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  1. I got into the park itself around 1130. I went on Orion first. It was about a 40 minute wait. Next I went to Flight of Fear. That was easily a good hour and a half wait but a ton of fun. Went to The Beast afterwards and that was about a 30 minutes wait. That was one of the most incredibly amazing wooden coasters I ever rode. The last part where you go down the hill slightly sideways into the two tunnels was absolutely incredible. I then took a ton of photos. And decided I would save the rest for another day. The reason I did that is they said my ticket is good for another admission free so I plan to make the 10 hour drive back from Pennsylvania before the season is over. Overall I thought the park was awesome even though I only did 3 rides.
    9 points
  2. Noticed lots of security at the park today. In a good way. Looked like some were being trained. They made one guy change or cover his shirt because they didn't like it. He had a group of people with him---didn't matter. Get rid of it, or leave. He found a different shirt. Another guy right behind me on Beast literally answered his phone as we were waiting to roll back in the station. The ride had stopped, so it wasn't a massive safety concern but clearly against the rules/law. He was advised by the ride op that he just committed a misdemeanor in Ohio as he and his buddy scurried away as quick as they could. Grown men both stories. But I feel like all the park workers were at least trying to take a stand.
    3 points
  3. I ended up just taking a chance and going today with the cold weather that slightly less people would show than a normal Saturday. I am in line now to park my car I will let you know how it is.
    3 points
  4. The way I read it was they are looking to hire 900 for that position, but I could see where the confusion might come from. Also, I want to point out that, although many of us aren’t exactly happy with how the park has responded (or in some instances, didn’t respond) to the incidents last week, at least they’re putting their money where their mouth is on the staffing issue. Of course, the notorious problem is that some companies raise wages but not budgets, so it’s fewer people doing more jobs or the same amount of people, all getting less hours. I suppose with a large hiring campaign and doubling the hourly pay, if we continue to see understaffing and closed locations we will know the truth.
    3 points
  5. That is good to hear. Thanks KI for taking care of this!
    2 points
  6. The card says to check the website for the full Guest Code of Conduct.
    2 points
  7. Good. It’s better than the alternative.
    1 point
  8. Right. Like the new area 72 dance/DJ Event that is planned for 8pm (on nights they stay open until 10pm)… that’s literally an event that is designed to completely block the midway. (Area looks like it is going to be really tight… and likely attract the age of kids that are linked to the events of last weekend?… could be a real recipe for disaster) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Yea, all the yellow jackets I saw looked like they'd have trouble fighting their way out of a paper bag, let alone handle a conflict.
    1 point
  10. It starts June 5th. Maybe they are still in the assembly process? Idk.
    1 point
  11. Wow.....hope Mrs. Walker entertains an offer from Gene Staples....that a hot mess there.
    1 point
  12. I was wanting to respond to KIC Star member direct on his appreciation of that mess...call Vic Nolting...anyone. I was fortunate enough to have worked for a vendor that helped the park with pizza there and KI. If the Taft sale to Mr. Lidner had not occured...none of this would be...Riverbend.....the arts contribution...corbett contribution..yada.
    1 point
  13. ^ Oh, duh. That would make more sense, haha. I didn't notice which subforum it's in. Carry on!
    1 point
  14. I mean I genuinely dont believe anyone was complaining, more a group of people discussing possibilities and speculating as to why things are the way they are, which can be very entertaining, its not as if anyone is directly dragging the park for reducing the hours, more so that we wanna know whats going on to cause them to backpedal from stating originally that they didn't have staffing issues as they reported on "fight night", to now stating that they do have staffing issues and need to reduce hours because of it. I mean its clear this was a sudden shift as the park even tweeted a day before they posted the schedule change responding to someone saying, "Hours have not changed. Our next operating day is this Friday." The seriously unfortunate side affect of the parks schedule change is that night rides wont be able to happen, nor fireworks, nor the area 72 DJ dance party, so a change in schedule this sudden does has more of an impact on any single guest beyond the two hour reduction on in park time, so it can be understandable why people are disappointed that the park isn't giving the courtesy to guests to communicate that changes have been made to things that they may have originally planed to come to the park to enjoy. While the park is entitled to hold their operating schedule to whatever standards and policies they want as they're a business and that's how this works, its generally just expected that the park communicates with guests about things such as this, especially when it impacts features that would normally come with the price of admission. TLDR: People aren't upset that there has been a reduction in hours due to staffing, they're upset the park didn't properly communicate that the change happened at all.
    1 point
  15. So honored for the book to have been featured in Amusement Today! Turn to page 47 for the wonderful review on Kings Island: A Ride Through Time. http://amusementtoday.com/issues/2021/202106/
    1 point
  16. App still isn’t updated. Facebook hasn’t been update for 5 days. Twitter hasn’t been updated in 2 days. Proof that none of the 3 are reliable sources of park info. Thank God for KIC.
    1 point
  17. It appears that every park that opened prior to CF parks this year demonstrated pent up demand with increased attendance over prior year historical data and as such provided more opportunities for guests to visit. CF board should have seen that and predicted that their parks would see similar results. Heck, many of us here were saying that before the parks opened. Now we see the CF parks open to darn near record daily numbers and no end in site and what do they do, cut the hours... Unfortunately, despite this, I still envision that the per day average will be up substantially over prior years, thus allowing the board to continue down this path - "look we cut hours and cut days and had record attendance on a per day basis, what can we cut next year". The August season pass renewal period will be telling...
    1 point
  18. It's always felt like a jackhammer between the hammerhead and the onride photo
    1 point
  19. I would actually be surprised if they repaint The Bat. I have no problem with it, but other rides need a repaint more in my opinion. Cough. Cough. Diamondback.
    1 point
  20. Yes you are correct but I am not looking at all of this from an enthusiast's perspective. As an enthusiast I'd love for KI to get an Intamin like Maverick but I know it'll never happen financially. I've argued B&M is the safest choice just because of reliability. The general public could really care less about what manufacturer a coaster comes from. Not a lot of GP have ridden Medusa, Bizzaro, Scream, Rougarou, and other floorless models. You could argue B&M installs cookie cuter Hypers but yet Cedar Fair bought 3 of them as well as 3 of their giga models. Dive machines, which are the most cookie cutter coasters of all time, have been installed at 2 of Cedar Fair's parks and I'm sure there's more coming down the road. As I got older, I started to learn that KI and Cedar Fair try to cater more to the GP because they're the ones who make the parks the most money. I recommend watching Eltoro Ryan's video on I305 if you want to see how going more intense and catering more to the thrill seekers doesn't always reap financial rewards. Maybe we won't get a B&M, maybe we'll get a Mack, an S&S or maybe an RMC single rail, but whatever we get please understand this- when they do decide on a manufacturer it won't be with the enthusiasts in mind but rather the GP who ultimately pay for the coaster.
    1 point
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