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Everything posted by Oldiesmann

  1. Most of the attractions at Coney are low-capacity anyway (with the exception of the Round-Up and maybe Flying Bobs or Tilt-a-Whirl).
  2. Yes I am a member of Sprint's forum. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  3. I've long since lost track... Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  4. Hate to see classic rides going (especially if it's the one I'm thinking of), but a new ride should be interesting either way. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  5. Just because they're snappable doesn't mean the park will let you snap them. I've heard of parks where that isn't allowed, though I've only ridden them at KI and Stricker's. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  6. One thing to keep in mind about the freebies at Holiday World. Beech Bend also has free parking/soft drinks/sunscreen, though I believe they do it because of Holiday World. It would be great marketing for them if HW stopped the freebies, even though HW and BB are much different parks. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  7. One interesting thing. The CP website mentions that Eagles riders will be able to control their ride - from mild to wild. Hopefully this means they'll let you snap them. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  8. If I'm off on Monday (not likely as I haven't been off on Monday in a few months) I'll be at Stricker's Grove. Haven't been in a couple years. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  9. I'll definitely consider coming this year. I wanted to go last year but forgot about it. I'm planning to take the 22nd off for a Cincinnati Pops concert though, so I might have to skip this.
  10. They realized they could make more money by turning the SRL into a Fast Lane, and they can still fill the train by properly managing row assignments. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  11. This video will give you a good idea of where King Cobra was. This was taken near the end of the ride's life.
  12. Yes, that's an old Bat footing. There are quite a few of those around Vortex. There's also an old Giant Slide footing behind the operator area at Zephyr. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  13. The only songs I can recall hearing/seeing videos for on DB (previous years and this year): "We Are Young" by Fun. "Learn to Fly" by Foo Fighters "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill There may be more, but most of my DB rides this year have been during ERT or when the lines weren't long enough for the video to be turned on.
  14. If only I didn't have to work that weekend...
  15. Yes. It was definitely a more intense experience. I think it fit the theme of tomorrowland quite well actually. The original concept was another Eisner decision. He def catered more to the thrill seeker audience. Once Disney began tying in more rides to its movies, the ride was renamed and toned down. Toned down? That's an understatement ;-) Snzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I tell everyone to skip it. It's a complete waste of time, and beneath Disney... but then so is the Stitch Character. He's every bit as annoying as their other bottom tier character - Roger Rabbit. How can you hate Roger Rabbit? That movie was pure genius! Lilo and Stitch was funny as well (as was the spin-off TV series), though not as good as Roger Rabbit.
  16. I didn't realize there were any other coasters in New Orleans since SFNO closed, but apparently there's still one more. http://www.thrillnetwork.com/content.php?r=3421-Katrina-damaged-Lady-Bug-coaster-to-be-replaced Also see http://theadvocate.com/news/neworleans/6800953-148/city-park-to-get-new for the original article (linked to at the end of the Thrill Network one).
  17. It depends on what's going on at the park and what else I'm busy with at the time. A couple years ago when there wasn't much going on in the offseason, I disappeared in the offseason, but the buzz of Banshee and the fact that I now get a notification on my phone every time someone likes or quotes one of my posts (thanks Tapatalk!) has kept me here more than usual
  18. While in line for Flight of Fear yesterday, someone behind me in line said "This had better be better than Disaster Transport!". Whether they thought it was or not, I have no idea.
  19. I not only know what one is, I had one when I was a kid! So much fun, until you lost a part or found that your set didn't have all the parts for what you wanted to build
  20. Really hard to tell from that camera. We either need one closer to the construction zone or one with better resolution.
  21. Yesterday's train ride was by far the best one I've had all year. The guy doing the spiel (I believe his name was Bret but I don't remember) decided to ad-lib the standard script and make it quite funny. Highlights: He made some comment about a "rickety old wooden bridge" and hoping it didn't collapse when we went over the wooden bridge shortly after leaving Rivertown Apparently the train is powered by "Kings Island magic" and we were running low until everyone on the train yelled "choo choo", which replenishes the supply of magic The bear in the woods is a vegetarian and is on a diet, so he won't eat you, but he will eat your salad if you bring him one, especially if it's got ranch dressing, but since he's on a diet it needs to be low-fat dressing. The crossing guard is a trained bear wrestler He made Soak City sound like a luxurious beach resort He pointed out the "electrical outlets cleverly disguised as tree stumps", mentioning the old animatronics, and also joked about how realistic the blue stumps looked He made some comment about a "big pile of rocks" being one of KI's greatest attractions, along with a couple of bad rock-related jokes ("they sure do rock" and "don't take them for granite") He said that the western town is real (in comparison to the tree stumps), then added "real fake" After mentioning Old Fort Coney and Missouri Jane, he said you might want to bring your Boo Blaster with you if you come that way at night I also noticed that there's now a stuffed Pikachu wearing a bandana and cowboy hat sitting on the rocker at the store in the town along the route. Not sure when that was added but I thought that was funny as well.
  22. A couple others I've heard lately: "Rumor Has It" by Adele "Losing My Religion" by REM Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  23. What is the flavor? Blueberry or something? I believe it is blueberry. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
  24. Here are construction pics from today And for those without Flash: Banshee Construction 8/20
  25. Cincinnati is not in Sprint's rollout list for LTE, but that's just how their PR works for some reason. They'll announce that 'these cities' (usually about a dozen) have just completed the update, and 'these cities' (half dozen or so) will be completed in the next few months. For the first time, I picked up LTE in Sharonville and then again I'm Ft Wright, KY. It may be a little late, but it's coming... It's also available in the North College Hill area and in part of Mt. Healthy. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 4
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