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Everything posted by disco2000

  1. No, I think make Murray the poster boy, but I am not in position to make that call for the park. It would be a lot easier if everything was black/white, but our society is not wired that way. The admission ticket clearly says no rainchecks, yet we know from time to time they will offer them as goodwill. The policy's clearly state no recording on-ride and yet we have yet to hear of that actually being enforced. Look at the situation at Kings Dominion - the poor girl needed stitches in her forehead, and the violator's cellphone was simply handed back to him and off he went without providing his name or any consequence for his action... I agree with you, but I am also pointing out that park management does (or should) look at all the variables in deciding what to do...and for the poor person that is the victim of a flying cellphone, it is unfortunate more isn't/wasn't done...but until the financial penalty to the park exceeds whatever they deem would be the cost of enforcing said rule, we will continue to see these videos posted, unfortunately... As Magenta Lizard openly suggests in response to other complaints on this forum, until guests go to the proper forum/channel and go to guest services and file complaints against the Andy Murray videos, or any other videos, the park will use the data they have to make a decision. Maybe if they got hundreds of complaints a week form guests expressing they feared for their life or face because someone in front of them on said coaster had a phone out and complain the park is not effectively enforcing such policy, the park would have additional data points to work from in making a decision... Did the member of this forum that got hit with a phone file a formal complaint at guest services?
  2. It is easy for us to be armchair quarterbacks (or in this case KI GM lol), and as I posted earlier, I think this would be a perfect opportunity for the park to make a point with a high profile person that I doubt will ever want to visit KI again anyway based on his reaction, but these things are unfortunately touchy guest relations areas and KI and CF are hopefully weighing the benefits/disadvantages of doing more versus doing nothing else. Would making him the poster boy for what not to do be a costly mistake with little to no benefit or would it have meaningful impact and result in a major decline in this type of activity? Nobody knows for sure. It is easy to sit here and say throw the book at him... It would be interesting to hear if Kentucky Kingdom, after their ban of a season pass holder for having a phone out on a ride, had any impact good or bad on their attendance or adherence to such policy...
  3. Be ready to get attacked by those on here that will tell you that you should have read the fine print and the FAQs, etc. on the meal plan that options and locations are subject to change, blah blah blah... (cross-referencing the thread where BoddaH got attacked for his post about the drink plan...) All kidding aside, it does suck that the options change this late in the season...and clearly after purchase...but the fine print allows it....
  4. From the same station that brought you the Son of Beast speculation... https://www.wcpo.com/entertainment/local-a-e/western-southern-open-tennis-stars-cut-loose-at-kings-island Sadly no mention the videos are illegal....
  5. If they wanted to make a point, they would issue a statement saying Andy Murray has been permanently banned from CF parks for his apparent disregard to rules and safety of others and reiterate that all guests are subject to such ban...
  6. Keep in mind he wasn't the only tennis player that posted on ride video...
  7. Well it would be interesting to know if all that happened was the individual lost their phone, or were they able to pick it at lost and found, were they ticketed and/or banned from park, and were they responsible for any expenses incurred by victim...
  8. This is being discussed under the "Other Amusement Parks & Industry News", but I do think it was appropriate to open up a new thread in the KI section as I suspect a fair amount probably don't venture into topics not related to Kings Island, and this is related to Kings Island more than Kings Dominion! As I said over in that thread, these high profile personality posts have certainly now put Cedar Fair in a predicament...If KI asked for them to removed and they are mocked and nothing further happens, this just opens the door wide-open to allowing this activity to happen. If KI goes to Mason police with said post and asks for a misdemeanor charge and Mason police pull the ole "we are too busy to deal with that" or the "if we didn't see it, we can't ticket it", such activity will continue to happen. If KI goes to Instagram or YouTube or Facebook or wherever the video is shown and reports the post as illegal and they do nothing about it, then it will continue to happen. Might as well remove the signs and allow it to happen at that point - if it is a policy that cannot be enforced and has no consequences for getting caught, then what is the point? And to those thinking the signs limit KI's exposure if something happens - nope - having all the signage in the world stating it is illegal means nothing in the legal system if an incident were to occur with a flying phone. Sad thing is I suspect these tennis players were provided free entry to the park and a KI staffer probably walked them up the exit to ride each ride being a VIP and all...Nice way for these millionaires that can afford to pay to say thanks to the park!
  9. These high profile posts have certainly now put Cedar Fair in a predicament...If KI asked for them to removed and they are mocked and nothing further happens, this just opens the door wide-open to allowing this activity to happen. If they go to Mason police with said post and ask for a misdemeanor charge and Mason police pull the ole "we are too busy to deal with that" or the "if we didn't see it, we can't ticket it", such activity will continue to happen. If they go to Instagram or YouTube or Facebook or wherever the video is shown and report the post as illegal and they do nothing about it, then it will continue to happen. Might as well remove the signs and allow it to happen at that point - if it is a policy that cannot be enforced and has no consequences for getting caught, then what is the point? Sad thing is I suspect these tennis players were provided free entry to the park and a staffer walked them up the exit to ride each ride...Nice way for these millionaires that can afford to pay to say thanks to the park!
  10. So very true! I have learned to be happy with any new attraction as it will help spread the crowds around, even if it is something I don't like lol!
