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That's not exactly true: "When interacting with representatives of the press or media, members are expected to speak enthusiastically about all parks and roller coasters. While members may have strong opinions about certain parks or roller coasters, they are to avoid negative criticism to representatives of the press or media." ACE had a reputation for going to parks, eating their buffet, and then publicly dumping all over them. They were trying to change that reputation - and for the most part they have. Now there is another group that has a reputation for going to the parks, eating their buffets, POVing the rides, and dumping on the parks but their web site has more clout than ACE's so I guess it's okay.12 points
I take it you haven't been a single rider much, then. The fact of the matter is that incidents between strangers are far, far more likely. In recent years, I along with many other riders, have noticed more and more riders refusing to ride with other singles. Quite frankly, I don't blame them. You are restrained, alone, with someone you don't know from Adam. Think about it.9 points
...or even an innocent adult rider. Not every person accused by a child is guilty. And not every predator is male. Nor is every victim of such a predator juvenile. Singles will be paired? Parks REALLY need to think about that.9 points
Did you even read my post? That was a frightening ride I don't EVER want to do again. An empty seat vs. riding with someone who may be a psychopath or worse? I know which I prefer. I'm trying to imagine that at SFA or Elitch's. Uh, no. Just no.8 points
If they don't paint Firehawk for a couple more seasons, I get the feeling we will see X-Flight come to life again before our very eyes.8 points
Many years ago, I was in line to ride what was then Coaster (now Thunderhawk) at Dorney Park. I was in line for the front seat. A single rider was in front of me, and the ride host directed me to ride with him. As the coaster ascended the lift hill, about a third of the way up he turned, faced me and said, "I don't like riding with people" in a cold, somewhat menacing way. I ignored him. Then came the chilling words, "I have a knife." It was not a fun ride. At the end, I told the ride host. She LAUGHED at me. I went immediately to guest relations and filed a complaint. I never heard another word from the park.7 points
This post should be a shout out to current & future park employee's. While at the park yesterday (7-14-15) I was in line for FoF this was around 11:16am or 12:16pm can't really remember the time. I noticed they were doing seat assigning and thought meh no biggie, that was until I actually got up to the employee that was doing the assigning. I witness the employee and a guest have an exchange of words, this guest was a male about in his mid twenties early thirties and he was a solo rider. The employee was trying to pair him up with another solo rider, the other solo rider was a six to eight year old boy in a group of teenagers (looks like to be a younger sibling who got stuck with his older siblings group of friends). Anyway I overheard the older male say to her "I don't ride with anyone that I don't know" and the female employee gave him a stare and muttered "really?". This shocked me, he actually had to repeat himself and state that he was serious. What kind of training is Cedar Fair providing when an employee is almost forcing a guest to ride with a stranger, let alone what about the little boy? I don't think a six to eight year old would of felt comfortable riding with a male in his twenties or thirties that he having no idea who he is. I was just astonish that the female employee couldn't grasp the situation at hand, it seem like she was more worried about the organization of the train than the guest's experience. Thankfully the older male knew exactly how to handle her in this situation for an optimal outcome.6 points
Time is an illusion. Passing events get stored in our memories, but the lengths of time do not (otherwise, we would have to "replay" entire processes as we remembered them in order to reach a specific memory, rather than being able to recall instantly like we do). Therefore, anticipation and present-time experiences are perceived as slightly longer in terms of time content. If we think of events in reverse order, it helps us to orient ourselves as to how "long ago" something happened. Because of known limitations, such as lengths of days, life spans, physical distances, etc., our minds naturally gravitate towards plotting events onto a path, rather than stacking them in a fixed, randomly-accessible point. If it "goes" anywhere, it's always here, now.6 points
Invertigo. 16 years. And it seems like yesterday I watched them build it. Or X-Flight at Geauga Lake. Or the exciting announcement for Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. Where DOES the time go? wow.6 points
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/orbitzcom/the-7-amusement-park-wond_b_7798336.html "The Beast" made this list . . . I thought it was interesting that on the "The Great Scenic Railway" there is a brake operator working in the middle car. Hope that operator had a good night sleep.5 points
