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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2015 in all areas

  1. And I will NOT be at Kings Island opening day this year. I will be getting married to the love of my life that day! And then the next day we are off to our honeymoon in Southern California, where we will be indulging in some Disney fun (although we are both slightly bummed that both Matterhorn and Soarin` will be down for rehabs when we are out there.
    11 points
  2. This is what I picture and Im a bit creeped out
    10 points
  3. The BIG news in that story is the attendance "goal" for 2015. 650,000. Are you kidding me? Mr. Hart, he of the bombast and showmanship, is setting a goal that is absolutely comical. I do believe that he was promising a million in the beginning. Now, with SEVEN, count them SEVEN, keys to the kingdom, and I suppose, another "huge" "new" coaster to promote, not even a 10 percent increase in attendance is expected? Really? November is a comin' It's right around the bend...
    9 points
  4. Kings - Kings Mills Island - Coney Island Name was chosen via a public contest in late 1970.
    8 points
  5. I knew I forgot something when I saw the announcement. I'll get this on the home page tonight. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
    8 points
  6. Hmmmm.....maybe I missed something last time I was there. All I remember is a non-working fountain, ashtrays and a couple benches. I'll have to look more closely on my next visit for the beautiful trees and scenery.
    8 points
  7. Here is a picture of the watch that they gave me.
    8 points
  8. Also face-palming at "Raging Rapids River Ride". They seriously couldn't come up with a better name for it than that? And people complained about generic ride names at Kings Island...
    7 points
  9. What is Mild, Terrible, Boring, to some is Wild, Terrific, Exciting to others. One of the few things I like about people, is that we do not all like the same things.
    6 points
  10. I wont even entertain the thought of the big loopy things, but I DEFINITELY want to hit the two refurbs, and of course a trip to North/South Carolina and Virginia is a must before I leave this part of the country and head West. And yes, I saw what you did there Sparky, who knows Terp doesnt like Wings. at least of the Swiss variety.
    6 points
  11. 6 points
  12. And if you are going to have displays and shoppes, the smoking has gotta go.
    6 points
  13. They should dye the water red. Then, when Kentucky taxpayers look at the waters, they can see a raging rapid of red ink flowing into the park. Year after year after year.... See how Kentucky Kingdom contributed to the record success for the Kentucky State Fair in 2014! See the $9.99 admission when purchased at Kroger please the carnival operator and flood the fairgrounds with great throngs of people teaming against the fences waiting to get into the Kingdom, which didn't even open most days until six hours after the fair. See the closed park during the very successful (for other parks) Boo season. Yep, quite the successful partly state funded theme park. But then, Hart's partner ran against Mitch McConnell for Senate (and lost) and was a high official in the Kentucky Democrat Party. I can't imagine why Kentucky Kingdom would be a 2015 election issue, nor be in any trouble should the state house change parties.
    6 points
  14. Better than Round Boat Ride(-hawk)! lol
    6 points
  15. Is it just me, or does that banner scream Seventies Retro? Not the image or style I'd want to project for that park. It just seems....old. And the irony? I'm old. And to me, it just seems tired, faded, and a half-hearted attempt at simulated FUN, seventies style. As do the attractions themselves. Holiday World and Kings Island seem more of this era, this time. Not re-created relics of some long past age...a place that has failed twice already, and survives only because it is propped up with state property, taxpayer backing, and tax incentives.
    6 points
  16. It looks like the Newport Aquarium is adding a 100ft rope bridge across its 385,000 gallon shark tank. The bridge is set to open mid-April along with a new otter exhibit in mid-March. In addition, the aquarium is acquiring multiple new scalloped hammerhead sharks. Source: http://www.attractionsmanagement.com/detail.cfm?pagetype=detail&subject=news&codeID=313472
    5 points
  17. I finally got to apply for a job at Kings Island, now being 15 years old! Is there any tips anyone can give me that would be helpful leading up to the interview? Or after?
