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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2013 in all areas

  1. Ah, but remember, a certain chicken establishment resides in the park...
    5 points
  2. My favorite response was- "sorry folks, parks closed. The moose out front shuda told ya." :-D
    5 points
  3. Look at all the pretty trees.... Tusk, who likes to be observant.
    5 points
  4. Yeah...those pillars are King Cobra's.
    5 points
  5. Shut up about SoB please. Everyone. Oh, I forgot, this is KIC. hooky, who believes that a steel coaster is being built. Possibly a new looper as Vortex is aging. Not sinking, aging.
    5 points
  6. Lady at Reds HOF Grille: "So where is the buffet?" Employee at desk: "I'm sorry ma'am there is no longer a buffet." Lady: "Is there still an all-you can eat option?"
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. This was the item that started my KI collection when I visited the park with my 5th grade class. This is the exact same one I carried around all day in May of 1991
    4 points
  9. The last time someone at Kings Island took energy shots, that urgent care was packed and it looked like that wasn't the best idea.
    4 points
  10. Hopefully, the bar codes are still readable by July....but what if they aren't? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
    4 points
  11. Just wait... We'll soon turn it into a Son of Beast topic.
    3 points
  12. Well...anyone can make a mistake. If I made you question yourself, then that's a good thing, right. It means I'm challenging your thinking... Yeah...I'll just go with that.
    3 points
  13. And KK King Kobra was at Kings Dominion.
    3 points
  14. And especially how many of those were injuries directly at the fault of the ride rather than the person. Maybe 10? MAYBE!
    3 points
  15. Perhaps I shouldn't share our fireworks watching spot, and I'm not sure how the construction/demolition has affected this spot, but we found sitting at the set of tables that sits outside the snack stand next to delerium and before what used to be thunder alley was a great spot. We'd get an ice cream, we were often the only people there, you'd get a nice breeze off of delerium, had a great view of the tower and fireworks. On top of that, we have a young boy that is pretty squirmy, so there was ample room for him to room around where we could keep our eye on him and he wasn't bugging anyone else. international street offers a better view, no doubt about that, but its incredible crowded. This offers a little seclution, still a great view and your pretty short walk back to the front gate.
    3 points
  16. not to mention with movie mazes, there set up to almost run in sequence with the actual movie. if you ask me; that limits freedom from creative expresion on the scaractor to get in there scare & most folks have seen the movie enough that they know what to expect & when. a good maze should follow the guidlines that can tell a story to a simple audience, well laid-out theme-ing, & a scaractors ability to utilize there surroundings to pull off the scares time after time. otherwise its like a car not firing on all cylinders.
    3 points
  17. Did anybody notice that there are stakes with ribbons on them crossing the ravine about where SOB's lift hill was? I saw some from flight deck and also from Adventure Express
    3 points
  18. And usually are very warped in how they depict parks. They show a very skewed version of what actually happens.
    3 points
  19. New pictures from the blog. https://www.cedarpoint.com/blog-article/online-fun/The-Front-Gate-Update And a screen shot from the yet-to-be-posted POV.
    2 points
  20. What about the guys who not only cut of their sleeves, but also cut out basically the whole side of their shirts?
    2 points
  21. The idea is a terrain-hugging coaster, a la Maverick and Cheetah Run, only longer and faster. Hummmmm - terrain hugging - just like a big wooden coaster at the park who's son used to take up the area we're discussing.
    2 points
  22. And that would be a bad thing? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
    2 points
  23. Holy old topic Batman. Anyway, I actually was really surprised to see the Boat Tag attraction in this thread. I'd completely forgotten about it, but I remember it very clearly now from when I was younger.
    2 points
  24. They don't say anything to kids wearing swimsuits in the dry park, either, but that doesn't mean it's allowed.
    2 points
  25. I want an Action Zone cam....
    2 points
  26. Yes! I loved that ride! I remember riding it as a kid every time we went to KI. As a young kid, I seemed to have had a fascination with Jabber Jaws. I remember riding that ride and I also remember riding on the Jabber Jaws on the old Hanna-Barbara merry go round. You sat on his tail fin and he went up and down. That merry go round was the best! I hated to see it go!
