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Things that need to be addressed by 2030


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We've come a long way since the Paramount years and under Cedar Fair's ownership the park has flourished bringing back a lot of lost character and charm all a while providing fun and thrills for everyone. With that being said, there's still some things that should be addressed before the decade ends. Here are some of mine.:

  1. Do something with the Crypt building- either put something new in it or tear it down (I kind of want Action Theater to return as well.)
  2. Boo Blasters- I'm hoping this will be updated before 2025 but I think guests would love to see something new take the 2010 ride's place
  3. The powerlines in Soak City- I don't know how much it would cost to address the huge powerlines overhead but their presence limits the possibilities of expansion
  4. The train- this is kind of personal for me but Paramount removed the figures and never bothered to replace them. Give families something to look at instead of telling jokes about the fences
  5. Action Zone/ Oktoberfest- A lot of people talk about this one. There's nothing wrong with either section but I think updating the themes would go a long way.

We were way better off now than when we were under Paramount so please don't think I'm complaining, but I think the things I listed above should be looked at.

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  • SonofBaconator changed the title to Things that need to be addressed by 2030
  On 10/22/2020 at 3:34 PM, SonofBaconator said:

Action Zone/ Oktoberfest- A lot of people talk about this one. There's nothing wrong with either section but I think updating the themes would go a long way.


Ehhh... Oktoberfest's theme is fine (I really like the German theme), it's just it really need to be more present. The only part of Oktoberfest you get a German feel from is the Festhaus and the square outside it. When you walk the path going from AZ to CM, there is not a single hint of German theme.

As for AZ, there really IS no theme. The rides that do have themes, such as Congo Falls and Banshee, really in my opinion don't fit in the same area of the park. They are very opposite. 

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Jezz 2030 sound so far away and even talking about it makes me feel old.  

- At least fix the parking lot and add some greenery and make it more than that just blacktop.  Its the last thing we see when leaving.  Make a good impression.

- Water park make over.

- Kids area make over and expansion.

- Fill in the area Vortex left.

- Clean up Action Zone and rebrand it.  

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I’d like the park to improve on the high thrill flat ride lineup, definitely the biggest hole imo. I’d also like to see the park add more foliage around the park. Action Zone and the area by blacklot just aren’t pleasant areas to be around due to the lack of foliage imo.

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  On 10/22/2020 at 11:14 PM, silver2005 said:

I think Timberwolf's future needs to be addressed as well.  


I wish Timberwolf was used more regularly.  I've never been to a show there, so I can't really speak to it's quality as an amphitheater or what it would need to be completely modernized, but I would make the trip way more often if there was a good concert involved. I think the real obstacle, however, is Ticketmaster. Unfortunately pretty much all big live music goes through them, and I can't imagine a relationship with them would be worth the expense and effort to use it more.

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I would be disappointed if Action Zone is still recognizable in 2030.  I can't imagine keeping Invertigo, Amazon, Timberwolf or The Bat for another 10 years.  They can get rid of Drop Tower, too, AFAIC.  That will open up a lot of prime real estate in AZ,  To me AZ is just a soulless reminder of the latter Paramount era, which for me was the low point in KI's history.  I would hope for a complete retheme at the very least.  My preference would be to just roll that area into a larger Oktoberfest, but I think KI can and probably should dream bigger than that.  The problem is that they're not going to be inclined to make over the entire area all at once.  Transitioning from AZ to something new over a period of several years will take some creativity and thinking outside the box, to say nothing of the capital required.  But I think CF can and will pull it off.  I would hope the initial internal discussions about this have already begun.  

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I agree with everything said about AZ except getting rid of The Bat.  It is great for youngsters not quite ready to tackle the big boys, and it is still a very fun ride.  Arrow suspended coasters are dwindling, and The Bat is by far the best of them that I have ever been on.  It could also definitely fit into a spooky german village theme quite nicely.

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Definitely demolish The Crypt building or put something in there. I'm sure it serves a Haunt purpose, but I'm also sure you can stick a haunted house somewhere else; the building's an eyesore. 

I 100% agree that AZ needs some TLC (don't go chasing Congo Falls?). I understand its theming from the Paramount days --- it was their idea to capture some sort of backlot, stunt-driven feeling. But it just feels shoddy and thrown together. I like the Oktoberfest area, but I wouldn't have a problem if they decided to turn that and AZ into one big zone with a theme of adventure or horror. Between Adventure Express, The Bat, and Banshee, you have that already covered and could probably find some coherent way to theme them all a bit consistently, and maybe change Delirium and Drop Zone a bit to fit in. Add some better facades in the area and then pull out Invertigo, Congo Falls and Timberwolf to put in a few fun flats, dark rides or a coaster. KI's other areas have such a nice feel to them, but AZ just feels really thrown together. 

Also, I'm beating a dead horse from other threads. But re-open the International Restaurant section, either as a nice sit-down restaurant or a lounge/bar for adults. It's wasting the best view in the park. 

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I've discussed this before but I'd rather see Congo Falls relocated as opposed to being removed. The ride itself however is 32 years old so relocating it might do more harm than good. If it gets removed one day, I'd like to see a similar ride pop up in Rivertown if possible. Congo Falls is a perfect example of a good ride that gets a bad tap because of its location. It might've worked when it was the Lion Country Safari but now its out of place.

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I remember 2010 and seeing discussions on this topic on TPR.. Yikes

* Soak City revamp- as said before, some of the older slides back there are miserable to ride, and I would love to see a modern slide complex around where Pineapple Pipeline currently is, along with a water coaster somewhere in Soak City (wishful thinking)

* New launch coaster- LSM and air powered launches have come a long since 2005 when KI added Backlot Stunt Coaster, I think it would be great to have some sort of new launch coaster where Vortex used to sit.

