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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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  On 7/9/2019 at 5:13 PM, MonteCristo said:

As I'm in line for MT, myself and my 2 kids were going to be the first group seated for the next train:

Line Separator - " How many in your party"

Me: - "there are 3 of us"

LS (To everyone behind me yelling) - Ok everyone, I need 1 more. Any single riders?!?  Anyone riding alone today, I need 1 single rider please to the front of the line!?!?

Guy behind me:  We've got 3 in my group!

Me: (Loses the little bit of faith I had left in humanity)- ………...



o.O and why is that?

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The gentleman that said that was thinking that since he had an odd number of people they were going to be let through in front of the current group of 3 in front of him, even though the Line separator was just asking for 1 in order to fill the train.  

I do not think after reading my post again, I had made it very clear that the man saying it, was thinking that having  3 was going to help him and his group get whatever the separator was giving, and was not, in fact, simply answering to let the separator know that they should be disincluded for being a group of 3. 

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Because, especially when it is the first people on a new train, two groups of three can be placed together, time and effort doesn’t need to be wasted finding a single rider. 

And crap like that is how micromanaging separators manage to send out half-full trains often enough to completely obliterate any of the perceived benefit of “full trains,” at the expense of anyone getting to sit where they want. Guests enjoying themselves and getting through the line in a reasonably quick manner should be the goal of the separator position. When they are told or get it in their own heads that their job is “full trains” things usually fall apart. 

Edit: I see there apparently was room on the /prior/ train for a single, so it wasn’t completely wasted effort. But the above scenario is probably what the guest who said they had three meant, it wasn’t necessarily a stupid thing to say. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

BUMP! I was inspired to post something funny I overheard while in line for Drop Tower today...

Some older kid chickened out on Drop Tower and as he got out of line, he said something to the effect of "I'm not tryna die" (meaning he thought he'd die on DT) :lol:

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After his restraint was checked on AE, the teen in front of me looked to the one next to him and said “wait, is this a ride?”

In the same group of teens, the spokesperson (only one who had ever been to KI before from what I could tell, but her awareness was pretty sketchy) went on to explain its just a gentle train ride through the woods, nothing to be afraid of: “I mean, it’s called the (sing-songy voice) Adventure Express!” 

She kept apologizing to the others through the whole ride, saying she didn’t know :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Was waiting in line for kings Mills Autos and guy behind us talking to his wife/ kids. Saying he has pics of being on this ride back in the 80's. Obviously not true haha


Another was the people behind u son AE who told their  kids the coaster was older then them combined and it was 100 years old haha

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Working in KillMart in 2016 or 2017, we had a line that was about 2 hours long. I was in the first room with the registers and the carts. Midway through the night there were a couple of girls standing outside the entrance, already looking frightened before even entering the attraction so I decided to tease them a bit by slowly walking closer and closer to the entrance. Upon entering the maze, as soon as they got their first look around in the front room, they both yell "WAIT THIS IS A HAUNTED HOUSE?!", and ran back out of the entrance. I never saw them again. Somehow they waited two hours in a line for a haunted attraction, hearing all of the screaming and various zombie noises, and the thought never crossed their minds.

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  • 1 month later...

Not park related but seems like the beat thread for it. 

Sitting in the lobby of the pediatrician’s off ice and the mom behind me while reading a book to her child is explaining that AD stands for “After Death”.  Was just cringing and took every thing I had to keep my mouth shut, but I did.  I feel much better now posting about it. :blink:

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  On 9/27/2019 at 2:59 PM, King Ding Dong said:

Not park related but seems like the beat thread for it. 

Sitting in the lobby of the pediatrician’s off ice and the mom behind me while reading a book to her child is explaining that AD stands for “After Death”.  Was just cringing and took every thing I had to keep my mouth shut, but I did.  I feel much better now posting about it. :blink:


Well then what does AD mean then? 

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  On 10/4/2019 at 2:40 PM, RedRacer76 said:

Well then what does AD mean then? 


It is latin. Anno Domini (the year of our lord)

In addition "After Death" makes no sense as the modern calendar starts the year Jesus was born not after his death.  Though of course there is academic argument over the exact date of his birth.

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  On 10/4/2019 at 4:14 PM, King Ding Dong said:

Should have told them it doesn't matter as it is down for the day.  Probably would have been right anyway.



  On 10/4/2019 at 4:22 PM, sixohdieselrage said:

Watch out. @Maverick44 wouldnt like you talking about Intamin that way. :P


Don't lie you'd like to have TTD at KI!

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  On 8/26/2019 at 3:34 PM, Maverick44 said:

Was waiting in line for kings Mills Autos and guy behind us talking to his wife/ kids. Saying he has pics of being on this ride back in the 80's. Obviously not true haha


Another was the people behind u son AE who told their  kids the coaster was older then them combined and it was 100 years old haha


He's thinking of the future - 2080s, instead of the past. I wonder what KMAA will look like in 2080... i doubt any of us will be around to ride it... ^_^

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