was having so much fun and the flipping took my off guard. 

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  On 11/13/2017 at 3:15 AM, chugh43 said:

I strongly disagree with you @Coaster Addict. When I rode Joker at NJFTP, I rode 3 times when the ride had a significant line all within an hour. While the lack of seats may give lower capacity the ride crews also control how many folks end up riding by following their procedures as quick and safe as possible. 

I went in thinking I'd hate the ride....but it ended up being one of my favorites. I laughed like crazy because I was having so much fun and the flipping took my off guard. 


The only reference I could find online has it listed at 720 riders per hour. Thats not very good. For comparison's sake, Invertigo is like 850 an hour. 

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