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Guest injured by phone on Maverick

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I personally have no clue how people lose phones out of pockets? I've ridden nearly 200 coasters around the country and I've taken a phone in my pocket on any that I was allowed to and never had an issue. You push it down in there and once you put down the lap bar or harness it's kinda smashed in your pocket. I know not everyone's pockets are the same but it's hard for me to believe that some people who lose articles out of their pockets never secured them in their pockets to begin with 

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20 minutes ago, johnjniehaus said:

I personally have no clue how people lose phones out of pockets? I've ridden nearly 200 coasters around the country and I've taken a phone in my pocket on any that I was allowed to and never had an issue. You push it down in there and once you put down the lap bar or harness it's kinda smashed in your pocket. I know not everyone's pockets are the same but it's hard for me to believe that some people who lose articles out of their pockets never secured them in their pockets to begin with 

I’ve only lost my phone once- this past Saturday on i305. It was secured in a buttoned cargo pocket and still managed to get free. Has never happened to me on Maverick- with similar restraints. 
I’ve also been decked in the face by a phone on Millie- but that was someone who was trying to record. 

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1 hour ago, flightoffear1996 said:

Zipper shorts or pants for the win.

I always wear zipper pants, I love them so much. Yes, I said zipper pants, the heat doesn't bother my legs, it's infinitely more comfortable especially if you sit in a seat that is slightly sticky or wet, its much better than having your skin touch the filth. Can't say the same for my arms though, those have to wait until it gets cold out. 

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3 hours ago, johnjniehaus said:

I personally have no clue how people lose phones out of pockets? I've ridden nearly 200 coasters around the country and I've taken a phone in my pocket on any that I was allowed to and never had an issue. You push it down in there and once you put down the lap bar or harness it's kinda smashed in your pocket. I know not everyone's pockets are the same but it's hard for me to believe that some people who lose articles out of their pockets never secured them in their pockets to begin with 

Someone with small or loose pockets combined with the absurd forces you get on a ride on Maverick, I can definitely see how it's possible.

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I'm not sure if there's an easy answer to something like this. I guess the only way to make for certain this doesn't happen is to put lockers and detectors in every single que like Universal in Orlando does. (Which may I add is annoying but effective) I guess some people have pockets that don't hold stuff in while others such as myself have never lost an article on a ride but I don't expect park employees to say oh your pockets are too loose and oh yeah your's have a zipper so you're fine. I've only been hit by an article once and it was on space mountain at Disney world (so the impact was minimal)... whatever it was hit my hand and just felt like it got smacked but it didn't do any damage. Of course Disney has lenient rules about not having phones and cameras out on rides so I could see it being a bigger issue there than at other parks. 

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18 hours ago, WoodVengeance said:

Someone with small or loose pockets combined with the absurd forces you get on a ride on Maverick, I can definitely see how it's possible.

My sister lost her phone on Banshee and didn't even know it until she went to pull out the phone later on. It definitely varies by the type of clothing and the restraints, etc etc. Like others have mentioned: zipper pockets are the way to go. Though I've always found that when I wear jeans (full length), the front pockets are too tight for anything to ever come out, when sitting.

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It's happened to me twice, both times resulting in the phone getting tossed out the side of the train somehow. In 2002, my Nokia 3285 somehow got out of my front pocket on Beast and they found it in the dirt, minus the battery pack, the next morning. Being a Nokia it still worked fine despite having hit something sufficient to knock the battery off into the unknown, never to be found. All it needed was a new battery pack.

In 2010 I had a Samsung Alias 2, normally I had it in a holster case but of course that particular day I forgot the case and it was in my front pocket, after getting off Diamondback I reached for my phone while walking into the exit shop and it wasn't there. Went back to the station, wasn't there. Filled out a form but it was never found, best guess was it happened during the helix to the midcourse brakes and got hurled off into the woods because it continued to ring when called for a while afterward, so it was working but apparently somewhere that isn't checked.

In both instances, I had absolutely no idea it had happened until sometime after the ride. Both times were in my front pocket with my wallet but only the phone was somehow lost. Like @DoomPlague said, usually when sitting my front pockets are, or at least should be, too tight for either of those situations to have happened, but somehow they still did. Ever since the second time, I always use either a belt holster or a secured cargo pocket.

With Diamondback's seat and restraint design, I can see how it happened, but Beast confuses me to this day.


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