  11. It was probably just someone's ride op friend messing with us All joking aside - wow there are a lot of random Son of Beast things popping up - are the enthusiasts being set up for major disappointment or major excitement....
  12. So twice this week I witnessed guests that seemingly had purchased the drink plan that day and found out when trying to obtain drinks that there is indeed a waiting period. I felt for the poor cashiers that simply had to say go to guest services. I saw both guests go off on the helpless cashier demanding refunds that we know they cannot provide. Compounding the issue with one guest, apparently he intended to purchase the all day dining plan and was sold the season long meal plan and was absolutely livid when he tried to redeem a meal 90 minutes later and was told it was a 4 hour window for the meal plan he had and only gets two meals. Again, he demanded a refund that the cashier could not provide. I would assume in that situation guest services took care of the meal plan situation, but I doubt refunds were given for the drink plan. Some of the issue was consumer error, but nonetheless, I first hand witnessed two incidents just this week of the issue BoddaH pointed out and both guests in their rants were completely trashing the park and its policies and overall perception of the park and adamant they would not return. Now we know that the park cannot make everyone happy and some will complain just for the sake of complaining, but it is a good business practice to try to mitigate said issues before they arise. I would suspect this situation happens more often than we see.
  13. Yeah, the explanation is likely and I am not picking on FYE; I am just trying to figure out when a member is going to be pressed for a source and when they aren't lol. For the record, I do think the wood and flower is a great addition, but do ride ops have permission to simply change theming without getting approval? But I think we already know that answer - just listen to all the ride op spiels referencing wrong rides and wrong parks, etc. lol.
  14. I am not questioning about the wood being there, that I have seen as well as many others. I think when people are speculating it is a clue for the next attraction and someone simply discounts it as "my ride op friend told me he put it there" and doesn't name the person, the who at that point does matter. How do we know it wasn't some 19 year old ride op taking credit for it that didn't do it? How do we know he wasn't asked to put it there by management as a clue? What if the poster said a ride op told him it was a clue? What if the poster simply made it up? At what point does the who matter? I have seen people be pressed for a named source for far less statements... I thought I remember seeing a "litmus test" of sorts that someone posted once that said if naming the source could get the person fired, then it is best to not mention what they told you. Could the ride op get fired for being in a restricted area and taking wood pieces and creating this little homage to SOB and changing the theming aspect of the ride without permission? After all, this goes against darn near EVERYONE that wants to discount these clues by stating KI would never resurrect/celebrate a dark part of their history? What if I said my friend in management told me he intentionally placed it there as a clue - would I not be pressed for the name of the source? What if I said that my friend in corporate told me last year that our next coaster is a giga - would I not be pressed for the name of the source? What if I said it was my ride op friend that shoveled giga in the snow in the restricted area as a joke - would I not be pressed for a name? What if I said it was management as a clue? Would it matter then? Or is "my employee friend" the new version of the dipping dots guy? TLDR: I think the who matters when subject matter is part of current attraction speculation...
  15. Little do people know all the Son of Beast references are for Steel Vengeance https://articles-mlive-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/articles.mlive.com/travel/index.ssf/2018/08/tire_accident_causes_cedar_poi.amp?amp_js_v=a2&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCCAE%3D#referrer=https://www.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  16. If you get pictures, please remember to do so legally and do not trespass...and this goes to anyone trying to get a scoop lol...
  17. Oh I know why you haven't said a name lol, I am just pointing out the inconsistency on the forum that we have active threads right now where people are asking for the name/source and nobody is questioning you lol. But it has been days since you first posted it was your friend and nobody has said that is against TOS lol
  18. How is nobody not questioning fyecoasters for a name of his source regarding said wood at Banshee? If a big coaster is the next KI coaster it is because it was already planned prior to recent data. I do agree with CoastersRZ about coasters in the near future... Issues with Steel Vengeance aside for a moment, but that coaster did not move the needle like CF had hoped. Reading between the lines in CF statements and conference calls, Mystic Timbers moved the attendance needle more than the record breaking Steel Vengeance did...that will have an impact on future improvements not already on the books...
  19. I believe jtro223 is referring to the extreme brightness of the LED - it is obvious the police lights are there to signify to be cautious and to SLOW DOWN...but to many people the LED lights are piercing to the eyes and causes temporary "blindness" or spots limiting vision at what should be a situation where full eyesight and concentration is needed. Here is one of many articles discussing such phenomena: http://www.poconorecord.com/article/20131231/News/312310319 Many think you are overreacting, but to each their own...If you truly believe it is an issue, take it up with the officials in that jurisdiction...and you will learn more about right of ways and traffic laws and billboards and such as you progress through your degree, especially if you take the transportation route of civil engineering...you may end up answering your own question!
  20. The search feature is your friend...basically the same fate as at Wonderland...between Riverbend at Coney and other nearby city venues, Timberwolf has seen better days...
  21. Yeah I can come up with an acronym why matching those letters... And maintenance is currently on the lift hill...
  22. Well the signs above you when you enter the park said The Beast is closed as of 7:42pm...
  23. For those into running, there is an app called Zombies Run and you are virtual runner number 5 and that phrase is used quite a bit in it... other CF parks have an attraction with zombies in its name....
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