Sorry again for the ridiculously long TR. I always add way too much haha. After my wife and my first trip to Carowinds we ended up heading to Virginia to take our first visit to Kings Dominion. We have heard all about how the park was and we were pretty excited to start the day. We left to each breakfast early and we ended up getting to the park 15 minutes before opening. We headed into the park and noticed that they had everyone walk through security metal detectors. This drastically slowed down the entrance process. We finally got through the line as it took about 10 minutes to get through security. We were told that Volcano: The Blast Coaster was always a long wait so we headed over to the ride for the ERT session. Now at Kings Dominion they have a 30 minute ERT session for those with platinum and gold passes. The ERT list was The Crypt and Volcano: The Blast Coaster. Well it just so happened that neither of the parks ERT lineup was up and functional at all. We walked and waited in line at the entrance for Volcano for almost the entire ERT time. So basically the ERT was a waste of time as we didn’t get to ride it until the park actually opened at 1030. We took a ride in the second row for our first trip around. The first launch was very quick and we were into the turn and out of it in no time. Then the vertical launch was spectacular! Rolling out of the Volcano was really cool then the slow turns and rolls were pretty fun also. I felt like the ride could’ve ended better though. It sped up really well and I thought it was going to give us some speed at the end but it basically stopped right when it was getting really quick. We ended up getting two rides in before leaving to ride Intimidator 305. Now a funny short story about this was my wife watched all the POVs of the rides at KD and Carowinds before and she said that I305 was a “lame” coaster. I wasn’t really sure if she was joking but she said she didn’t like the layout and that it just didn’t look fun. So I followed it up with it will probably the most intense coaster we have ever been on. I mentioned how the majority of people grayout or blackout on the ride. She said it didn’t look intense enough and that she wasn’t scared. I just told her to wait and see! So we finally were able to hop on I305 after about a 10 minutes wait. Once on we headed up the hill very quickly with the cable lift. After we crested the hill the view was amazing and the drop was great as well. Once we hit the turn right after the drop the forces were just crazy. I grayed out without a doubt. Luckily they altered the ride so I started to clear up as soon as we hit the first airtime hill. The airtime was great on the first hill. The laterals and quick turns were pretty fun but once we got to the second airtime hill it was completely neutered by a heavy trim brake. The final turns were pretty fun as well and we hit the brakes and it was all over. The ride was unbelievable how fast and forceful it was. When we got off of the ride I asked my wife how it was and she said it was scary. She grayed out during the first turn and really didn’t like the feeling. I wanted to ride again so we ended up getting back in line and I was teasing her saying I told you that the ride is intense and she replied I didn’t think it was going to be that crazy. Once we got into the station she stated that she was going to ride this one more time and never ride it again. I really don’t blame her the graying out really does take away from the fun of the ride. It is really scary if you aren’t expecting it or if you don’t feel comfortable experiencing it. So she rode twice and I rode 3 times then we headed out to the next ride. It was BLSC it was pretty much the same as KI’s BLSC except the entire mid ride show with the helicopter was off (no flame, shots, or anything) and the water splashdown was active. We then headed to ride Anaconda and my wife wanted to ride it only once. I thought it was pretty good. The ride going into the water for the first drop as well as the inversions over the water made this ride very fun. I didn’t really like the pretzel turns (or whatever you want to call them) before the final inversion. But it was a fun ride in general. We then headed to Boo Blasters. Which had no wait. It was really fun. They even had lasers pointing to the targets so it made it easier to shoot the targets. I actually like the idea of having lasers on the gun. Finally we headed to Dominator. It is a floorless coaster with ridiculously huge inversions. The first loop and cobra roll are insane. I was really impressed with how smooth it was. It wasn’t too fast but the inversions were great and I thought the ride was paced pretty well. We ended up leaving the park and heading to eat outside the park and take a nap at the hotel. Well that might have been a mistake because it rained when we got to the hotel. We waited until it cleared up around 4 to head back to the park but as soon as we got into the parking lot the rain kicked back up we went into the park and all of the rides were closed and the rain continued so we ended up leaving and head back to the hotel for the night. It ended up being a good decision as the rain never stopped and it stormed pretty bad (lightning/wind) the rest of the night. For day 2 since we started the same way a couple of rides on Volcano I was able to get 3 rides in on I305. Also on I305 the first we were there Thursday they only had one train operation the entire day. On the second day Friday it was the same thing single train operation