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Ark Encounter Contract Signed

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At the end of 2012, through God’s blessing, the Ark Encounter completed a matching gift challenge which exceeded its end-of-year donation goal of $3 million! The strong year-end giving will allow us to apply for all of the permits necessary to begin excavation and construction as the funding is provided (AiG is about halfway to its overall donation and boarding pass goal)!

The year-end donations also allow for our architects and engineers to continue to work on the necessary site and building plans for the Ark and other facilities.

Last week, we signed the formal contract with the Troyer Group. We hope to have all of our construction permits in hand by November of this year (2013).


The Troyer Group, located in Mishawaka, Indiana, is bringing its construction management skills to this project.

With the contract signed and permit process underway, activity will increase on the Ark Encounter site in anticipation of and in preparation for the long-awaited construction phase. Continue checking the Ark Encounter website for updates to see what is taking place and what is to come. Once bidding opportunities are available, we will be posting that information on the site as well.

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I like the idea, and I like how it could expand in the upcoming years after its official opening. I would like for AiG to put in a rollercoaster sometime in the future, that could bring in crowds.

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I think this sounds interesting! You don't see too many highly themed parks around here. I like how the park will expand in the years following it's opening. I hope that there's a market for something like this. It kind of reminds me of the Holy Land Experience down in Orlando. That seems to be doing fairly well so helpfully something like the Ark Encounter will draw crowds as well!

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  • 1 year later...

But, I thought they were asking for the tax benefits for the Ark Encounter, not AIG. I am a little confused. Are these two separate business entities?

Yes there are. Like the Creation Museum, the park will be run as its own separate entity, but will still be fully owned by Answers In Genesis. It's a bit confusing as far as the legal stuff goes, but that's why there are lawyers who are good at figuring that stuff out.

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  • 2 months later...

Is this the end of the line for the Ark Encounter?

Kentucky has withdrawn its offer of tax breaks for a religious-themed park that would feature a 500-foot-long wooden ark.

Tourism Secretary Bob Stewart says the planned project had evolved from a tourism attraction into an outreach for the Christian ministry that is building it. Stewart wrote in a letter Wednesday to the group's lawyer that "state tourism tax incentives cannot be used to fund religious indoctrination."


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Everyone can sue everyone else and it will just be a waste of money.

It is a violation of Federal EEOC laws to discriminate against hiring someone, based upon religion, or to even advertise in such a way.


It was dumb for whoever owns Ark whatever to even mention it, as they are already opening themselves up to litigation, which they will likely lose.

Based upon funding for the initial attraction, I think the project is screwed to begin with. It has been how many years since this was first announced, and they barely have half the money to build the first attraction? Doesn't sound like a viable long term business plan.

Now, if there is ever another mass flood & Steve Carell isn't to busy, we'll at least have part of it finished & only have to finish the other half!

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Anyone who doesn't believe in what the museum claims, especially those passionately in disagreement, I would assume wouldn't want to work there anyways.
Why hurt themselves? Unless some employee has some master agenda, that wouldn't even be achievable by themselves, it's not like their park would have a hard time telling the story that they want it to tell..

I certainly hope this park doesn't get finished, if I am to add my two cents.

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As far as hiring goes, with the type of business this is, a non-profit religious organization, they are permitted to hire whomever they choose and set the criteria for employment. It doesn't violate any federal law. It only keeps them from receiving the aforementioned tax breaks.

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And this organization tried to set up a related concern to avoid being required to comply with non-discriminatory hiring as to religion AND still collect the tax incentives.

Doesn't their Holy Bible emphasize rendering unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, morality, honesty, The Golden Rule, etc.? Or is it a cafeteria religion--choose your own ethics?

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That's what I'm saying. They can't expect the tax incentives if they are going to choose to run the Ark Park in the same way as Answers in Genesis in regards to hiring practices. I also think that they are wasting their time with a lawsuit. If they want to do the hiring in the same fashion as AIG, then they are going to have to rely on private funding. I'm sure that they will achieve their goal.

I also do not see where this has taken an extremely long time to raise the capital for the Ark Park. When you rely on private donations, it is definitely going to take considerably longer to achieve financial goals. I can say this from experience.

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I imagine that from their perspective, a lawsuit would be largely a marketing/fundraising tool. Use it to get the word out about their plans to a larger market, cry that their message is being silenced by the government because they are Christians, and the money will come in from a select/vocal community.

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