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Kings Island and Cedar Point opening Mid-May


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  On 3/22/2020 at 8:01 PM, Benjamin22 said:

Being unemployed and collecting unemployment sounds better then working a $9 an hour job and getting sick and have to go to the hospital and get stuck with a $20,000 bill.


Tell me how unemployment works for a 2 week stay at home period. Let me know how well it works for you and how soon it starts.

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  On 3/22/2020 at 7:51 PM, Benjamin22 said:

People being crammed inside a fast food restaurants kitchen also isn’t good social distancing . 


With reduced staff to operate a drive thru or delivery/carryout operations only, there is enough room to maintain the requirements set forth in the order.

Now whether all restaurants comply is another issue...

One of my neighbors works at Pizza Hut and they have two inside employees - one person making all the food in the back and one up front to address the carry-out and delivery people that remain outside...

Another neighbor works at Wendy's and they have 3 employees - one employee working on the opposite side of the double-sided griddle as the other side would be too close to the fries person and then the drive thru person.

A lot of companies have gone to sealing of take out bags and other measures to try to minimize contamination packaging.  The CDC recommendation is to take it home and remove all food from its packaging onto plates at home to minimize this risk..

Yeah many are requesting no cash payments and use apps to pay for to further minimize contact.

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  On 3/22/2020 at 8:02 PM, spooky21 said:

Tell me how unemployment works for a 2 week stay at home period. Let me know how well it works for you and how soon it starts.


I haven’t looked into how Ohio’s new unemployment works but it seems to cover those who have been laid off due to coronavirus. As some politicians have suggested Universal Basic income would help greatly for those who have lost their jobs.

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For those concerned with contaminated surfaces on take-out food, a good strategy is to transfer your food to clean dishes, put those dishes in the oven, throw the original packaging away, and wash your hands.

Grocery stores, restaurants and other essential businesses are directed to maintain 6' distances, use good hand-washing and sanitation practices, screen employees' temperatures before they come to work, etc.


  On 3/22/2020 at 8:02 PM, spooky21 said:

Tell me how unemployment works for a 2 week stay at home period. Let me know how well it works for you and how soon it starts.


Ohio has simplified the process of applying for unemployment and eliminated the usual waiting period. Those whose jobs have been eliminated/suspended and who qualify should apply ASAP.

Those who continue working essential jobs are literal heroes.

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  On 3/22/2020 at 8:04 PM, Benjamin22 said:

I haven’t looked into how Ohio’s new unemployment works but it seems to cover those who have been laid off due to coronavirus. As some politicians have suggested Universal Basic income would help greatly for those who have lost their jobs.


Ohio temporarily eliminated the sit out one week waiting period and removed a lot of other requirements such as proving you are looking for a new job (that will probably soon be put back in due to the Kroger's and Amazon's of the world making a request for additional employees directly to the Governor...)

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  On 3/22/2020 at 8:06 PM, King Ding Dong said:

Going through that order and essential business still covers a ton of people.  


Basically, if an employer can comply with all the requirements, you can remain open...now obviously some businesses are easier sectors to comply with than others...and some would be impossible to comply with so they have to close...

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I only filed for unemployment once and that was 30 years ago.  I seem to recall something about needing to be employed full time for at least two full quarters to quality.  Those could have been state regulations and certainly changed by now.  

Does anyone know the current OH requirements to qualify?

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  On 3/22/2020 at 8:13 PM, King Ding Dong said:

I only filed for unemployment once and that was 30 years ago.  I seem to recall something about needing to be employed full time for at least two full quarters to quality.  Those could have been state regulations and certainly changed by now.  

Does anyone know the current OH requirements to qualify?


Current requirements page: http://jfs.ohio.gov/ouio/CoronavirusAndUI.stm

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  On 3/21/2020 at 11:46 PM, silver2005 said:

^I have a friend who's an anti-vaxer and its kinda scary how seriously she takes that position.  


Update on anti-vaxer friend- she is now seriously asking someone infect her own family with COVID-19 so they develop a natural immunity as opposed to a vaccinated immunity. 

My head hurts. 

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Here is a newly created website that simulates the impact of various control measures on the pandemic: https://covidactnow.org/


According to Secretary of the Treasury Mnuchin, lockdown measures are likely to last 10 to 12 weeks. That would put us in early to mid June.

If antiviral drugs are successful in the coming weeks and months, it's possible we could be looking at a slightly better situation. Current simulations and measures are on the assumption that no pharmaceutical intervention is available.


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  On 3/23/2020 at 1:03 AM, CorkscrewMcPuke said:

I hope she understands that is literally what vaccines do, but safely.


