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DonHelbig last won the day on February 28

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    Fairfield, Ohio
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    Theme parks, sports, Buc-ee’s.

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KIC Expert (5/13)



  1. Yes, Kings Island used to send out advisories to the media and provided statements when asked about new policies. https://www.wlwt.com/article/kings-island-enacts-new-ride-policy-for-disabled-guests/3532362 Here's a statement that was provided to the media in 2013 when asked about a policy change: In an effort to provide all of our guests with equal opportunity and access, Kings Island offers a uniform boarding pass with an anticipated wait time for riders with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) and mobility impairments. We are proud of our reputation for accommodating guests with all types of disabilities through our Ride Admissions Policy. As referenced in our Guest Assistance Guide, we offer a Boarding Pass to allow our guests with ASD and mobility impairments use of an alternate access to board our attractions with up to three companions. The boarding pass will allow a guest to receive a boarding time at attractions, which is equal to the anticipated wait time of a particular ride. By using a Boarding Pass, guests with ASD and mobility impairments are able to enjoy our attractions without having to wait in line.
  2. You'll enjoy your first Coasterstock. Historically it rains during the event but that just adds to the fun.
  3. If you want to think it is MORE successful, go ahead. I can tell you there are people at Kings Island that aren't looking at this sell out in seven hours as more of a success.
  4. It annually sold out three months ahead of time in minutes before this year, which took seven hours. They didn't create the level of demand as in previous years. They didn't have three times the capacity ready to purchase tickets when they went on sale at 10 a.m. That's the difference between this year and previous years. It is always exciting to see old friends and make new ones at Coasterstock. That's what the event was built around, what made it the success it has been.
  5. Going from less than eight minutes to more than seven hours to sell out would be hard to claim as a success. But there is no doubt that someone will.
  6. I'm a member of ACE and GOCC. I will be joining Coaster Crew and the Western NY Coaster Club soon. While not an official coaster club, being a part of KIC is similar to being in one of the clubs because of the people involved and the camaraderie amongst members.
  7. Joining a coaster club just so you can attend a media event, or a coaster event is the wrong reason to join a coaster club.
  8. While not ideal to go head-to-head with another event, that's not why Coasterstock didn't sell out in minutes like it had in previous years. If the park wants to reach out to me, I can share with them for a nominal fee, of course, tips on how to sell out a roller coaster event in 15 minutes or less!
  9. It will be essential they get news media outlets throughout the region to do a standalone story on this now, and they follow up talking about it as part of the opening day stories. Otherwise, as you mention, guest services is going to have a very hard time.
  10. He listeners to every episode of Tower Topics. He visits my blog. He has my email.
  11. Six Flags regional PR representative Chad Showalter deliberately left me off the list for the distribution of the Coasterstock news release. No surprise there. Despite his ongoing pettiness, I continue to produce some of the best content about the park across my owned and shared channels. Here's a link to the piece I wrote on Coasterstock 2025 at Kings Island. https://themeparksbydon.com/coasterstock-returns-to-kings-island-in-may-with-exclusive-rides-special-guests-and-surprises/
  12. I will not be enjoying Coasterstock this year. I'll be at Holiday World for HoliWood Nights.
  13. Bringing back a hot air ballon for the 50th anniversary was not seriously considered.
  14. I did work at Cedar Point for parts of three months in 2013 to help with the planning and opening for GateKeeper. Cedar Fair set me up with a place to live across the road from Blue Streak. I was requested to go there to help with PR by Phil Bender, who was one of the top executives for Cedar Fair at the time. GateKeeper was going to be the first major new ride to open in the Matt Ouimet era, and Phil and Richard Zimmerman wanted me to go in and do what I had successfully done managing the PR for the opening of Diamondback and Intimidator at Carowinds (I was sent there as the interim PR manager for the opening), and for the announcement of Gold Striker at California's Great America in 2012 (I was sent there as the interim PR manager for the announcement). While doing PR for Cedar Point, I was also still doing the PR for Kings Island. The Reds Hall of Fame Grille opened that year. We had news media from Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington, Columbus attend the media event. It was no different than opening a new ride. I was able to promote both parks and what was new with my outreach to the media in those markets. I was asked a few days before GateKeeper media day if I'd have interest in the director of communications position Cedar Point had open. I chose not to throw my name in the ring for consideration. Weeks later they ended up hiring Tony Clark. I didn't do PR for fame. I did it because I enjoyed getting the park's stories told.
  15. It's like the Mystery t-shirts. Nobody knows if you got a last ride.
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