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faeriewench last won the day on January 15

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  1. Glad you was able to stomach the smell of the casino to get to Adventuredome.... Canyon Blaster is a neat little gem in itself.
  2. It used to be I-Street LaRosa's when there was more trees. Our more recent visits had to be Festhaus simply cause its indoors, bonus was my daughter meeting the legendary Theresa.
  3. If I gotta go I'll chose whatever most convenient. I will say though KI does have its more "peaceful" restrooms whereas my family are SeaWorld regulars so kids are everywhere...its like kids area restrooms park wide. Honestly I think a more constructive restroom thread would be asking former Park Services employees their favorite restrooms to work cause that would be a thing. Having done that several years I have stories from kinda cool (attendees to pride night cleaning bathroom mirrors) to absolutely bizarre (another discussion for another time in case people are in process of eating while browsing KIC Forums)!
  4. this must be a satire question... Personally a restroom is a restroom.
  5. Our bucket list is Cedar Point, and Kings Island in August. I grew up with CP, spent quite a few summers working at KI and I just want my daughter to grow up familiar with them too, lol. (plus my parents are in Ohio)
  6. Hope you're doing alright...it has been so long.

  7. KI started teasing for Diamondback early-ish. I don't remember any of the teasers for Banshee (or if there was any at all). When Diamondback was announced the entire world was not yet on Facebook, most didn't have a smartphone yet, so the "season pass" groups didn't exist yet. Maybe if the fun wasn't already spoiled they would have begun some sort of teasing? The teasers for Dback went on nearly all summer from what I remember. I just remember Marketing having a "field day" with those Mustang Sally teases.
  8. I think only those who were actually alive at the time can really comment on that one. XD
  9. Actually, OC Register calls it new, whereas Knotts themselves don't. I like how Bigfoot will finally tie into Calico better, without dropping the Bigfoot theme entirely. (Even getting a new Bigfoot animatronic to replace the old one that got spooked and ran away way back when). I kind of hope they bring back the waterfalls too. https://www.ocregister.com/2018/11/13/knotts-berry-farm-announces-new-water-raft-ride-calico-river-rapids/
  10. I can't think of any. For KI, I guess the original Bat. I survived Sonny, Firehawk, King Cobra, and Ghoster Coaster. I be lying if I said I found any of those real enjoyable. Now a defunct coaster I do not regret having ridden? That's easy! Disaster Transport. I'd marathon that with Iron Dragon even. for Knott's? Uh..I dunno. I guess Corkscrew. Boomerang was garbage. Hangtime is good, but not good enough to blow kisses at it like some coaster enthusiasts do.
  11. Maybe not look taller, but personally felt like it looked better, lol.
  12. I've done close to similar to this myself with KI and Knott's when I was living in Ohio. Being at KI until close at Haunt (which was near 2am I didnt leave the park), and catching a flight to begin fall vaca in Cali, and was at Knott's at opening. Now it is just Knott's and Siegfried & Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat (4 hr drive between), or Knott's and SeaWorld (1 hr and half drive). lol
  13. You were allowed to vote for the same choice once a day for this poll. So for the most part, it was flawed. *shrug* I learned first hand on a poll that featured Bar (er Dark) Harbor at Queen Mary, haha! (There were a couple different polls in this, DH shared theirs with Land of Illusion, while KI was listed with Knott's and Uni) faeriewench, to be found at KSF tomorrow.
  14. From experience while working there... The water park especially. Similar experience at The Beach too. I have no idea if they changed it or not (hope they did), I was apart of all female crew for restrooms, which means I had to clean both men and womens. Aside from the obvious issues of men, I still found womens worse.
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