all day. Now I am not sure about how the inner workings of KD works so if anyone has any idea as to why they do this please let me know. Just to me it seems really silly to have your marquee ride that is constantly ranked in the top 15 in the world by Golden Tickets and ranked in the top 4 in the world on the Mitch Hawker awards running one train operations all day. That would be similar to running only two trains on Banshee or Millennium Force and not utilizing its full capacity. It made lines that should’ve been a couple of cycles extend to 30-40 minute waits. If you have been to the park and know how the queues work the line used none of the switchbacks and lead to the entrance of the ride and from what I experienced before might have stretched the ride into an hour wait. I just never understood why they did this. It was intentionally lowering the capacity of the ride just to do it. The only thing I could think of was that it was to either keep wear and tear on the cable to a minimum, keep wear and tear on the trains to a minimum, or the ride was so intense that they don’t want the general public riding as many times as they want. I just didn’t really understand it. But after my couple of cycles on I305 minus the wife we headed to Flight of Fear. It was actually really fun. I feel like the ride was much smoother than the one at KI. I don’t know if it was because the ride was a little bit more illuminated or just launched at a different speed but we both enjoyed the ride much more than the one at KI. After that we headed to Avalanche. It is a bobsled coaster and it was the first one that my wife and I have ever been on. It was really unique the riding style allowed us to share a car. It enjoyed the ride and my wife thought it was the best ride they had. I’m not sure why she enjoyed it so much but she loved it. Next we headed back to Drop Tower. This ride was really cool. The employee in the drop box came over the microphone while heading up and she sang “Na Na Hey Hey (Kiss Him Goodbye) and timed it up perfectly to drop us as soon as she said goodbye. I was beyond blown away at how low the train got before actually braking. I usually don’t get nervous on Drop Towers but I really said please stop because it felt like we were going to hit the ground. I wish we had this Drop Tower at KI it really pushes the envelope on using the brakes. I ended up riding DT a couple of more times then we headed to Rebel Yell. We rode in the second row. It was a classic racing coaster that was of course not racing. The airtime on it was a bit more than Thunder Road and just about the same as Racer at KI. It was a fun spin but the queue was a bit longer than it needed to be. We decided to leave the park for lunch and take a nap at the hotel again. When we came back we immediately headed for Dominator and then headed back to ride their Flying Eagles. It was very similar to the ones at KI where the tub was just too heavy to snap. We headed to Grizzly where my wife rode it once and I stayed on for a couple of more cycles. I heard many crazy stories about how it is one of the worst wooden coasters ever but I thought it was a great ride. It didn’t beat me up and the woods made it seem like it was completely separated from the rest of the park. We then headed to WindSeeker. Which was a fantastic ride. The view was great and again it seemed like the cycle was longer than KI. We headed to ride Hurler and man was it rough. The trim brake after the first drop was awful. It was almost as if the brake didn’t hit the train the right way so the train just shuffled and bounced (or atleast it felt like it) for the entire first turn. It made the ride unenjoyable. I thought Carowinds’ Hurler was much better. We then went to ride Ricochet and we both enjoyed this one. We went up towards the front to hop on the Eiffel Tower. We then strolled the park taking in the beauty of the ride. Finally we headed to Shockwave and boy it was interesting. First this was the first TOGO I have been on and the restraints were really weird to me. The first portion of the ride was great, then we got to the helix… Headbanging like none other. The rest of the ride was decent. But when we got off my wife said that was the worst ride that she has ever been on. I think she just wasn’t ready for the helix because it really made you go almost sideways so she hit her head on the restraint really hard. She said it was like she got punched. We then headed over to I305 as it was getting dark. I got in 3 rides during the last 45 minutes, including one with the fireworks going off. Overall it was a good day but the way the ride ops worked many of the rides had slow operations all day. Many rides had waits that could have been 5-10 minutes turn into 15-20 minute waits due to the staff working extremely slow. I would’ve given them the benefit of the doubt if it was an extremely hot day like we experienced in Carowinds a couple of days before. But the ops were just super slow even though the heat index was close to 25 degrees cooler than Carowinds. Maybe we just were spoiled by the staff at Carowinds but it seemed as if we went to a Six Flags park instead of a Cedar Fair park. The ride ops were that slow. But we still enjoyed ourselves and decided to head back to the hotel. After heading back to the hotel we decided since we didn’t feel like we were able to get a lot of rides in (especially