    2 points
  27. That would be freaking awesome!!!!!! Doesn't quite fit the theme...but freaking awesome nonetheless.
    2 points
  28. This area is of some intrigue. Being in Florida has kept me from the park for some time, but if memory serves, SoB was not on the land highlighted? Anyone know if this has always been cleared? Or am I just seeing things?
    2 points
  29. Maybe a little off topic and probably already discussed, but I read that the old six flag KY is planning a reopening in '14. I never visited, but I saw they have like 4 coasters and plans to build a $15 mil one for the opening. This will draw some business away from KI even if it is a much lesser park. Hopefully whatever CF has in mind can be bold enough to offset whatever loss they may get. Granted the $15 mil price tag doesn't scream "you have to ride this" it will still probably be a cool roller coaster. $15 mil is still a lot of money. CF needs to make sure KI is the only place around that matters, and I think a play off The Beast or SOB is a gamble as some will see it as dated and old hat. Although, seeing the sign and knowing the sentimental value of all things Beast, I can't dismiss the possibility of some sort of SOB resurrection.
    2 points
  30. And you know this how exactly? Terp, who likes to ask questions.
    2 points
  31. I think it is really the new bathrooms for X-Base.......but that is just my opinion because I am a very diversifide individual. It also could be a roller coaster that is part of a show with a sign at the entrance that reads: "Break a leg". It will be the tallest wooden coaster in the world with a loop........oh wait, never mind.
    2 points
  32. Must be somethign huge to start building this early!
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. On a lighter note, does anyone else find it funny that the season has just started and we're already talking about what's new for next year?
    2 points
  35. Take up energy shots instead.
    2 points
  36. "I wasn't going to go into this explanation, but I feel as though I should elaborate. I'm not saying that you are making an outlandish statement at all, nor even an unreasonable statement. You are, though, likely making a slightly unrealistic statement. The only real reason that Fast Lane was added was to make the park money - sorry, but that's the ultimate incentive behind everything a park does. What you have to think about is what it would gain the park to do something. The trial run of Fast Lane started in 2011 and included ten rides. Some of them were family rides, and some were the park's star attractions. They had to make it valuable enough to make people want to spend the 50 bucks. Most of the rides they picked already had existing structures in place to serve as the Fast Lane queue. Diamondback had a former single rider line, Beast had its former emergency exit (part of it was the original exit to the ride way back in the day even), and many other rides had similar situations to make it fairly easy to organize a trial Fast Lane. Obviously the park was satisfied with the trial run, because they did a similar trial that October during Haunt and have continued to use Fast Lane ever since, and have expanded it to other parks. Once satisfied, the park added as many other attractions as they could to Fast Lane to get as many people to buy as possible. Most were fairly simple processes. They re-did Adventure Express' queue slightly, poured a small concrete walkway for Racer, etc. At this point, we have most of the rides covered by Fast Lane. Now...let's look at Flight Deck. It has a very elaborate queue line as it is. In order to merit the cost of re-designing it slightly - I can't come up with a good way without adding at least one bridge - an expensive process - they would have to have a really good reason to add it. In the first place, the line doesn't usually extend to the level to merit a Fast Lane. In the second place, I doubt there would be very many people that would intentionally buy a Fast Lane that wouldn't already have bought one, just because Flight Deck was included. There just isn't enough of a reason for it to merit doing so at this time. Now...get a 2014 ride in there increasing activity into that area of the park, thereby increasing the line length, and that might be a different story." I hear what you are saying about how the way station was built it would be kind of costly, and there likely isn't enough r.o.i. from it. After consideration, I'll have Cedar Fair know that I will settle for a heavily-themed Indiana Jones bridge connecting to the station to be used for Fast Lane. I'm thinking something like this:
    2 points
  37. They must've been playing Slayer....
    2 points
  38. Headbanging on Son of Beast? Really?
    2 points
  39. I rode Beast Saturday morning. Magnetic brakes are either present or they are not. As dare-to-fly said, sections can be removed. There was noticeably less braking going into the helices. Otherwise, I saw little difference from past years. Rain does not appreciably affect magnetic braking stopping power. The coaster itself was VERY smooth.
