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Everything posted by teenageninja

  1. I was trying to figure out why they'd need to hydraulically lift the trees up from the ground until I kept reading.
  2. We already had a queue like this, it's currently an empty beige box in Rivertown.
  3. Could be related to the gearbox or chain lift motor. Possibly a flat ride as well.
  4. The only problem with VR is if one of the headseats goes down, someone is just riding a ride in the dark.
  5. I've stayed at that hotel several times when I was younger, probably for the best it's getting bought up.
  6. Probably depends on the manufacturer. Hard to say who makes what components though. It's pretty apparent that no one is making their own track.
  7. Cedar Point still has Corkscrew which was built 11 years before Vortex. I don't see Vortex going anywhere anytime soon, honestly. I wish they'd put some new trains on it, with soft OTSR, honestly.
  8. For people who don't have passes, they might spend an extra night than they would have, sure, but I highly doubt they are going to return. I'll be curious to see what the impact is.
  9. I was going to comment on this as well. I'm a Mechanical Engineer, have worked in manufacturing my entire professional career. Reverse Engineering will probably work for a significant portion of things. They'll likely replace the part, confirm everything works as normal, and then sign off on that item as a suitable replacement part. There are some items, that they'll struggle with. Items that are patented. Expensive components like gear boxes, hydraulic pumps, etc. However, it should help out with a significant portion of things.
  10. I doubt you'll see the park open much earlier. Spring breaks in Cincinnati are too varied in dates and the weather is super unpredictable. I remember opening day in 1999 it was snowing. I don't think you'll see the park extend the season much either. The dorms are mostly to fix staffing issues that the park encountered during the summer and hopefully to increase the quality of employee at the park.
  11. I was quoting the above poster who was saying they should be a second gate for employees. I'm all for them building the dorm and hiring more and better overall workers. Especially in the food department.
  12. I understand. I was referring to staffing LATE in the season, not early. This created similar problems back then, when UC was ending spring quarter in June.
  13. Why would they do this? It's unnecessary cost. They would have to construct a new entrance, staff it during working hours. They would likely need to install locker rooms, staff HR to make sure that they have uniform options. It says on the announcement that there are shuttles to/from the employee entrance.
  14. Especially now that UC has shifted from Quarters to Semesters. A good chunk of the employees at KI attend UC, and UC, until 2012 or 2013, didn't start until mid September. It's really hard to get staffing the first few and last few weeks of operation. When I was in Park Services, I would run rides the first few weeks of the season, as I was in Rides in my earlier career.
  15. I would be really surprised if Route 666 (or some variant of it) was not a part of the Haunt and Winterfest plans going forward.
  16. I was actually one of the kids in the show when I was younger. I got a free T shirt when I was done.
  17. Very interesting, curious as to the benefit of this. I imagine these trees are gone unless they build seat walls or something around them.
  18. Agreed. Right now, they seem to be so focused on quantity, which I understand to some extent, that some of the houses are very limited on Scareactors. They are also very short. I would much rather have some longer houses (with interior and exterior elements) and have a longer wait, than to walk through a Killmart or Wolfpack that take 2 or 3 minutes to walkthrough.
  19. Way too big. Have to have people to keep it clean, empty garbage, patrol it, etc.
  20. I don't see them getting rid of Timberwolf. It's not used often, but when it is, it results in very high attendance days for the park.
  21. Haunt attendance will always be good, regardless of the quality of the event. I agree with @AZ Kinda Guy maybe the worst year I've attended yet.
  22. I was saying I think they are going to demolish the Dino's area for future attraction. Otherwise, I think it would have been really easy to put the Antique Autos on that path back there.
  23. Another thing to keep in mind is they could relocate those maintenance buildings if they chose to. Not saying they will or should, but it's an option.
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