I am not a lawyer, but I fail to see where there's any legal risk to post what CP did in the wake of the Raptor incident, so I fail to see why there would have been any legal risk for KI to do the same when the same thing happened at KI. It's a terrible move to leave an information vacuum to be filled in with rumors and misinformation.
Where's the legal exposure in the above statement?
Nonsense. The events are virtually identical - a guest lost an item(s) in a restricted area, and circumvented multiple barriers to retrieve said item(s), was struck by the ride and subsequently died from their injuries. KI could quite literally have copied CP's media comment and replaced "Raptor" with "Banshee" and that's it (the medium (press release, Twitter post, etc.) is irrelevant). That they couldn't meet that incredibly low bar is pretty bad.