    5 points
  18. ^I would fall into that camp. Banshee is an amazing ride, to me Diamondback is just more fun. To each his/her own though!
    5 points
  19. And...... Now the swarm begins its flight down the home-stretch! Two high speed camel back hills and then into the break run it shall fly! (Live Still-Image captured from the Carowinds Fury 325 Live Camera Feed) Ohhhh! Hello again 320 ft. drop! We didn't forget you!
    5 points
  20. I pictured a roving band of 10-15 bad Elvis impersonators...Short Elvis, Fat Elvis, Vegas Elvis, El Vez, 6'11" Elvis, Korean Elvis, Satanic Hellvis, Tortelvis, Melvis, GI Blues Elvis, and some others. Would be good and terrible.
    5 points
  21. When your parents suggest your graduation present might be a trip to several new amusement parks.
    5 points
  22. If they ever were to resort to having a king character walking about, then they should go the extra mile and construct a moat around the park, surrounding it with water and making it an island!
    5 points
  23. That is what I thought of too. Something you wouldn't want to see roaming around Kings Island. If they did (which I don't prefer) do that I would want a themed area. (Not that big of an area)
    5 points
  24. And that is one thing about Tower Gardens as it is now. Speaking in terms of purely location, it is one of the most well-placed smoking areas. It is not so far out of the way as to be inconvenient for those who want to use it, but it is definitely off the beaten path enough that people who do not smoke should have no trouble avoiding the secondhand smoke. I do agree that if they could find a new location for a smoking area, they could turn that area into a very nice walk-through exhibit sort of deal. Maybe they could move the Kings Island Hall of Fame over there. Because let's be honest, I'd bet money that less than half of the people on here even know where that is, and even fewer of the general public.
    5 points
  25. I like the idea of something else to be put right there, I think I have mentioned that before on here, that is a good idea, I would also like the fountain to be working once again, or possibly a flat ride could go there.
    5 points
  26. In the words of the late great and new WWE Hall of Famer "Macho Man" Randy Savage, OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH YEAH!!!!! So if you couldn't tell already, I'm excited! Edit: I found something interesting about the 2015 operating calendar. The last two Friday's during the regular operating season, the park is open 5pm to 10 pm. I find that strange.
    5 points
  27. I got the 7 new/refurbished rides from: http://www.wdrb.com/story/27848523/ky-tourism-dept-considering-kentucky-kingdoms-request-for-financial-incentives?clienttype=generic&smartdevicecgbypass And yes...that banner screams 70s Retro! You're not old...just seasoned.
    5 points
  28. As staff that deals directly with parks Marketing/PR and Group Sales departments, I can confirm that Cedar Point has discontinued it's relationship with Coaster Crew and other Coaster Clubs. We were not given an exact reason and we respect the park for doing so, with hopes that we are added back some day soon. Whether or not Cedar Point decides to add us to the list for CoasterMania for the 2015 year, that is unknown to us. If they do, that'd be a huge surprise. But as of 1/15/2015, Coaster Crew is not an authorized Coaster Club for CoasterMania.
    5 points
  29. If I can make it work, I will be riding it for the first time on a Sunday mid-April, followed by a concert the next night. I'm very grateful that my best friend lives 35 minutes away from the park. I'm a bit sad that I never took advantage of this when I was in high school and college...
    5 points
  30. Imagine the conversation had runner-up "Coney Mills" have become the parks moniker? A walking chili-cheese dog as a mascot? Wearing (for some reason) a crown, carrying around a scepter?
    4 points
  31. Of all the B&M Wingrider coasters I have ridden, I like Maverick best. And Thunderhead. And SFGAm Goliath. (There are no unintentional errors in this post). Perhaps that's yet another reason I see no reason to get to Holiday World anytime soon. There's Fury 325, the what look to be wonderful refurbs of the soon to be steels at SFMM and SFNE, the many Big Loopy Things (not to be confused with the one Big Droppy Thing)...