compared to earlier in the week at Carowinds) we came back for ERT on Saturday morning and got some rides on Volcano, I305, and Avalanche before leaving the park an hour after we got in for good to head back to family in Maryland. Overall we had a great time at the park. I think the mix of rides was pretty good. I think that I305 is definitely more intense than it looks on the POVs and to be honest the gray outs happened every time that I rode it. It was almost too intense if that makes sense. I almost had to focus on not blacking out so it took away some of the enjoyment for me. The guy in the drive box was doing spiels and he was giving instructions on how to not pass out on the turn. I just think that if you have to be instructed on how to ride a ride it may be overkill. It was right on the edge for me but I thought it was still enjoyable to me. Now if you ask my wife you will get a totally different answer. They had some good entertainment, the clown band put on a good show. They had everyone dancing during their show. The singing mushrooms were cool too. I thought the park had very good scenery. The entrance plaza was very similar to KI but I thought the fountains and shrubbery was much better. In fact I really loved how many trees were in the park. It made the weather which wasn’t hot to begin with even more enjoyable. I think the only complaint that both my wife and I had was the slow ride ops. I think we might have been spoiled by the way Carowinds worked hard in the 108 degree heat index so we just assumed that when it was high 70s/low 80s and breezy that we would’ve been able to get more rides in. It was enough to knock the park down a few notches in our books. We have now been to 4 parks and we ranked them as follows: Carowinds, KI, CP, and KD. We would definitely go back and do this trip a couple of years from now. I feel like both, Carowinds and KD, had extremely small crowds for being the middle of summer. I don’t know why it was but at both parks many of the “smaller” rides were walk ons for the entire week. Even with the big Christian concert they had going on the lines were really short at Kings Dominion. I went to KI the week after on a Wednesday and The Bat had a 20 minute wait. I just think that KI has a central location so they bring in way bigger crowds. But the trip is fun if you ever have the time and the funds to go to either Carowinds or KD I would recommend both parks as they are fun places to visit. Final Ride Count and some photos are below: I305- 13 Volcano- 7 Dominator- 5 Grizzly-4 Avalanche- 3 Anaconda- 3 Ricochet- 3 Rebel Yell- 2 FOF- 1 BLSC- 1 Shockwave- 1 Hurler-15 points
This just erks me to no end. I often come to Kings Island by myself and I have NEVER been forced to ride with someone(I haven't been to KI yet this year). That just makes for a very UNCOMFORTABLE ride. I have had someone ASK if they could ride with me, since they were by themselves as well. I didn't mind that since she asked and she was very nice. I understand on Banshee and Firehawk since they seat four across, in which I have rode with strangers. This is ridiculous!!5 points
Man, I tell ya, when I go up with the wife and kids, I almost always end up riding by myself a good bit of the time we're there (My wife just doesn't do coasters.) Luckily I've only been paired twice. Once was with a nice little church lady, who was with a group of her friends, and she had a blast. When we exited the ride, we exchanged some pleasentries and that was that. Nice lady who really enjoyed herself. That was not a bad ride....... The second time was with this guy I got paired up with a the front of the station. That guy just stared, quite evilly, at me from the time we entered the station, through the ride till we exited. It was just uncomfortable, probably just as much for him as it was me. I would much rather just ride by myself.........5 points
I was going to say.... Im an ACE member (until November) and if I think a coaster is junk, Im going to say its junk, darn the torpedoes. However, I also have a deep-seated disdain for members of the press and video Media, so I dont talk to any of them as it is. And yes, BoddaH, maybe the Blobb in question gets away with it, because he is so TWISTYYYYYY!!!5 points
This whole coaster debate is why I just go ride rides. Noone can argue with you if you just say it's a great ride. I go to parks, I ride rides, I have fun.5 points
5 points
One should not have to ride in a certain way to enjoy the ride. If one must do so, then there is something wrong with the ride. See also another discussion about I305 under Trip Reports.4 points
Went to the park today for a few hours with toddler shark. We hit up Planet Snoopy, a great cheese steak at Snake Pit, and a trip on the train. Has the flower clock been up this year? I noticed the part where the gears would be is still covered up. Also, man the train ride needs some paint on those buildings.... On a great positive toddler shark rode the kid bumper cars for the first time. He had a great time but couldn't figure out how to not get it to go in reverse circles! Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk4 points
Not to brag, but I prefer these countdowns: Seven Natural Wonders Seven Technological Wonders Seven Ancient Wonders4 points
