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Everything posted by Diamondback_Is_King

  1. What's that little square there in the middle? Does KI not own that little space?
  2. Welcome to KIC @parkdinosaur!!! Hope to see you in the park!
  3. Has/Is it possible to get 999999 as a score on Boo Blasters?
  4. It's really cool during the Haunt to see all the fog and lights in effect on WindSeeker! I always love seeing people get scared and the distant chainsaw noises in the background!
  5. "Back in my day, amusement parks used to announce closures before they actually closed, not after" "your crazy pops, why on Earth would they do that?"
  6. if you find a new plant and start telling everyone you know if you start playing rock, paper, scissors on the drop of any ride if you act like your asleep on a ride if you pose for the picture every time you ride Finally, if you have done any of these things before (I may or may not have done these before )
  7. From what I've seen (from Bioreconstruct and Theme Park Stop) the Team Member previews include the whole of Super Nintendo World and some rides on Stardust Racers. Some people are in Darkmoor, but not many. Mainly just Nintendo and Celestial Park.
  8. Do you think they'll have people wear glasses like on Formula Rossa?
  9. @BB1 I'm so excited to hear what you think of Epic! I still don't know how the Metro Floo is going to work, but I'm so hyped!
  10. You just blew my mind @Rivertown Rider!!! A Screamin' Swing would fit so well with the "family thrill attraction" phrase. S&S labels the Screamin' Swing as a "moderate thrill level". To me, we just found a piece of the puzzle that makes the picture clearer than ever before. It all makes sense, that Screamin' Swing has KI written all over it. I'll bet lots that that'll be it. The question is, where will it go? Vortex? Action Zone? Son of Beast? Somewhere else? We'll just have to wait and see!
  11. It doesn't really matter as long as everyone who wanted a ticket got one IMO, I think they actually did sell everything. But, I've not been around here as long as some other people so I stand waiting to be corrected
  12. The GP doesn't really care too much about ride removals, as long as there are still rides. Picture this: A family from Oregon makes a once-in-a-lifetime trip to see the East Coast, and they happen to stay in New Jersey right across from Great Adventure. They have an extra day and don't have anything planned, so they decide to go as a family. They get in, and see all the amazing rides Great Adventure has to offer. They see El Toro, Nitro, Medusa, and Jersey Devil. They're so stoked that they get to ride these rides and the lines aren't that bad. They don't know any different or literally anything about Ka. If they do, not as much as us enthusiasts might think. The family has a great day. Here's what I'm getting at: The GP doesn't really care about one or two rides that are closed, because there are so many others. Enthusiasts, who want to get the tallest, fastest, and craziest coasters know and love Ka. But, the GP just thinks "oh it's closed? Well, I'll just get on this other ride that looks just as cool!" It stinks to loose such a great ride, but SIX made the smart financial decision to get rid of Ka and hopefully replace it with something just as great, but at a much cheaper cost. Let's not focus on the past, but look towards the future. We can hope for many great years ahead of fun filled days at amusement parks with friends and family. That's all I got.
  13. Why would you ever hope for that? I'm hoping to get on TT2 because I haven't gotten on it and I've heard it's amazing. Be careful what you say, your wish may just be granted. And why would SIX add Rapterra or AlpenFury if they want Cedar Point to be king?
  14. I rode Falcon's Fury once at Busch Gardens Tampa, and that was the most craziest Drop Tower ever! But that was like 325 feet tall or something. Zumanjaro is a lot taller than that, so I can't believe the feeling of that crazy drop!
  15. Me as well. Never got to experience Ka, but I have no doubt that it was great. It's sad to see any roller coaster explode and break into a million pieces...especially this one. The implosion was satisfying as well as very very sad. Question: Is Six Flags not going to sell those track pieces? It seems like a no-brainier to sell those track pieces because so many people would buy them. They could make some good money off of that.
  16. I don't see anything. I have a chromebook
  17. If that's the case, then we should have RMC come out here and pay KI to have a hyper hybrid!
  18. Yes, staffing is key. I do like the location though and now I won't have to stand in a long Blue Ice Cream line just for a drink or wait an eternity in the Chicken Shack for guests to get their paper ticket out!
  19. Yes, they were themed to the Drive-In. I bet you they're just changing it back to the tunnel sign for Backlot.
  20. Only one way to find out...we just got to wait until April 18!
  21. Or yell out the siren sound at the top of the lift hill (I may be guilty of this)
  22. When you keep checking KIC for new messages and constantly posting stuff because your bored!
  23. Yes! The Express is so fun at night! Diamondback is complete darkness once you get to the woods (same as Mystic) and can be quite fun in the dark. Also, you can't go wrong with a spooky Banshee ride...especially when there isn't any line at the end of the night. If I were to say what ride is most fun in the dark, it would be Diamondback (of course) but if I was picking the ride that improves the most in the dark, it's got to be Adventure Express. Every time I get off Express, I have a huge smile on my face because it's never what I expected.
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