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  1. If they follow Cedar Point's lead after the Raptor incident, they will change nothing. It was reported that this park publicly stated they were in state compliance and exceeded industry standards. If they make changes expost facto, and they were in compliance, it implies they were negligent and opens the door to a lawsuit...which we know would be frivolous, but judges and juries might think others. https://www.cleveland.com/travel/2016/02/cedar_point_wont_raise_fence_i.html
    3 points
  2. Update with name and dismissing some rumors https://local12.com/news/local/we-hit-something-kings-island-employee-talks-about-roller-coaster-hitting-guest-rollercoaster-ride-mason-warren-county-amusement-park-accident-wreck-restricted-area-injured-hospitalized-speed-Banshee-diamonback-the-beast-cedar-point-coaster-investigation#
    1 point
  3. I agree that free lockers would be a step in the right direction. However, the real issue comes with people actually using them. Unfortunately, the same mindset that allows a person to think it's okay to bypass several security barriers because they don't believe it will happen to them is the exact same mindset that keeps the same person from using a free locker to secure their belongings. Unless they mandate empty (or zippered) pockets, the free lockers won't fix the issue by themselves.
    1 point
  4. Just a sad event. I hope he and the ride ops make a full recovery.
    1 point
  5. https://local12.com/news/local/we-hit-something-kings-island-employee-talks-about-roller-coaster-hitting-guest-rollercoaster-ride-mason-warren-county-amusement-park-accident-wreck-restricted-area-injured-hospitalized-speed-Banshee-diamonback-the-beast-cedar-point-coaster-investigation Prayers go out to the front row passengers who sustained injuries during the incident. Thankfully it doesn't sound like any life altering injuries among the passengers but I'm sure there's also some emotional trauma attached to knowing what happened.
    1 point
  6. For a lighter subject during this tragic time for the park, I am going to share my favorite song to hear in The Shed:
    1 point
  7. I think our mind plays tricks on us. Almost every letter is in the same order as the ride name. And there is a dark blue background. And the house graphic looks like a roller coaster drop ..in the minds of the enthusiast.
    1 point
  8. You joke, but with the SIX merger, wouldn't surprise me lol.
    1 point
  9. I doubt we'll see an investment in metal detectors and lockers over this unless they were already tired of people losing items on Banshee in general (which might well be the case I suppose). This sort of incident is rare and I would think they would first look to improve the security of lockout zones. I had the same thought about where he got in. Basically there's no one watching that area by the old SOB station and few guests go out there. I've had times where I walked through the tunnel towards The Bat and there wasn't a single soul in sight.
    1 point
  10. I was wondering how one gets back there w/o being noticed, but I was thinking of the fences by the front of the ride where it seems like the fence isn't easily climbable and would be noticeable to many people. Since it happened back in the pretzel loop/vertical loop (?) portion near the end where the ride comes pretty close to the ground 3 times he must have worked his way over a fence somewhere over by SOB/The Bat ques. There are several spots there that would be easy to get over the fence/hedges. What precautions lie beyond those clearly identifiable ques and the service road I don't know. Once you are on the access road, getting to the fence around the low areas appears to be easy, and based upon the POV, the fences appear to be little more than the standard chain link fence, maybe 6-8 tall, but easily climbable (though I'm sure well marked) if someone was determined. Hopefully this guy can make a full recovery; unfortunately his asshatery is likely going to cost the park money and require even more idiot proofing of all parks down the road. If it was a set of keys that were dropped, that seems like a potentially challenging item to find depending on how recently that grass has been mowed. cargo pants with zippers is the answer folks, its not that difficult, but I'm guessing we are going to start seeing metal detectors and short term "ride" lockers like universal has (not to mention steel vengence and other rides). The ones at Universal are quite easy to manage/use.
    1 point
  11. Also, the ride reaches its top speed during the pretzel element. Not that being struck during any other part of the ride would be any less significant but if this took place during the pretzel element then this guy was in the worst possible place to be in terms impact speed.
    1 point
  12. Please make sure if you read something somewhere and you post what that was, please add a source. That way the readers can make up their own minds about the credibility of the claim. Thank you!
    1 point
  13. The similar situation with Raptor at CP in 2015 was a 45 year old teacher. It isn't always immature teens.
    1 point
  14. Agree. If you read about the guy in the 2015 Cedar Point incident, (same type of coaster) the family never knew what went through his head when he decided to retrieve his phone. I just hope anyone who was affected by this guy’s decision (employees/riders) can be assured that it was not their fault.
    1 point
  15. Until we hear otherwise, I want to stay positive.
    1 point
  16. For 33% of the day, The Racer is only one-track operation with the name not matching the experience that's being delivered. On paper it's an easy budget cut not thinking it impacts the guest experience, but it does. Many of the rides I've taken on The Racer this year during those hours there's been grumbling by guests about only one side running and disappointment over not being able to race against their friends or family members. And things like this factor in when it comes time to renew passes or visit again next year. Before looking at what might go in The Vortex spot, let's see The Racer running at full capacity, longer show runs, all of the soft drink stands open, the park operating hours back to what they used to be. When those things are happening, then it's time to look at adding a major new coaster.
    1 point
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