* Do anything with the TRTR building, but don't let it stand there for another decade.

* New dark ride where Boo Blasters is standing- it just looks dated at this point.

* Action Zone/Oktoberfest retheme/redo- Oktoberfest and Action Zone both make almost no sense when it comes to theme, Oktoberfest just needs a facelift like Busch Gardens Williamsburg did around 2012, and for Action Zone, I think it would be great to retheme that entire area to something spooky and have a year round haunt and another major flat ride or roller coaster to go with it, of course this is a pandemic, and I wouldn't expect much to happen within the next 2 years, as we just got Orion on top of the pandemic, but I think it would be cool if at least some of these things came to life.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 12:40 PM, wabashcr said:

 They can get rid of Drop Tower, too, AFAIC.  That will open up a lot of prime real estate in AZ  


I'd be very upset if they got rid of Drop Tower. It's imo the best out of the 6 Drop Towers I've been on. I've been on this, Lex Luthor Drop of Doom, Power Tower, Liberty Launch, The Big Shot (Stratosphere), and one of those mini Drop Towers at a traveling carnival. Plus it is one of the few Gyro Drops in the US. 

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  On 10/23/2020 at 7:38 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

I'd be very upset if they got rid of Drop Tower. It's imo the best out of the 5 Drop Towers I've been on. I've been on this, Lex Luthor Drop of Doom, Power Tower, Liberty Launch, and one of those mini Drop Towers at a traveling carnival. Plus it is one of the few Gyro Drops in the US. 


Agreed, the last thing Kings Island needs is to have 1 less high thrill flat ride. Every major amusement park needs a Drop Tower.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 7:13 PM, rhyano said:

* Action Zone/Oktoberfest retheme/redo- Oktoberfest and Action Zone both make almost no sense when it comes to theme, Oktoberfest just needs a facelift like Busch Gardens Williamsburg did around 2012, and for Action Zone, I think it would be great to retheme that entire area to something spooky and have a year round haunt and another major flat ride or roller coaster to go with it, of course this is a pandemic, and I wouldn't expect much to happen within the next 2 years, as we just got Orion on top of the pandemic, but I think it would be cool if at least some of these things came to life.


The Blackout building would be perfect for a year-round Haunt! The theming might have to be updated to fit the AZ retheme, though...

On that note, I really like AZ as is, but I agree the theming is a little mish-mashed. You have the spooky elements (Bat/Banshee) along with remnants of the Adventure Village and (Paramount) Action Zone days (Xtreme Skylflier/Congo and Drop Tower/Delirium). If it had be re themed (as eventually it will), I say go retro and do an Adventure Village 2.0. Drop Tower, Delirium and Invertigo (if it makes the cut) can be re-themed to fit this jungle aesthetic (Bat and Banshee fit the theme as there are bats in the rainforest as well as ghosts/spirits; also Delirium could be re-themed to a giant wind/rain storm). Heck, maybe they can even include Adventure Express like back in the day.

An entire spooky theme could work too; like a year-round version of Haunt.

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My personal wait times needs to be addressed. I believe with my support of Cedar Fair parks by 2030 CF should have a pass perk for my family and I to have Uber Fast Lane passes  every visit. What is UFLP, you ask? It is a skip ahead of everyone and my choice of seat. I believe with my advance age, and my roller coaster riding days are numbered this will be a great idea for their number 1 fan.

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  On 10/23/2020 at 7:38 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

I'd be very upset if they got rid of Drop Tower. It's imo the best out of the 6 Drop Towers I've been on. I've been on this, Lex Luthor Drop of Doom, Power Tower, Liberty Launch, The Big Shot (Stratosphere) and one of those mini Drop Towers at a traveling carnival. Plus it is one of the few Gyro Drops in the US. 



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  On 10/22/2020 at 5:39 PM, Klabergian Empire said:

Ehhh... Oktoberfest's theme is fine (I really like the German theme), it's just it really need to be more present. The only part of Oktoberfest you get a German feel from is the Festhaus and the square outside it. When you walk the path going from AZ to CM, there is not a single hint of German theme.

As for AZ, there really IS no theme. The rides that do have themes, such as Congo Falls and Banshee, really in my opinion don't fit in the same area of the park. They are very opposite. 


True indeed about the lack of major theming points in Oktoberfest. Perhaps an open, shaded pavilion that resembles some proper German architecture or something--isn't there some kind of recreational area akin to a garden or park near that area?

Now, regarding the blatant lack of theming for most rides in AZ, here's the issue: that area is akin to a movie set even now (think of it as the higgledy-piggledy of stuff from all different movie genres, like ghastly suspense thrillers for Banshee and jungle chase scenes for Congo Falls). This is something that, as it seems, Cedar Fair may have tried to hold over from the Paramount days without a) scrapping about 30-40% of what was there and joining the rest with Oktoberfest and b) having to pay excessive license fees for full-fledged theming like SF does with DC Comics characters. Maybe an easy way to theme it would be to have stuff like movie reel designs or clapperboards at the entrance to the area, along with names that would fit some of the rides that have (to some people) cheesy names: "Drop Tower" becomes "Stunt Double," "Xtreme Skyflyer" becomes "Skydiver" and "Invertigo" becomes "Flashback" (last one may be just a bad name idea, sorry if it's cringeworthy).

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1.) Plant a large quantity of trees on The Vortex plot and let nature take it back. (Pine trees would be best.)

2.) Repurpose the Crypt building for a new flat ride or compact coaster.

3.) Give Diamondback a desperately needed new coat of paint.

4.) Continue to retheme Action Zone to horror. (Kill Invertigo and retheme Congo Falls.)

5.) Repaint/Refurbish the Woodstock Express.

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