    2 points
  40. Thrill Biscuit - you just made my night! You've got the right ideas on things. As for the comment to Hurler, I loved it without the trim. Now it just shuffles around all the corners because it's not going fast enough to go around them correctly, and the airtime is pretty much gone. Carowinds and KD both got the trims at the same time, and my opinion of them went from good to meh.
    1 point
  41. Very well said indeed. If you don't "get" The Beast, then you don't understand what The Beast actually is or what it's about. Then again...perhaps I just have a soft spot for it in my heart.
    1 point
  42. And revenue is up over 12%. http://www.cnbc.com/id/100690193
    1 point
  43. These articles seem to come out every year around this time...
    1 point
  44. 1. Diamondback 2. FOF 3. Vortex 4. Racer 5. Flight Deck 6. Adventure Express 7. Beast 8. Invertigo 9. BLSC 10. Firehawk I'm more of an airtime/inversions guy. Beast goes up to a 2 with night rides but during the day its highly overrated.
    1 point
  45. Whew, glad you showed up to set it straight. Well, there it is. The sign is telling us it's a Vortex style looper. I don't know how I didn't see it. Son of Vortex, or they can just shorten it to Sex.
    1 point
  46. It is not going to be a Son of Beast remake. The layout would still be horrible even if the ride was smooth
    1 point
  47. I've got a collection I put together on flickr awhile back of KI Maps from every year except for 08', 96', 94', 91', 81', 80', 77', and 73'. Check it out here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kitchenslayer/sets/72157630405860364/
    1 point
  48. There are a lot of rumors regarding soft opening....most of which all point to late May. So you may miss them by a week or two. Team Member previews have not began yet, but are expected very soon. They are ramping up on the viral campaign and advertising.... http://www.thedailycity.com/2013/05/transformers-in-downtown-orlando-on.html Very exciting times at Universal Orlando! - Todd
    1 point
  49. A bumblebee. Flying around on an inverted B&M themed to a bee, named Stinger. I'd think, you would be getting a call from the Columbus Blue Jackets to turn it into a hockey themed coaster showing their pride and joy mascot. Yup, you guessed it, "Stinger". Edit - well this was a pointless post. I overlooked, Jr for Birdy already brought up stinger and the Jackets. Whoops You guys are forgetting the old Cincinnati Stingers of the 1970's WHA...come on, men! I would adore a hockey-themed coaster, though. Anyway, I believe that this sign just opens up a whole new barrel of monkeys that could mean anything or nothing at all. I am excited, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I like reading all of your ideas, however far-fetched or reasonable they may be. It's an interesting time at KI.
    1 point
  50. PART 2! So after that i went and saw Vortexes line. With the line just beyond the queue I estimated the line being about 30 minutes. While in line i took a video and tons of pics of it. WindSeeker The Sign. Racer's Anti-Rollback hill So the line was about 25 minutes. I got on 5-1 and strapped in. It went up the lift hill and it was ALOT louder than usual. It was so loud it vibrated the train! The Ride was alot better than usual. No headbanging! 9.1/10. SO after that i went and survived Diamondbacks line. After waiting 2 hours and 35 minutes I finnally got to ride! Diamondback was a little faster this season and its B&M rattle was gone. 12/10! So after that I rode Delirium. Its great but a lot shorter ride cycle.7.5/10. After that i went to Flight Deck. It was so weird not seeing Son of Beast there. Flight Deck had no line so i got to marathon on it 3 times before i got nauseous. Flight Deck was alot faster dispatch. Since there where no seatbelts. And for some reason the ride felt loads faster. like 5 miles per hour faster. 8.9/10 After that ir rode Red Racer. still as smooth as ever 9.0/10. After that I marathoned on Adventure Express. A bit jerkier but still great rode it during the fireworks! So after that i got a souvenir cup refill and left the park at 10:20 P.M A very good day 9.5/10 Good Day to you all, Joshua Junker
    1 point
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