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Everything posted by IndyGuy4KI

  1. I guess we now have to start paying a lot closer attention to SIX news now. Here is their release. https://investors.sixflags.com/news-and-events/press-releases/2023/11-02-2023-100020810?mibextid=zxz2cz On that page they call it Cedar Fair and Six Flags Entertainment Corporation
  2. I don't even know where to begin. First, I want to say thank you Cedar Fair for keeping our wood coasters up and in such good shape. I now 100% appreciate the track work done over the past few years. I know change is hard for a lot of people. I tend to think I am not one of them, but I am having a very hard time thinking what this will mean for our current CF parks.
  3. KIC newsroom announcement. Please continue the news discussion there.
  4. Overnight a deal went through for Cedar Fair and Six Flags to merge. Below are some of the details on the merger. Are you happy, sad, or indifferent. Please reply with your comments below. "Cedar Fair L.P. FUN and Six Flags Entertainment Corp. SIX said Thursday they have agreed to a merger of equals valued at about $8 billion including debt. Under the terms of the deal, Cedar Fair unitholders will receive one share of common stock in the new combined company for each unit owned, while Six Flags shareholder will get 0.5800 shares of common stock in the new entity for each share owned." https://www.marketwatch.com/amp/story/cedar-fair-and-six-flags-agree-to-merger-of-equals-valued-at-about-8-billion-including-debt-c4cc01ea?fbclid=IwAR219AfqrzX2Gfz5DkDxaFxnC3o7cXTmE-xB6_pf332Ca-sJn4SsM7Laef0 Cedar Fair News Release: https://www.cedarfair.com/news
  5. I was taken back by the amount of strollers I saw at Haunt this year. I refused to take my kids to Haunt until they were 12 or 13. I wanted to respect the park and other guests by not having a screaming and upset kid with me.
  6. Looks like you have a few more days if you didn't already renew your pass.
  7. I always thought it should have went where Wildcat used to sit instead. It seems it was done backwards to me.
  8. The Prestige pass posts have been moved to its respective thread. Let's please stay on topic.
  9. If true, they may need a fast lane at Guest Services for the Prestige pass holders. I honestly feel bad for the people who purchased that pass. They are the highest paying season pass holders and really have gotten the shaft with this "perk".
  10. Park wise, I like WOF better. Very interesting park. Zinger is a really cool coaster experience.
  11. Thanks for walking us through your day. I am sorry you started feeling bad again. That could not have been fun.
  12. You rode together? Who's idea was that?
  13. I might have been thinking CP. I am guessing funnel cakes is the only option at KI. Sorry to get you excited.
  14. I an curious how the new Vekoma in Camp Snoopy will be impacted the timeline for our next big coaster. Thoughts?
  15. Do you ever get a pretzel, elephant ear, something at sweet spot? Spend any money in the park that your would not have if you had bought 2 meals for the day? I think that is the point others are trying to bring up. I know I am guilty and I am sure the park is banking (pun intended) on that being the case.
  16. I think after a few cycles on it, you would change your vote. The ride experience is different every single cycle and very rerideable.
  17. Glad to see he found a good place for him to utilize his knowledge and talent. Congratulations Don.
  18. No, It is not extreme. That model name is misleading. Unless those trains can spin extreme and SDC does not allow them to on TT? I rode TT 5 times this summer, and the only time it was remotely extreme was when we were the only ones on that car and the balance was off. Even then, it was not what I call extreme. It has just enough of a "spin" that each ride gives you a new experience on each element of the ride. Nicole does not do spinning flats at all, and she rode it the 5 times with me. If that gives you any indication.
  19. On this day on Oct. 4th, 2019, it was reported that Cedar Fair turned down an offer from Six to acquire FUN. Do you remember, and how do you think the chain would look different today? Original thread for some night reading. https://kicentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/35494-six-flags-entertainment-six-in-bid-to-acquire-cedar-fair-lp-fun-reuters/
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