Hmm...well, this is interesting. I was checking CoasterCrazy for No Limits tracks, and saw a forum post on the front page which had this Facebook post in it: http://www.coastercrazy.com/forums/download/file.php?id=6026&mode=view Could the end of the current name/theme of the two Intimidators be upon us? Since it is licensed (from Dale Earnhardt Inc.), the contract may be up and Cedar Fair might not renew it so I think it could be possible. I'd have to wonder what the rides could be renamed though- would they keep a similar name/theme, or separate the 2 new-for-2010 steel coasters with different names & themes...also, would they keep the 305 part of Intimidator 305's name in it somehow? 2016 already looks like it will be a very interesting year in the coaster world...4 points
4 points
I don't know why, but it's really striking to me how different the capacities of those rides are compared to Banshee. Of course, these numbers are rounded one way or another and don't truly take into account all of the riders for this year, but I think it's accurate enough to get the point across: In 43 years, Woodstock Express has averaged 1,046,512 riders a year. In 33 years, Viking Fury has averaged 909,091 riders a year, and Character Carousel has averaged 363,636 riders a year. In 20 years, Xtreme Skyflier has averaged 50,000 riders a year. In 19 years, Flight of Fear has averaged 789,474 riders a year. In 16 years, Invertigo has averaged 625,000 riders a year. In 8 years, Firehawk has also averaged 625,000 riders a year. And in one year, Banshee thrilled 2,000,000 riders. That's almost as much as the total average ridership per year of Flight of Fear, Invertigo, and Firehawk combined. I guess I never really perceived the capacities of those rides as being as low as they are, but then again, that's why people around here tell you not to base a ride's popularity on the length of the line. I mean, I knew Invertigo and Firehawk especially don't have great capacities, but this just kinda put it in perspective for me.4 points
Tb... cannot... help... it..... "Dude? Vat's the matter? C'mon, man! Really?"3 points
Or get their head boxed by a ride because they are too short to "ride it correctly" and push up against the restraints. I wish I could get the love for Vortex but as I get older, I have less and less patience for leaving a ride with an aching head. Enjoy the ride and I'll be off somewhere else.3 points
To be honest, after riding a bunch of the smaller coasters a few months ago, I would say none of them. Even some of the kiddie coasters had rough turns that made my back and neck hurt. It's really not worth risking it.3 points
I wish there were no need to go off on a Rampage just to see her. Great tea, great friend, great park, great ride, and what has happened is a great tragedy. To put it mildly.3 points
The clock was working early in the season. Then one visit someone pointed out it wasn't keeping correct time. My next visit and all the ones since, the hands/mechanism have been gone.3 points
Yep it's 45 minutes at least for everything except Banshee and Racer. Probably my last visit until the kiddos start going back to school. Sent from a signal coming out of the Vega system.3 points
I get preferred every time I go to the park, and when I leave I am very happy that I did. We went a couple of weeks ago and my wife griped and told how goofy it was that I paid extra to park closer. At the end of the night, she was VERY happy that I did.......3 points
You always post such interesting reads! I loved the Natural Wonders one. Holy moly! So many places I wanna go now!3 points
3 points
Fellow epileptic here. Good to hear that the meds are helping your son. So many people have no idea what living with the disease is like for the individual and those around them. With the age that he is does he have JME? That is what I was diagnosed with at 15. Just before driving age!3 points
I'd like that brakeman job! Tehehe.....We need one of those on Diamondback...I'd apply tomorrow for that position!3 points
Not wait times, but pertinent for people considering visiting the park this morning: Daylight Donuts is offering a dozen donuts for $0.99 from 5AM till noon, today only. They're located very close to the park. https://www.facebook.com/daylightdonuts77 Update: got my dozen and they are delicious!3 points
As much as I'd like to support KI's shows... Cirque and Let It Rock aren't even in the same peer group. See Cirque.3 points
Hmmm. They say in the article that Goliath is the longest wooden roller coaster. And then they go on to say The Beast is. They also claim Formula Rossa goes 250 mph.2 points
I would sure wonder why they would sign a 5-year agreement, which seems outrageously short unless their plan was to milk the brand for its identity just during its ad campaign and shortly thereafter. Anyway, if this is the case, I think they'd have their work cut out for them in rebranding. Keeping the same colors, flags, and racing theme would certainly be dangerous. The owners of the Earnhardt identity could say that Cedar Fair would have purposefully not done enough to distinguish the ride from its former identity, in a sense riding on the coattails of the brand without paying royalties. To be honest, I'm surprised that didn't happen at all when the parks were sold from CBS, but I guess there was a larger deal at play there.2 points
