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Decoding 2020


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Not an operator, but fury ops are usually insane. They’ll have a train on the course, a train stopped on the track in front of the station, and a train rolling into the station. This is all helped by the gates, which open for 5 seconds, no more. If you don’t make it, tough luck. You have to wait for the next train.

Best ops I have ever seen.

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After watching the various videos of interpretations of the blueprints, I thought I’d be more excited about the coaster’s potential. I’m not.

The videos are well done and look realistic, but it just ends so abruptly. And I keep hearing “but Fury kind of fizzles out toward the end”. Well then, fix that...don’t end it like Fury. Add some low to the ground s turns (like El Toro or Lightning Run) and speed hills after the helix. 

Also: it’s spelled “queue”. “Que” is Spanish for “what”.

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  On 5/27/2019 at 4:11 PM, supertrooper said:

After watching the various videos of interpretations of the blueprints, I thought I’d be more excited about the coaster’s potential. I’m not.

The videos are well done and look realistic, but it just ends so abruptly. And I keep hearing “but Fury kind of fizzles out toward the end”. Well then, fix that...don’t end it like Fury. Add some low to the ground s turns (like El Toro or Lightning Run) and speed hills after the helix. 


Exactly. Steel Vengeance is a blast from the drop to the brake. Just make the elements smaller!

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I will say that in terms of length, the ride would be better and feel more satisfying if the dive loop turn was a giant downward helix like the ones found on the Morgan hypers, like Mamba and Steel Force. Doesn’t alter the footprint too heavily, stays low to the ground (which saves on support costs), and adds to the sensation of speed. But I don’t know the terrain, and I’m not the one spending $30 million, so I’m not entirely sure.

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Need your help! Take a vote on what name you would like the Giga to be called / think it will be called! 

Laugh Response for — Polaris 

Thank You Response for — X-301

Confused Response for — Shooting Star


or reply back with a new idea! ... Concept with the most votes will be a part of my no limits recreation with a (semi) professional looking logo! 

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  On 5/27/2019 at 5:30 PM, DustinTheNow said:

Need your help! Take a vote on what name you would like the Giga to be called / think it will be called! 

Laugh Response for — Polaris 

Thank You Response for — X-301

Confused Response for — Shooting Star


or reply back with a new idea! ... Concept with the most votes will be a part of my no limits recreation with a (semi) professional looking logo! 


Orion 301

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  On 5/27/2019 at 6:31 AM, JCoaster25 said:
[mention=11653]DustinTheNow[/mention] Looking forward to seeing your work! But just for fun I figured I'd post a POV of my take on our giga.

Enjoy everyone! =)


I’d love the .nl2park for this, even if it's locked!



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  On 5/27/2019 at 5:30 PM, DustinTheNow said:

Need your help! Take a vote on what name you would like the Giga to be called / think it will be called! 

Laugh Response for — Polaris 

Thank You Response for — X-301

Confused Response for — Shooting Star


or reply back with a new idea! ... Concept with the most votes will be a part of my no limits recreation with a (semi) professional looking logo! 


Trophy for Orion

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  On 5/27/2019 at 3:06 PM, fryoj said:

We do know the height. Those other things aren't going to be on blueprints. Blueprints aren't used to tell people about the ride. It's to tell the people building it what they need to know to build it. 


Huh? Why did the supposed height change in the last couple days? Seems like even with the blueprints no one knows what the final height will be.

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  On 5/27/2019 at 6:02 PM, refrigerator said:

Huh? Why did the supposed height change in the last couple days? Seems like even with the blueprints no one knows what the final height will be.


It depends on where you measure it from, which is ultimately up to KI. The lift crest is 286' above the ground directly below it, and 296' above the ground below the station, and just for kicks, like 440' above Little Miami River. We don't know where they're going to call 'zero' at.


I did recently change my estimate because I noticed a note on the original blueprints that call 740'=0', which happens to be the same height below the station, so that's why I changed my estimate to 296'. 


We know the crest elevation is 1035.9', but where they consider ground height to be is up to the park and marketing team. 

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I think you should do either Orion or Polaris for the concept’s ride name as those seem to be the most likely as of now. I do like Shooting Star, but Cedar Fair would never use that name for a new rollercoaster as it is not modern. X-301 sounds really cool as well, but I still do not see Cedar Fair opting for that name. Anyways, looking forward to seeing your concept!

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  On 5/27/2019 at 6:30 PM, spooky21 said:

Do we know if fury is actually 325? What about Intimidator 305? Also Leviathan? Were there blueprints showing the heights stated as true??


I searched for blueprints for Fury and Levi, and only found site plans for Fury, not enough to get a height from. 

We're taking the park at their word that the heights are legit. 

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  On 5/27/2019 at 6:46 PM, spooky21 said:

So then for all we know the other Giga's aren't the same height as the blueprints. I'd like to know more on this but don't know how to acquire the information.


Best guess I have is going to the local city/county office where the park is and requesting building permits/blueprints for whatever project you're interested in. Still no gaurentee, and I don't know how many years back they retain that information, but that's how we got the KI blueprints. 

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  On 5/26/2019 at 7:48 PM, arrold said:
They should totally advertise this as the world's tallest hyper coaster. At 299 feet we'd probably hold that record forever lol

Honestly this is a pretty great marketing campaign. All the news outlets will call it the world’s tallest rollercoaster and that will get the GP excited.

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  On 5/27/2019 at 6:46 PM, spooky21 said:

So then for all we know the other Giga's aren't the same height as the blueprints. I'd like to know more on this but don't know how to acquire the information.


The coaster's height will match the blueprints. We know that because, when they built them, everything lined up and they didn't have to delay things to order new parts. Things don't work if the blueprints are wrong. But the actual height and the advertised height may not necessarily match up. They should, but that don't mean they do.

  On 5/27/2019 at 6:02 PM, refrigerator said:

Huh? Why did the supposed height change in the last couple days? Seems like even with the blueprints no one knows what the final height will be.


They haven't changed. We know the final height. We knew pretty much as soon as we had the blueprints. Theres been discussion about where to measure from, but the footer to peak heights are black in white in the blueprints. From the ground at the station to the top of the lift it will be 295.9 ft. You can knock .755 ft off that if you want the measurement from the top of the footers at the station. That being said, I'll bet money they will either use the 300.9 drop distance for advertising or they will round the lift height and call it 300. 

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