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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2024 in all areas

  1. We are getting close now!!
    3 points
  2. DOUBLE POST: We have another lift piece in place! Honestly this thing will probably be complete in 2 weeks max at this rate. I'm guessing they want it testing by opening day.
    2 points
  3. That weekend was bananas, Ive still got the big group pic we took on The Beast walkback tour. I definitely dont go as hard as I did back then, but for certain rides (SV, MT, Raven, and Voyage especially) I will marathon past the point of where my body says “Ummm, yeah, you should have stopped about 3 cycles ago”.
    1 point
  4. My stamina from Ride Warriors Coaster Weekend in 2009 to CoasterStock 2023 was quite noticable. Still rode a lot, but not at the same pace.
    1 point
  5. Regardless of the show, we hear the same arguments every time it is a new show LOL. Some loved Ed Alonzo and saw it lots of times, while others saw it once and was done or decided not to watch it at all because it was just magic. Same for the Cirque's, Phantom Theatre Encore, and any other show the park does. Same will happen to this show - some will love it and watch it lots of times, and others will watch it once and be done or decide not to watch it at all because it is just bubbles. Whether it is budget related or not, just be glad we are getting something and something other than an all new music review LOL. Meanwhile the Kings Dominion Theater has sat vacant since covid. That could be the other option...
    1 point
  6. Sure has for me. I’ll be 32 this summer, and the vists my wife and I do typically consist of 1-3 rides, dinner, drinks, shopping, and maybe a show. We just enjoy taking in all the atmosphere. My enjoyment of the park has evolved a bit and I really love it. So, even if you’re unable to handle the same consecutive rides as you did in the past, you can still have a great time.
    1 point
  7. Officially mid-way into my 50's now and my love for KI, coasters and amusement parks in general has not faded one bit since I was a young kid. But my tolerance level sure has! Multiple rides on The Beast, Mystic, Diamondback, and Orion don't really bother me too much...but I pace myself now and try to hit the bumper cars or some other kind to the head and stomach rides in between. Even though I am in good shape for my age, coasters with inversions such as Banshee, I am one and done for awhile depending how long I plan staying at a park any one day. My equilibrium just isn't what it used to be unfortunately. Loops didn't used to bother me, but in the last few years, even with trying anti-nausea pills, I just cannot ride coasters with loops near as much as I want. But, saying that, I love to ride RMC's and the inversions in them don't affect me as bad. Strange! Of course, when I was a kid, the Rotor about killed me as far as that goes. I was so sick after riding that! I was so embarrassed! I never could really handle any ride that spins. Even as a kid. Build a 500ft rollercoaster though, and I'd be first in line.
    1 point
  8. It is now time to start unzipping this mystery!
    1 point
  9. Fireworks are a huge part of my life, I'd be extremely sad if KI lost them and only did them on weekends. I usually don't visit on weekends because of other commitments, so I'd definitely miss out on them.
    1 point
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