    4 points
  32. No way, Jose. It's not like Disney with iconic, well, Disney characters. Or DC/Marvel characters. Or the Peanuts. I think a plain old king would just be sort of cheesy. And creepy (especially since everyone would probably associate it with the aforementioned Burger King king).
    4 points
  33. I'd like to see them go back to that original logo.
    4 points
  34. Are you talking about Tower Gardens at Kings Island??
    4 points
  35. The Newness of Lightning Run and Kentucky Kingdom may have worn off or will wear off midway through this season. Are these 5 (err 7) new attractions enough to drive attendance up this year? After all the park didn't even pull in 600,000 visitors last year and it will look much better during an election year to hit your attendance goals. Maybe... Nothing is guaranteed in this industry and honestly I expect Kentucky Kingdom to throw pricing integrity out the window midway through the season as they struggle to meet the measly 650,000 goal. Think they are not worried? There is a major issue when expanding the footprint of the park yet reducing seasonal staff by 20%.
    4 points
  36. Here's the banner they had at the GOCC holiday party, if it helps at all.
    4 points
  37. The Courier-Journal says at least five new rides: http://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2015/01/14/kentucky-kingdom-gets-early-state-approval-tax-incentives-improvement-plan/21768971/ Note also that to qualify for the incentives, at least 25 percent of visitors must be from out of state. Good thing the park is in Kentuckiana!
    4 points
  38. The swarm is preparing to fly out of the double helix element and into the final two high speed camel back hills.... (Live Still-Image captured from the Carowinds Fury 325 Live Camera Feed)
    4 points
  39. Witn Monmouth Street undergoing a revitalization of sorts, there had to be some sort of new danger in Newport...
    3 points
  40. Carowinds opens on Saturday March 28th 2015, and will be open for daily operations for the first two weeks of operation.
    3 points
  41. I'll disagree here. I believe that the Burger King King should be roaming the Island. Maybe around Halloween since creepy is in at that time of year.
    3 points
  42. Seeing as in recent years Ouimet has been striving to improve general park aesthetics, I wouldn't be surprised if this area gets at least some beautification in the next few seasons. I sure do hope so.
    3 points
  43. Well maybe I mediocre it too much. The fountain could definitely use some work
    3 points
  44. I was actually just thinking that all of the names are pretty horrible. I particularly dislike T3 simply because I already thought T2 was an incredibly dumb name, and the new name is even worse. I'm guessing it's that hideous new paint job that brings the terror to the 3rd power? Anyway, ride names are the least of Kentucky Kingdom's worries at this point.
    3 points
  45. That is pretty big expectations having a 12% or more attendance goal for 2015 over 2014! I think they would be lucky to keep it at 600,000, from what everyone is saying. Holiday World has a new coaster so I'm sure people in Indiana are def looking forward to it. Kings Island adding 2 new rides and bringing back another ride so that helps keep their fans happy. Kentucky Kingdom is going to have up hill battle, just don't look down!
    3 points
  46. I don't think it was a vendetta, so much as it was pretty much a win-win opportunity for Cedar Fair. If you want to buy your competition and shut it down you do that, you don't buy them and try to pretend to keep it running just to make a show of things. In terms of GL I saw it as this: The park clearly couldn't make a run at competing on a Cedar Point scale. CF bought it at a fire sale price and was able to remove the Six Flags threat in Ohio and keep any one else from contending with them. They then had a new park that had more than enough rides and attractions to suit itself. If things turned around and it made money: great. If it doesn't work: threat gone. In the end, they kept the profitable side and removed any slot for competition to move in. It was a smart move, although a sad one for GL fans.
    3 points
  47. Thrilled to see some nights open till Midnight. Riding Diamondback or The Beast in extreme darkness just enhances the thrills.
    3 points
  48. Let the countdown begin... 93 days to go!
    3 points
  49. Green track for a giga. Why does THAT sound familiar? Big Terpy...
    3 points
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