I don’t follow the issue closely but I believe their concern is the other compounds in the vaccine used to stabilize/transport it.  Admittedly they are not desirable, but it is believed they are at safe levels.  

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  On 3/22/2020 at 11:52 PM, silver2005 said:
Update on anti-vaxer friend- she is now seriously asking someone infect her own family with COVID-19 so they develop a natural immunity as opposed to a vaccinated immunity. 

My head hurts. 

At work today, several doctors were giving their opinion. For the healthy, as the virus spreads, it will be unnoticed or mild. Like with the vaccines for other things, this builds herd immunity. It's the outliers that are the most at risk. So while the isolation slows down the spike, it increases the time that herd immunity takes to build. But it helps to save the vulnerable.


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  On 3/23/2020 at 1:17 AM, malem said:

Here is a newly created website that simulates the impact of various control measures on the pandemic: https://covidactnow.org/

According to Secretary of the Treasury Mnuchin, lockdown measures are likely to last 10 to 12 weeks. That would put us in early to mid June.

If antiviral drugs are successful in the coming weeks and months, it's possible we could be looking at a slightly better situation. Current simulations and measures are on the assumption that no pharmaceutical intervention is available.



Anyone still think KI and CP will be opening mid-May???

Let's just assume the government gives the "all-clear" which allows a mid-May opening and then we get a second wave like China is starting to see - we will then go thru this cycle again, shutting the park down after only a few weeks of being open or not at all and then repeat this cycle for another two-three months...now we are into August or later...

Let's all hope people do their part and some of these promising medicines have an impact sooner rather than later...

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  On 3/22/2020 at 7:47 PM, Benjamin22 said:

Guess I misread about other states closing restaurants. I still disagree with the decision.


Possible sign to come.... McDonald's is closing their UK and Ireland locations...



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^^ The main reason was to let staff clean and stock the store without encountering (possibly infected) customers.

I made a couple 1-2am Meijer visits while panic buying was setting in, before they started closing overnight. It was reasonably busy even then.

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  On 3/23/2020 at 4:56 AM, malem said:

^^ The main reason was to let staff clean and stock the store without encountering (possibly infected) customers.

I made a couple 1-2am Meijer visits while panic buying was setting in, before they started closing overnight. It was reasonably busy even then.


It got even worse the week or so Meijer stayed open while Kroger and Walmart closed.

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  On 3/23/2020 at 4:56 AM, malem said:

^^ The main reason was to let staff clean and stock the store without encountering (possibly infected) customers.

I made a couple 1-2am Meijer visits while panic buying was setting in, before they started closing overnight. It was reasonably busy even then.


I can see the logic in cutting hours but it hurt the opportunity for some to shop for essentials because everyone is going first thing in the mornings while others are still working. I've been 6:54am-5:24pm for 19 days straight so far. :wacko:

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  On 3/23/2020 at 10:55 AM, PatchesC said:

I can see the logic in cutting hours but it hurt the opportunity for some to shop for essentials because everyone is going first thing in the mornings while others are still working. I've been 6:54am-5:24pm for 19 days straight so far. :wacko:


Only thing that is changing is the customers who stand around at night waiting on our trucks to show up and for us to roll out the carts. They ask us what time the trucks arrive so they can be there in the middle of the night in our way. Which makes it hard to stock. Every other customer asking where things are or do we have any of x item left. Lots of case buying at night and some people take full cases right off the cart before we can stock it. Others take cases right off the shelf after we stock it. Others open boxes on the cart we are trying to stock. Others demand we dig something off the bottom of a cart for them and get angry when we don't. Sometimes they start unstacking cases from our cart and making a mess in the process. Others decide they no longer want that full case they took and just sit it back on the self where ever they feel like it. In the wrong spot. Sometimes in the wrong aisle. There is no "social distancing" either when its like that. If I'm gonna catch covid-19 then there is nothing I can do. I've been too close to too many people already. So if you shop 6pm-10pm nothing is changing. The shelves still gonna be just as blown as it has been for 10 plus days. Only change is people cant shop middle of the night to get a head start on everybody else and buy it all up before morning comes.

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They need to limit customers who can shop in the store. Or make it so that you have to order online and do curbside pickup. An Aldi employee in Cleveland tested positive. That right there tells you something needs to be done to limit people in stores. 

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The grocery stores were just not designed for this, just like the airports weren’t for the increased security after 9/11. Self checkout is better but there is no way to stay 6’ from the cashier in a regular checkout line.  

Curbside pickup is great but people still insist on squeezing each avocado.  

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