http://www.njherald.com/story/29546425/struggling-pennsylvania-park-finds-favor-with-young-families?clienttype=smartdevice Some points: * Nearly $4 million in debt. * 2000 people last weekend at $10 (if they ALL paid-see recent reports) is $20,000. 15 such weekends would pay the $300,000 in new loans this year, BUT where is the labor, taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance, cost of goods.... not to mention capital spending? The hole just gets deeper and deeper...2 points
Haven't there been a few instances of Surf Dog valleying on the non-loading side of the ride this season? How would that be possible if it is powered up every hill? Perhaps it isn't powered nearly as much as we think it is. Perhaps it is only powered for a few brief moments at each change of direction, and coasts otherwise. Perhaps it is... a roller coaster? jcgoble3, carefully considering a change of personal opinion about this issue2 points
Magnum by far. Being by the beach and having those pitch dark tunnels make it perfect to me. It also helps my first ride on her was at night as well. I make it a staple on every CP trip I make.2 points
Good to see KI's little sis in this beautifully-photographed PTR! Sounds like 305 was a wow! Thanks for posting!2 points
According to the English term for the contraption, "roll-er coast-er," sure. In many other languages, the name translates to Russian mountain. Does a Russian mountain need to "coast?" The whole thing is murky. If "coasting" via gravity is the official requirement, why is Devil's Den not considered a roller coaster? Just because it doesn't look or act like a traditional roller coaster? Why does Thunder Run count despite being called a "powered coaster?" Just because it looks more like a traditional roller coaster than Devil's Den? Even by that strict definition, you'd have a lot of convincing to do to make me believe that gravity doesn't power Surf Dog at all for any portion of the ride's course. Even the downhill portions are powered in such a way to overcome gravity? Hmm. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter anyway. But it's an interesting arbitrary classification that no one seems to be able to perfectly define when things get complex.2 points
Is it worth the risk of something happening? For me it wouldn't be...regardless of how much I love rides. Keep in mind that if your grandson is tall enough to ride by himself, you can still stand in line together until it is his turn. Then, you can cross over before he sits down and then wait until the ride is over. I do that quite frequently with the spinning rides depending on which kids I have with me. It let's us still spend time together and they love waving and shouting at me as they pass. My oldest nephew was diagnosed with epilepsy right before the 12-13 season and was not allowed to ride anything bigger than Woodstock Express. It didn't matter that he had been on them before. As the doctor said, you never know and it wasn't worth the risk. He still had fun going to the park...even if he stared longingly at the coasters. His medicine works and he was given the "take it slow" instructions last season but I wouldn't let him ride Vortex and he had to wait until the very end of the season for Banshee. This year...Vortex is still off the list and I'm making him wait another year of no seizures before visiting Cedar Point. As much as this disappoints him, his health is far more important than any ride.2 points
Unfortunately I'm not so sure I would risk riding any of them. I mean, it is your body and you know it better than anyone but those signs are posted for a reason.2 points
McSalsa, Voyage is running as wonderfully this year as it was in 2010! I cant even begin to say how happy I am with how it ran, and you are 100% on point about how lousy it ran in 2011 and 2013. I dare say (and I hate to) that in 2011, it was just like that turd Son of Beast, in that it HAD to be ridden in 1-1 to be tolerable. Now, as far as over-rated goes, nearly all of us know how parks win Golden Wallet awards.... so in THAT sense of over-rated I will agree. However, I will say from now until the day I die that Voyage does what its supposed to do, better than The Beast does what its supposed to do. If the penny-pinchers would lose the trim on the first drop, and maybe reduce how hard the one on the helix grabs, I might change my thoughts on that, but that will never happen (I am one of the few who tends to FULLY agree with the necessity of how hard the mid-course trim grabs). Im sorry, but both of those rides are supposed to give a completely out of control "this train truly feels like its wanting to come off the track" feeling, and Voyage does that better.2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
I'm sure it was LITERALLY an after-thought. "Hey, we could sell 3D glasses in the line!" The ride wasn't designed to be enhanced by them. And even if it was, charging for the "privilege" is... wrong.2 points
I'd rather have actual 3D sets and animatronics instead of cardboard cut-outs or going screen-to-screen/shooting at things. And no, the 3D glasses did not make Boo Blasters any better. I found a set on the ground once (it didn't seem as gross at the time) and decided to see what the "enhanced" experience was like... Basically just a complete afterthought. I remember some dots on the wall popping out and that's about it... Never felt the need to give it another shot, and definitely not worth paying for.2 points
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